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AerostarMonk 06-18-2008 12:05 PM

Things That Made Your Day
Sometimes there are little things that get you through the day. Things that have just this special little something that makes all of life seem worthwhile. It happens to everyone and when it does they usually can't help but smile. Not just that time, but every time that little thing comes to mind. Well, I'd like to ask what kind of things have made your day either in the past or very recently. You never know your little thing might make someone else's day.

I guess I'll start first. I was on the bus yesterday and I saw a very pretty woman. She was quite striking and I felt compelled to tell her so. Unfortunately for me I'm usually quite shy, I also have a rather odd appearance, in my opinion, that makes even the smallest conversation awkward. But this day was different, before she exited the bus I made a point to stand up to her and say that I thought she looked rather attractive. To my surprise instead of getting a condescending look or a look that screamed, "Get away creep!" I got a sincere smile. She then spoke the words, "Thank you." It seems I made her day as well.

Well, that's me, what have you guys got to say?

Lynnie 06-18-2008 07:38 PM

What a nice thread! :)

I will always remember the day when I saw a guy who was wearing what I thought was an awesome tee shirt. I approached him and told him how much I liked his shirt and we started talking about it for a few minutes. Before he went on his way, he said "Hey, this is a bit small on me anyway. You want it?" And before I could stammer out the words "Oh... no no, there's no need for you to...!", this total stranger took his shirt off (he had an undershirt on underneath) and handed it to me. I told him he didn't have to do that, but he insisted I take it. So I did, quite embarrassed over the whole ordeal. But it made my day for sure. It was so sweet, and so cool, and I've loved that tee shirt ever since (it is an awesome shirt!) :D

Sparky 06-18-2008 07:49 PM

The other day I actually figured out how to run an sql database dump from a ssh command line, so I can back up our forum now that it's gotten too big to back up through the admin cp. That made my day, as I was sure I'd never be smart enough to figure it out...

taranchula 06-18-2008 08:53 PM

Today a co-worker gave me a ride home, so I didn't have to stand around waiting for the bus in the pouring rain. That was rather nice indeed.

Ridureyu 06-18-2008 08:57 PM

My mom taking time out to tell me that she never believed she'd have a son as kind and thoughtful as me.

I don't really consider myself to be kind and thoughtful, I kind of think that I can be a whiny, selfish ass at times, but that really did make my day. Week. Month. Year. I love my mom so much

fosters home fan 06-18-2008 09:28 PM

Two of our local warning sirens breaking down... yuh. That made my WEEK.

Also, my keyboard breaking. -__- -__-

Mac-a-lacka 06-18-2008 10:35 PM

The day I became an uncle. 3/14/08. :)

WiltsAKGirl17 06-19-2008 02:23 AM

~ Finally finishing a long, thought-out review of a fanfic. I felt very accomplished when I finished and submitted it without letting a "WTH were you thinking when you wrote this?!" comment slip out. (It was a low-caliber fic, and that's putting it mildly.)

~ Getting some more written on my Foster's fanfic series. Someone's been stuck in the middle of a monologue for about two weeks now, so moving forward through said monologue made me feel so much better.

~ Successfully closing SubWay tonight, especially since it was my first time doing it.

~ Getting a warm graduation card from my friend's family. It was a very nice card, and it gave me the warm fuzzies.

That's all I got for now. This is certainly a very happy thread; good idea, AerostarMonk! :)

Medikor 06-19-2008 02:49 PM

Seeing the trailers and advertisements for the upcoming Wall-E movie made my day a week ago or so. I was smiling for the rest of the day.:D

Pawbah 06-20-2008 12:49 AM

A couple weeks back I was having a totally lousy day at work... and then one of my coworkers bought my a chocolate chip cookie out of the blue. Never underestimate the power of chocolate chip cookies.

Mr. Marshmallow 06-20-2008 10:01 AM

Two things made my day, though these are pretty much the same incident just at different times:

-Last week I went to the Field museum in Chicago with my girlfriend :berry: (I still can't believe I can say that now lol) and I was wearing a Chip and Dale Rescue rangers T-shirt. While we were walking, a little boy pointed to me and told his mom "Look mom Chip and Dale". That just made me smile.

-Two days ago, I was having ice cream (again) with my girlfriend and this time wearing a Sonic the hedgehog T-shirt with a spray paint like design on it. A bunch of FULL GROWN teenagers actually stopped after they got ice cream and told me I had a "freaking cool" Sonic t-shirt. I love it when people notice my " shirt advertisements" of my favorite shows.

