Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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Chaos Wielder 12-01-2008 08:47 PM

Well, I'm not exactly NEW, but I might as well be now. Heh... *nervous grin*
Yeah, I know I've been gone for, like, EVER, but after watching "Destination Imagination" during Thanksgiving made me realize how much I actually missed Foster's AND this forum. So...

Anyway, I don't blame any of you if you don't remember me that well. I stopped posting for a long time, so it's understandable. But for those of you who do, I truly am glad to be back. It's been so long and I really want to post more now if I can find the time. College can keep me pretty busy at times (and I haven't been posting much on ANY forums, really). I feel kinda bad for staying gone for so long...

For you new members (or for the members I never got to know beforehand) it's nice to meet you! :D

Cassini90125 12-01-2008 08:53 PM

Don't worry about it; you're not the first member that college kept busy. ;)

Welcome back. :)

Chaos Wielder 12-01-2008 08:57 PM

Thanks. :) I really am glad to be back, though. I've been gone for WAY too long. :P

Sparky 12-01-2008 09:02 PM

Lol welcome back, I didn't forget you. ;)

Well. I didn't forget your username. :slybendy:

Mac-a-lacka 12-01-2008 09:06 PM

:herriman: "Welcome back to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" :bloogrin:

I'm among those whom you haven't met yet. I think. :-[ 8D

I'm Mac-a-lacka! (Shakes hand) :)

Chaos Wielder 12-01-2008 09:09 PM

Thanks again everyone. I almost feel like I died and then came back to life! LOL! XD

jekylljuice 12-02-2008 01:42 AM

Welcome home! No worries, I do remember you. It's good to have you back again. :D

Imaginary Light 12-02-2008 06:41 AM

Hey, I remember you! Welcome back!:)

Chaos Wielder 12-02-2008 03:36 PM

Thanks again. I'm sort of surprised, but I'm glad to be back. XD

Lynnie 12-02-2008 06:07 PM

Hey, I remember you. Or at least your posts. :bloosmirk: Welcome back!

Carlaz 12-02-2008 07:25 PM

Welcome back! You definitely have a most memorable user name. 8D

Chaos Wielder 12-02-2008 07:29 PM

XD I'm sure I do. It's a long story how I got it, though. If anyone ever wants to hear it feel free to lend an ear (or a...keyboard? XD) for about ten minutes. :P

Carlaz 12-02-2008 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Chaos Wielder (Post 100701)
XD I'm sure I do. It's a long story how I got it, though. If anyone ever wants to hear it feel free to lend an ear (or a...keyboard? XD) for about ten minutes. :P

Fire away! We're all ears, I mean eyes, since this is a forum.

Cassini90125 12-02-2008 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Chaos Wielder (Post 100701)
XD I'm sure I do. It's a long story how I got it, though. If anyone ever wants to hear it feel free to lend an ear (or a...keyboard? XD) for about ten minutes. :P


Originally Posted by Carlaz (Post 100703)
Fire away! We're all ears, I mean eyes, since this is a forum.

By all means, go for it. ;D

taranchula 12-02-2008 07:42 PM

Welcome back to the forums.

Chaos Wielder 12-02-2008 07:43 PM

You're serious?! 8D Ok, then! (Oh man...I think I'm going to go into TF:A Blurr mode here! LOL!)

Well, the whole thing started almost four years ago when I joined Insomniac Games forums (they're the makers of Spyro the Dragon, Ratchet and Clank and Resistance: Fall of Man in case anyone was wondering). My username on that board was R.Y.N.O.-wielding girl, and a R.Y.N.O. is actually a great and almighty-powerful weapon that debuted in the first Ratchet and Clank game. It's been carried out through most of the series and is one kick-butt weapon. But anyway, I also got Chaos Wielder from that...because to me, the R.Y.N.O. was a weapon of utter chaos (you HAVE to see how it works to understand, especially in the first game. When fired, the missiles go in so many spiraling directions it's hilarious!). So yep, it's a chaotic weapon held in the player's hands. XD So yeah, this name is actually a username that I came up with from ANOTHER username. Crazy, I know.

Now that I think about it, this post actually wasn't as long as I thought it would be. Although it's probably the most ridiculous one I've ever made! ::) 8D

So yep, that's how I got my name. (Don't know if it was ok to do that here, but I promise I'll stop now. Ok, shutting up. :D)

Edit: By the way, here's a wiki about the R.Y.N.O.:

Carlaz 12-03-2008 10:35 AM

Thanks for sharing the story of your user name with us.

I work at a public school & I can think of several kids who could be given the name "chaos wielder" since this is what they seem to do where-ever they go. ::)

Chaos Wielder 12-03-2008 11:31 AM

No problem. It was actually kinda fun! :P

Well, I wouldn't know about that since I've never worked in a school, but my mother works at our local middle school. She actually doesn't mind the kids, but she can't stand some of her co-workers.

One Radical Dude 12-04-2008 09:57 PM

It's good to have you back with us, Chaos. :)

Chaos Wielder 12-05-2008 11:55 PM

Thanks again! ;) I should REALLY be getting to sleep now, though...I'm a bit out of it, so sorry if I mistype anything! XD

xxxClaire 12-09-2008 03:21 PM

Welcome back!! :D

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