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Ridureyu 11-28-2008 08:09 PM

The Merry Christmas Thread
(Or any other inclusive holidays, but they can probably get their own threads, too. I can also guess that the vast majority of people here celebrate this one).

Oh, and...

One Radical Dude 11-28-2008 08:11 PM

Oh, noez....he's watching me!! I is been bad this year! :-[

Ridureyu 11-28-2008 08:26 PM

To go with my Hogfather-themed Avatar:

"we might be as poor as a disabled banana, and only can afford to eat mud and boots, but see how much better off we are than the poor little match girl?"

taranchula 11-28-2008 08:38 PM

This year to celebrate the holidays I am going to try and watch one Christmas movie/special per day leading up to the big day.

Sparky 11-28-2008 08:55 PM

I may take a trip out to storage tomorrow to drop off the Thanksgiving decor and pick up the Christmas stuff. Then put up the mini-tree and lights. I've already watched 2 Christmas movies today, and drank a peppermint mocha. ;)

The first thing I did today when we got home after going out was change my avatar and switch to the Christmas skin, lol...

bloonuggets 11-29-2008 11:33 PM

And let's not forget Hanukkah or that made by The OC holiday, Chrismukkah and Kwanzza as well.

One Radical Dude 11-30-2008 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by bloonuggets (Post 100371)
And let's not forget Hanukkah or that made by The OC holiday, Chrismukkah and Kwanzza as well.

Did you read Rid's post?

If not, here's what he said.


(Or any other inclusive holidays, but they can probably get their own threads, too. I can also guess that the vast majority of people here celebrate this one).

Bloonan 11-30-2008 12:57 PM

Ah, yes, Christmas. This year looks like a good one to me. All I know so far is I'm really gonna enjoy getting that week off from school. 8D

Also, ORD, did you have that same avatar last year? It strikes me as familiar, but I don't know for sure.

Lynnie 11-30-2008 03:49 PM

Ooh, I love "O Holy Night". My favorite Christmas carol, I sing it to myself all the time. :) I knew it had three verses, but I don't hear the third one enough to have learned it by heart. Maybe this will be the year I do!

I haven't watched any Christmas specials on TV yet, and I plan to decorate sometime in the next two weeks. I'm starting to enjoy Christmas music though. I'll probably change my avatar to something seasonal and add some Christmas spice to my other pages on the web pretty soon, too. :snowman:

One Radical Dude 11-30-2008 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Bloonan (Post 100404)
Ah, yes, Christmas. This year looks like a good one to me. All I know so far is I'm really gonna enjoy getting that week off from school. 8D

Also, ORD, did you have that same avatar last year? It strikes me as familiar, but I don't know for sure.

I did have it last year, that's correct. :)

Mac-a-lacka 11-30-2008 07:23 PM

We decorated today with lights hanging on the outside of the house, put up the tree with a Christmas themed train going around it. :)

And I changed my blurb. :bloobleh:

Chaos Wielder 12-03-2008 11:24 AM

My dad and I decorated our tree during the weekend. Sad thing is that we haven't even put the angel on the top yet. :-/

Ridureyu 12-07-2008 04:54 PM

My church is currently renting space from another one. Recently, the actual owners of the building decorated for Christmas. It's mostly the usual - random lights, mistletoe hanging from all the light fixtures, a nativity set crowded against gigantic candy canes, etc. However, in one corner of the stage, there is the most grisly, morbid Christmas tree that I have ever seen. It is covered in angels. To put this in perspective, remember that scene from 300 with the dead townspeople nailed to a tree? It looks like that, and more than one person has made the comparison. Here are some pictures:

And yes, the tree topper does look like an odd kind of fungus.

fosters home fan 12-07-2008 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 101262)
My church is currently renting space from another one. Recently, the actual owners of the building decorated for Christmas. It's mostly the usual - random lights, mistletoe hanging from all the light fixtures, a nativity set crowded against gigantic candy canes, etc. However, in one corner of the stage, there is the most grisly, morbid Christmas tree that I have ever seen. It is covered in angels. To put this in perspective, remember that scene from 300 with the dead townspeople nailed to a tree? It looks like that, and more than one person has made the comparison. Here are some pictures:

And yes, the tree topper does look like an odd kind of fungus.

What were they thinking?! :wiltshock: Eh, guess it was someone trying to be "creative", I guess.