Cassini90125 06-20-2008 11:38 AM

There's a new supermarket in town, a place called Price Right, which I checked out earlier today. They're only open until 9:00 PM so I still don't have the privilage of post-midnight shopping; however, they're a little cheaper than Stop & Shop, and they're a hell of a lot closer. Not too crowded, either. And since I enjoy grocery shopping, well, I'm smiling right now. :)

WiltsAKGirl17 06-20-2008 11:44 AM

No clue what made me think of this, but...

A few weeks ago, I got to work at noon, which is right in the middle of the acursed lunch rush. The fact that I had to change into my work shirt heavy on my mind (I'd been at the DMV not five mnutes earlier), I marched right up to the register and punched in. A girl aged about 9 or 10 saw me and turned to her mom, saying, "I like how she gets to work right away."

Translation: My daddy raised me right. :)

Cassini90125 06-21-2008 02:18 PM

I ordered a Sailor Moon coffee mug from eBay earlier this week. Fair price, fair shipping charge. I wasn't expecting it until maybe the middle of next week but it's sitting on my desk as I type this. Absolutely flawless condition, too, and the artwork is better than the eBay pics indicated. Nice surprise to brighten up my afternoon. :frankiesmile:

WiltsAKGirl17 06-23-2008 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 81397)
I ordered a Sailor Moon coffee mug from eBay earlier this week. Fair price, fair shipping charge. I wasn't expecting it until maybe the middle of next week but it's sitting on my desk as I type this. Absolutely flawless condition, too, and the artwork is better than the eBay pics indicated. Nice surprise to brighten up my afternoon. :frankiesmile:

Life is goody-good-good when stuff like that happens! :frankiesmile:

Anyway, my contributions:

1.) Seeing a photo one of my DA / friends took of a dress she'd made, based on something from her fanfic. Normally this wouldn't be such a big thing, but aside from the dress being absolutely gorgeous, this is the first time I've ever seen a photo of my friend, since she's the one wearing the dress in the photo. We've been close contact since shortly after my seventeenth birthday in September, but for the longest time we didn't have a clue what the other one looked like. Seeing her in this photo was sort of like... remeeting her all over again, and reminded me of part of the reasons we're so close, even though we've never met face to face.

2.) And now to ruin my deep thought above... This post, which is my 500th, launching me into the "Foster's Legend" bracket. I've been working on this moment since I joined, so... yay for me. :w00t:

Lynnie 06-24-2008 08:36 PM

Congrats WiltsAK! :up: :clap: :yeah:

What made my day? Well, while driving into work this morning I see that the gas prices for not one, but two gas stations I pass every day had lowered their price by one cent since yesterday. And then when I got off work and on my way home, I saw that those same two gas stations lowered their price TWO CENTS MORE since this morning. :w00t:

I got gas today. :frankiesmile: Do it again, do it again, doitagaindoitagaindoitagaindoitagain!!!

Sparky 06-25-2008 08:06 PM

I fixed my PS2. I am awesome. :w00t: It may not be modded but at least it works again.

some guy you dont know 06-27-2008 07:59 PM

playing "when you were young" on GH3 and missing only one note put me in a very good mood today. :D

pitbulllady 06-28-2008 04:46 PM

I've been joking about finding so many Rat Snakes in the yard that it's hard not to trip over them; well, today, one literally fell out of a tree and landed on ME. I'd heard the Blue Jays having a major conniption/hissy fit/tantrum/riot out in the yard, and went out to see what was going on. Nine times out of ten, when they do that, it's a snake. If it's not a snake, it's a hawk or an owl who got disturbed during his daytime beauty sleep, or a crow who thinks that picking on his smaller cousins is a lot of fun. Usually, though, it's a snake, a Rat Snake more often than not, BUT, it's usually on the GROUND, so naturally that's where I was looking. I heard a small branch overhead snap, and barely had time for hit to register before my head and neck were enveloped in one large Rat Snake, who no doubt thought he was a goner and never figured that there'd be a human standing there to break his fall, but at first I honestly thought I'd been hit with a tree limb! This old pecan tree is notorious for suddenly losing huge, and apparently healthy, limbs, limbs much larger in diameter than a person, and it took me a second to realize that whatever hit me was SOFT and flexible, not hard and made of wood. Neither of us are any worse for wear and tear, fortunately. The snake expressed his gratitude by promptly spraying me with musk; thank goodness for Nil-Odor Drops and Fabreeze Fabric sheets! The snake didn't die in the fall, I got a new snake, and I no longer have to throw aways the clothes(that used to be the only way to cope with the musk odor; you can't just wash it out).


