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Another Castle 12-17-2009 04:21 AM

Happy birthday Koosie!
Happy Birthday to Koosie!
You share a birthday with Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao, and athlete Paula Radcliffe

And to celebrate:

Cassini90125 12-17-2009 09:19 AM

A big "Happy Birthday!" you you, dude! Hope it's a great one! ;D :balloons: :present: :cake: :birthday: :bloogrin:

taranchula 12-17-2009 10:40 AM

In the immortal words of the great philosopher...

Frosty The Snowman:

Happy Birthday!

Sparky 12-17-2009 11:35 AM

Yaaay happy birthday!!

koosie 12-17-2009 02:51 PM

Aw! :) Fank yoo!
I had a nice day, the sun came out for a bit and as it set, the first snow shower of the year fell on the city, which was very beautiful. I bought myself a new pair of boots and a crazy-looking toy Sausage-Dog with my birthday monies.

Howard 12-17-2009 03:03 PM

Happy Birthday Koosie ol' buddy! I hope you did what you wanted for this festive occasion.:frankiesmile::balloons::birthday:

Imaginary Light 12-17-2009 03:24 PM

Happy birthday, Koosie!:balloons:

Lynnie 12-17-2009 05:10 PM

Hope you had an awesomeriffic birthday, Koos! By the sound of it, you did. And glad to hear it! :birthday: :wish: :balloons:

One Radical Dude 12-17-2009 05:46 PM

Hey, Koos. I hope you had a superb birthday!! :cake:

Mac-a-lacka 12-17-2009 09:19 PM

Happy Birthday, Koosie! :D :wish:

frankie_fan 12-21-2009 05:06 PM

Happy b'day!


Originally Posted by Another Castle (Post 118583)
You share a birthday with Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao, and athlete Paula Radcliffe

After seeing that, I had to try it on my birthday, and I'm quite scared to say that I share my birthday with Jigsaw! 8D

Partymember 02-05-2010 07:14 PM

hope i'm not too late?

a digital mixtape for your listening pleasure :slybendy:

scary_dream 02-08-2010 05:44 PM

I know I'm late, but happy birthday nonetheless! Hope it was great!

BluebottleFlyer 02-10-2010 01:35 PM

So sorry I missed your birthday, Koosie. I hope you enjoyed it all the same.

xxxClaire 02-18-2010 06:32 PM

Happy belated birthdaaayyy!!
Sorry I'm late...

:birthday: :wish:

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