CrazyPhil 12-07-2008 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 101262)
My church is currently renting space from another one. Recently, the actual owners of the building decorated for Christmas. It's mostly the usual - random lights, mistletoe hanging from all the light fixtures, a nativity set crowded against gigantic candy canes, etc. However, in one corner of the stage, there is the most grisly, morbid Christmas tree that I have ever seen. It is covered in angels. To put this in perspective, remember that scene from 300 with the dead townspeople nailed to a tree? It looks like that, and more than one person has made the comparison. Here are some pictures:

And yes, the tree topper does look like an odd kind of fungus.

Well, um, I can definitely see the resemblance.8D But really that's way overdone. Is there even any tree left?

Well, for me we've pretty much done the usual. I helped my dad set up our outdoor lights after Thanksgiving like always and our artificial tree inside (though it's so old that pretty much all the lights on it are burnt out). But we haven't put the ornaments on yet. Just haven't found the time.

But I gotta tell ya, I had a hard time coming up with anything to ask for this year, but one thing that I definitely want is to actually have a white Christmas, because here we almost never get any real snow until January, and last year we didn't get any real snow at all! In addition to that all I asked for is a laptop computer and a windows XP OS for my main computer, because I hate Vista!

But some actual snow for Christmas would probably be the best present I can think of.:D

And I'm already out of school for five weeks, so I'm probably just gonna be wingin it, watching the Christmas specials, and listening to Trans-Siberian Orchestra, the best christmas music ever!:smed:

Lynnie 12-07-2008 08:27 PM

That tree's pretty, I like the color combinations, but I agree it's over done. It's like one of those "trees" where the entire thing is made up of ornaments or something, rather than an actual tree with ornaments on it. I've never cared much for those.

The tree at my church is bare and ever week acquires red stocking "ornaments", most of them stuffed with money for the needy. Kind of plain, but it looks rather nice once enough stockings are hung on it. :)

bloonuggets 12-08-2008 04:14 AM

After seeing just this picture, all I can say is "What were they thinking?!"

Mac-a-lacka 12-08-2008 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 101262)
My church is currently renting space from another one. Recently, the actual owners of the building decorated for Christmas. It's mostly the usual - random lights, mistletoe hanging from all the light fixtures, a nativity set crowded against gigantic candy canes, etc. However, in one corner of the stage, there is the most grisly, morbid Christmas tree that I have ever seen. It is covered in angels. To put this in perspective, remember that scene from 300 with the dead townspeople nailed to a tree? It looks like that, and more than one person has made the comparison. Here are some pictures:

And yes, the tree topper does look like an odd kind of fungus.

I wonder if they'd like a tree with those decorations. :bloocross:

One Radical Dude 12-08-2008 12:57 PM

Whoa.....that's overdone. :wiltshock: You really can't see a whole lot of the tree itself.

kageri 12-09-2008 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 101262)
My church is currently renting space from another one. Recently, the actual owners of the building decorated for Christmas. It's mostly the usual - random lights, mistletoe hanging from all the light fixtures, a nativity set crowded against gigantic candy canes, etc. However, in one corner of the stage, there is the most grisly, morbid Christmas tree that I have ever seen. It is covered in angels. To put this in perspective, remember that scene from 300 with the dead townspeople nailed to a tree? It looks like that, and more than one person has made the comparison. Here are some pictures:

And yes, the tree topper does look like an odd kind of fungus.

I think that's the tree Charlie Brown was supposed to get. You better treat it right. It's rare memorabilia.

The white angels look like mold if you squint. Gnarly.

scary_dream 12-10-2008 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 101262)
My church is currently renting space from another one. Recently, the actual owners of the building decorated for Christmas. It's mostly the usual - random lights, mistletoe hanging from all the light fixtures, a nativity set crowded against gigantic candy canes, etc. However, in one corner of the stage, there is the most grisly, morbid Christmas tree that I have ever seen. It is covered in angels. To put this in perspective, remember that scene from 300 with the dead townspeople nailed to a tree? It looks like that, and more than one person has made the comparison. Here are some pictures:

And yes, the tree topper does look like an odd kind of fungus.

Oh wow... that is probably one of the ugliest trees I've seen in a while. The topper looks like the tree is exploding.

I've never been much of a Christmas fanatic, I just like seeing my family. However, what is Christmas without a tree? I bought a black Christmas tree and decorated it with tinsel that has purple bats on it. Props to mommy for making me spider ornaments, too, so I have a bunch of jewel-colored spiders on it. It sounds ridiculous, but it's actually quite pretty, just... unusual lol.

It looks short and dinky in the photo but it's 5 feet tall.

And a closeup of the ornaments:

Still not sure what I want as a topper though!