WiltsAKGirl17 06-28-2008 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 81581)
Congrats WiltsAK! :up: :clap: :yeah:


I got gas today. :frankiesmile: Do it again, do it again, doitagaindoitagaindoitagaindoitagain!!!

Thanks, Lynnie! :)

On the note of gas, something that made my day was watching some new Emergency! (old paramedic show from the 1970's) episodes on DVD At some point, the squad car drove past a gas station and my dad pauses the DVD to point out the gas prices: $.36 and $.38 a gallon. Man, gas was cheap in LA in 1973!


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 81736)
I've been joking about finding so many Rat Snakes in the yard that it's hard not to trip over them; well, today, one literally fell out of a tree and landed on ME. I'd heard the Blue Jays having a major conniption/hissy fit/tantrum/riot out in the yard, and went out to see what was going on. Nine times out of ten, when they do that, it's a snake. If it's not a snake, it's a hawk or an owl who got disturbed during his daytime beauty sleep, or a crow who thinks that picking on his smaller cousins is a lot of fun. Usually, though, it's a snake, a Rat Snake more often than not, BUT, it's usually on the GROUND, so naturally that's where I was looking. I heard a small branch overhead snap, and barely had time for hit to register before my head and neck were enveloped in one large Rat Snake, who no doubt thought he was a goner and never figured that there'd be a human standing there to break his fall, but at first I honestly thought I'd been hit with a tree limb! This old pecan tree is notorious for suddenly losing huge, and apparently healthy, limbs, limbs much larger in diameter than a person, and it took me a second to realize that whatever hit me was SOFT and flexible, not hard and made of wood. Neither of us are any worse for wear and tear, fortunately. The snake expressed his gratitude by promptly spraying me with musk; thank goodness for Nil-Odor Drops and Fabreeze Fabric sheets! The snake didn't die in the fall, I got a new snake, and I no longer have to throw aways the clothes(that used to be the only way to cope with the musk odor; you can't just wash it out).


Oh-kay... Never heard of that happening before, but it is a good story! I guess it all worked out, since everyone came off okay and you ended up with a new snake. :D

Mac-a-lacka 06-29-2008 07:18 AM

A couple years ago I saw a mouse run into the bushes and a bird flew out carrying the mouse then suddenly a cat jumps up and grabs both of them. :wiltshock:

I remember standing there for a minute trying to figure out what just happened.

I kind of wished I would've had a video camera when that happened so I could prove my mom wrong that "I was just seeing things" ::)

Cassini90125 06-29-2008 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Mac-a-lacka (Post 81760)
A couple years ago I saw a mouse run into the bushes and a bird flew out carrying the mouse then suddenly a cat jumps up and grabs both of them. :wiltshock:

I remember standing there for a minute trying to figure out what just happened.

I kind of wished I would've had a video camera when that happened so I could prove my mom wrong that "I was just seeing things" ::)

Dang, I wish I'd seen that! 8D

Lynnie 06-29-2008 06:58 PM

My word, what kind of bird caught that mouse? It would have to have been big, yet not big enough to where a cat couldn't catch it. That would have been a sight to behold indeed. :wiltshock:

What made my day today? Finding I have the Fourth off. :bloosmirk:

some guy you dont know 06-29-2008 08:56 PM

finally being able to beat alex kidd in sega superstars tennis. i got so annoyed by trying to beat him i slightly cracked my controller and didnt play it for about 4 days because of him. but i finally beat him. moreso, i destroyed him. great way to spend my night. :D

Ridureyu 06-30-2008 01:29 AM

I beat Ghouls 'n Ghosts today, which is one of the impossibly difficult Ghosts 'n Goblins games. This included the necessary second runthrough for the real final boss and ending.

Now if only I could touch Battletoads without screaming.

One Radical Dude 06-30-2008 01:35 AM

I played a bit of Ghosts 'n Goblins and Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts. I don't remember much about the former, but the latter was pretty tough. And yes, Battletoads...that was a tricky one. :bloocross:

Cassini90125 06-30-2008 01:03 PM

I found a dime on the sidewalk earlier and two quarters in a payphone's coin return slot. Happy, happy me. :cheesegrin:

Okay it's not a lot but it was enough to make me smile. :)

WiltsAKGirl17 06-30-2008 04:22 PM

You're sixty cents richer! You can buy...

