Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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Imaginary Ninja 06-17-2009 09:46 AM

Hi Everyone~!
I'm new here. Of course, lol. :jk: Thanks for having me.

It's weird, I've been working on a Foster's fan comic. The inspiration came suddenly to me a few weeks ago, and yet the show has ended and I'm late to the forum party. Oh, well, thems the breaks, I suppose. 8-)

I look forward to chatting about Foster's. Tata!

Cassini90125 06-17-2009 09:52 AM

It's never too late to join and talk about Foster's. Never, I say! ;D

Welcome to Never Forgotten! :frankiesmile:

taranchula 06-17-2009 09:56 AM

Indeed, we can still watch the show and still find new things to discuss, that's how much of an impact it has.

Anyways, welcome aboard.

Imaginary Light 06-17-2009 10:06 AM

Welcome to NF! Never too late to join in.:P

Imaginary Ninja 06-17-2009 10:18 AM

To tell you the truth, I had been away from Foster's for a long time. I loved it in the beginning, but life being what it is, I had stopped watching regularly.

I've been making my way through the final season, and Destination Imagination, and I have to say, wow! It's just a darn shame that the show has to end. It felt like they were really hitting their stride, you know? Well, that's a topic for another section here, but I guess my point is, I am both an old, and a new, fan.

Thank for the welcome, everyone! :bloogrin:

Sparky 06-17-2009 02:47 PM

Welcome! :terrsmile:

Lynnie 06-17-2009 03:29 PM

Hello Ninja, welcome! Ditto on what most everyone else said, it's never too late to join. The more the merrier! :)

jekylljuice 06-17-2009 03:32 PM

Heya, Imaginary Ninja. Thanks for finding your way to us. Enjoy your stay. :smed:

Mac-a-lacka 06-17-2009 05:41 PM

:herriman: Welcome to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. :frankiesmile:

Bloo4Ever 06-18-2009 12:26 AM

Awesome screen name 8D

It's great to have another member who we can enjoy Foster's with :D

Everyone here is very easy to get along with, hope you enjoy yourself! :)

Major Abbey 06-26-2009 07:34 AM

Nice to meet you! :smile:

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