Lynnie 12-10-2008 05:47 PM

Hehe, yeah that is unusual. It'd make a great Halloween tree. There are Easter trees, why not Halloween trees? That would be pretty cool, actually. Maybe it will catch on. ;)

That's one fine Christmas tree though. The spider ornaments are really pretty. :)

Sparky 12-10-2008 06:11 PM

I have a Halloween tree, but I only put it out in October, lol.

Lynnie 12-10-2008 07:40 PM

Oh yeah, I do vaguely remember you mentioning that. It is a pretty cool idea. :)

I usually have my decorations up by now, but I've been stressed and taking advantage of any "off" time by just relaxing. Tomorrow though, as it's my day off, I hope to put my tree and some other decorations up. If I feel up to it, that is.

scary_dream 12-10-2008 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 101633)
That's one fine Christmas tree though. The spider ornaments are really pretty. :)

Thanks! My mom is the best :D

I guess the reason I put it up is because I dunno... most of the time people cover their tree with things they like and whatnot (I've even seen Harley Davidson Christmas trees!), and none of the usual Christmas decor items really appeal to me. It's not a religion thing, either, I just think most of them are kind of ugly lol, not to mention they look very out of place in my house. So I cover it in what my boyfriend and I enjoy and it looks Christmas-y to us. I just tried to not make it too gaudy because ANY seasons decorations can get tacky (Ridureyu proved that point for all of us 8D).

taranchula 12-11-2008 08:15 PM

Classic Christmas specials, Christmas themed episodes of old TV shows, vintage commercials...

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to holiday Nerdvana! :bloogrin:

Bloo2daMacs 12-12-2008 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 101712)

Classic Christmas specials, Christmas themed episodes of old TV shows, vintage commercials...

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to holiday Nerdvana! :bloogrin:

That's awesome! I wish it has a pause button though.

Ridureyu 12-15-2008 01:33 AM

"We come bearing gifts of Frankincense, Myrrh, and Peppermint Humbugs."

taranchula 12-16-2008 06:53 AM

Yesterday I picked up one of the coolest tree ornaments in the history of tree ornaments.

Why is it so cool? Well, this video shall explain.

Sparky 12-16-2008 10:49 AM

Ahaha, sweet. :D

My favorite ornament is still the one that looks surprisingly like Kiwi:

But I also have a cool Popeye, a Reese's package, a couple Starbucks cups, a Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee...we have a few cool ornaments. :) Plus an old one that's Marvin the Martian sitting at a computer and it has a hole in the back so you stick one of the tree's lights inside to light up the screen.

One Radical Dude 12-16-2008 12:44 PM

Great ornaments, gang. :)

I do have a Starbucks cup, which I'm guessing is one of those Sparky is referring to.


One of the last things I purchased at my store before it closed last Friday.

Sparky 12-16-2008 01:03 PM

Yeah I bought the set of two styles a few years back, right after Christmas so I got them like 50% off. :terrsmile:

Ridureyu 12-16-2008 01:55 PM

I put up and decorated the Christmas tree in ten minutes.

Lynnie 12-16-2008 10:04 PM

I haven't even put my tree up yet. I'm so ashamed! I should have put it up over a week ago! :'( But I've felt so "blah" and too tired and stressed to even think about pulling all those boxes from my closet and set them up. The thought of it feels more like a chore this year than something I do for fun. I've got my eyes set on Friday now. At least I'll be off the next day, and I'll have all evening to decorate. I can make a party out of it to give me more inspiration.

In other news, I'm going to the Nutcracker on Thursday. :D I'm greatly looking forward to it.

Lynnie 12-17-2008 11:14 PM

Pardon the double post, but I actually decorated my tree this evening. Yay! :D I finally managed to dig those boxes out, and then dig through the bags and packaging material to pull out my ornaments and lights. And I hung a lighted wreath on my door. Ooh, now for a holiday table cloth. And candles! And hmm, where shall I put my nativity scene? 'Scuse me for a moment.... :bloosmirk:

Ridureyu 12-18-2008 06:32 PM

I strung up the lights today! This, too, took very little time.

scary_dream 12-23-2008 12:36 AM

I'm sooo lazy hehe... I bought a pre-lit tree. I guess it was inevitable, though... I mean, the only black tree they had was a pre-lit one.

BluebottleFlyer 12-23-2008 09:38 AM

This will probably be the last time I can get online at all till New Year, so I just want to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year. Take care and stay safe.
I also want to thank all of the group who I went to Comic-Con with this summer, thanks for letting me tag along and making it such a brilliant experience. All the best to you.:)

Sparky 12-23-2008 10:16 AM

(Again) Have a great holiday. :terrsmile:

Subzeroace 12-24-2008 12:35 PM

Merry Christmas all =)

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