Well, I dunno what you can buy with sixty sents, but you're still sixty cents richer! :frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 07-03-2008 05:18 PM

I got together with my friend Grant this afternoon. We usually do so about once a month, schedules permitting, sometimes for lunch, sometimes just to say hi and catch up on each other's lives. Today was the latter; just as well, considering the size of the sandwich I wolfed down around noon 8D. Anyway, we chatted for awhile, then it came time to head back to our respective jobs. He's heading for his car, I'm about to wander off to poke around in the local stores, and he calls out, "Hold it, I almost forgot something." I went to his car and he hands me a bag. "I picked this up months ago," he said. "It's out of date but I think you'll like it." I liked it very much, as it was something I'd been meaning to buy off of eBay but never got around to, and I thanked him very much. And that, my friends, is the story of how I finally came to own a copy of the Foster's 2008 calendar. ;D

Thanks again, Grant. :)

L.G. 07-04-2008 06:53 PM

:smed: Getting to see the fireworks display for 4th of July. And all the car alarms going off as a bonus because some of the fireworks were so loud you could feel them explode. :groovyed:

some guy you dont know 07-04-2008 07:40 PM

finally getting my internets back after not having it for the last few days put me in a great mood.

also, uhm...

i'll put it like this:

2 bags of fireworks: $70

lighters: $5

Lighting 4 firecrackers at the same time and possibly waking everyone in my neighbourhood up: priceless.

also beating sonic 3 and knuckles as sonic and getting all the super emeralds is a good thing too. so yeah, my day's been great.

Pawbah 07-08-2008 01:44 PM

Things that made my day today: Sleeping in until noon and then waking up to check my email to find that I got the internship I wanted. :3

Sparky 07-08-2008 01:52 PM

Sweet! :yeah: I didn't get any of the internships I applied for. :P

WiltsAKGirl17 07-08-2008 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Pawbah (Post 82388)
Things that made my day today: Sleeping in until noon and then waking up to check my email to find that I got the internship I wanted. :3

Woot, woot! :w00t: Congratulations!

What made my day: Pretty much single-handedly fixing the soda fountain at SubWay, with a little over-the-phone help from the Coca-Cola tech guys in Anchorage. The soda machine had been acting up for about a week now-- the flavors we still have (running out of a LOT of stuff) would run clear, despite being fully connected and noting blocked, and the (empty) Sprite thing would blow CO2 out the gas exhaust valve nonstop for ten minutes at a time.

I finally got sick of the crap the stupid machine was giving out like candy at a parade, so I called the Coca-Cola people and explained the situation. Everyone there was very friendly and fun to talk to, and a few transfers later I was getting step-by-step instructions from a tech support guy. Step-by-step instructions that so totally worked. xD When I hung up, one of my coworkers said I was the "Queen of SubWay."

Yes, yes, I am. So where's my crown? :frankiesmile:

taranchula 07-10-2008 05:15 PM

This morning I got a belated birthday card from my Dad, which also contained a little scrapbook filled with various factoids about, news stories and popular culture from the year I was born.

I thought that was pretty cool.

jekylljuice 07-11-2008 02:19 AM

That sounds awesome, t. I'd love to have a scrapbook on 1985 (the year I was born).

Me, I just discovered that I won £50.00 (that's roughly the equivilent of 100 US dollars) from my premium bonds. Yay, I'm happy! I think I might treat myself to the There Will Be Blood DVD which just came out. ;D

Partymember 07-11-2008 12:50 PM

last night i packed a lunch consisting of two oranges, some sunflower seeds, and several strips of london broil.

eating that london broil today made my day :)

WiltsAKGirl17 07-11-2008 01:32 PM

Today's trip to the post office made my day.

For one thing, I got my Advanced Placement (AP) test scores back. The whole premise of the AP Program (run by the same people who do the SAT tests) is to give high school kids a college level class or sumpm like that. For me, one of my two classes-- I took Biology and Literature and Composition, and I refer to the latter for this example-- was pure and utter torture. Fast forward now, to today. You know how in the movies, when someone gets a piece of potentially life-changing mail, they feel like they'd been socked in the gut?

That was me.

When I got home, that was the first thing I opened. My scores were:
Biology: 3
Literature and Composition: 3

A three is "qualified" = passing. Sooooo... :w00t:!!!

Also in this week's PO Box was the Mac Daddy coloring / activity book. More woot woot! I know what I'm doing later... :D

Pawbah 07-11-2008 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 82389)
Sweet! :yeah: I didn't get any of the internships I applied for. :P

I know how that feels. I've been rejected a lot more than I have been accepted. Don't give up!

What made my day today: Being able to play Mario Galaxy for a while. :)

Sparky 07-11-2008 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pawbah (Post 82589)
Don't give up!

Um, little late for that. College was a good 10 years ago. :P Thanks anyways, lol.

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