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The bloo 04-14-2008 11:58 AM

Episode Discussion - Dinner Is Swerved
Didn't see a discussion for this episode so i thought that i would share

This is the one where Mac and Bloo get lost in the house and need to get downstairs before dinner

This episode was funny especially the chicken part.

Mr_Bloo_Veins 04-14-2008 05:02 PM

Mac : Wait! What did you just say?
Bloo: Ant.
Mac : No, before that.
Bloo: Uh, an.
Mac : Before that.
Bloo: Um... like.
Mac : Before that.
Bloo: Look.
Mac : No, uh... 9 words before that.
Bloo: Um, hi.
Mac : And after that?
Bloo: Pizza.
Mac : And then?
Bloo: Man!
Mac : "Hi, pizza man?"
Bloo: Helllooooooooo!

I love that line.

Cassini90125 04-14-2008 06:25 PM

For me, the best part of the episode was watching Frankie tease Mr. Herriman while Madame Foster distributed food to the IFs, and her absolutely adorable apology afterwards.


"I sowwy, Mr. Herwiman. I been a bad girl."
Classic moment. Still makes me laugh. :frankiesmile:

Shelltoon 04-14-2008 07:32 PM

Agreed. This episode has so many priceless moments in Foster's. It's one of my favorite episodes. My favorite still remains the sheets moment.

:bloosmirk: : Down there?
:) : Yes, but how? A ladder? Man, this is tough!
:bloosmirk: :No, sheets!
:) :Bloo!

pitbulllady 04-14-2008 08:07 PM

And who can forget THIS line:

"Yes. I'm going to eat SOCKS."


Sagerian 04-14-2008 09:21 PM

Bloo on the air guitar is still my fav part of this episode. :)

Lynnie 04-14-2008 10:46 PM

This is the first episode I remember seeing in the whole. Therefore it's the eppie that turned me onto the show. :) :bloosmirk:

Yes, it's filled with great lines, some as memorable as the ones from "Squeeze the Day". My favorites have already been mentioned. But here's another, when Bloo acts like he's so hungry he's going to die-


Good bye Mac! Ol' buddy, ol' paaachl... *sniff sniff* Smell that?

Tighty whities?

What?? Ewwww no! Food!

Mac-a-lacka 05-05-2008 04:02 PM

Let's not forget... "Bloo want chickie tonight! Oh, you look so fingy licky goo!"8D

Lynnie 07-14-2009 12:00 AM

One of the other eppies I'm watching tonight. ;)

This one is chock full of memorable lines, I love it!

"Yes, you're a stupid and terrible person because you have no appreciation for the corner of apartments."
"Well what do you know, the laundry shoot actually leads to the laundry room!"
"Well.... Duh!"
"Check it! I have an awesome idea!"
"You're going to eat socks?"
*eyeroll* "Yes, I'm going to eat socks."
"Oh no, I am lost. Where is Mac? Oh look, a trail of clothes. I will follow it!.......Oh Mac, I have found you! This helpful trail of clothes has shown me where I have been and where I have not. Thanks to them I am saved from my lostedness. Oh thank you helpful trail of clothes! I love you."
"No, I must be crazy."
"Maybe, this house is actually an imaginary friend!"
"Uh huh...?"
"And it eats clothes!!!"
"You're right."
"You think?
"You are crazy."
"Wow, we're really high up. Oh look, the pizza man. Hi pizza man! We're really high up, and you look like an ant!"

Haha, sorry, I can go on. But I won't. :oops: This is one of my most favorite episodes. And it's thanks to it I'm such a big fan today.

Cassini90125 07-14-2009 12:18 AM

You forgot my personal favorite:

"I sowwy Mr. Herriman. I've been a bad girl."

Classic. :frankiesmile:

Lynnie 07-14-2009 03:16 PM

Yeah, that was funny, too. I was just listing quotes no one had previously mentioned, and you had already mentioned it. ;) I also loved her look up to that point, too. She was having so much fun antaganizing Mr. H, she wanted to laugh, and she was having such a hard time containing herself. 8D

Cassini90125 07-14-2009 03:26 PM

Yeah, that look was priceless. The whole episode was good, one of the best of the first season in my opinion. ;D

happy80schild 07-15-2009 03:25 AM

This episode brought up a point do imaginary friends have to eat.
The food friend said he doesn't eat so is it optional for all?

Lynnie 07-15-2009 05:17 AM

Oh yeah, Charlie Chicken-leg (and George the Cookie). Charlie said it would be "taking down his own kind" if he was to eat, that's a good point. I always thought he just never joined the other IFs at meals, but now at studying it closer, maybe he really does mean that they don't eat at all.

I'm still kind of leaning toward they just don't eat with the other IFs, and maybe he stays away from certain foods, like chicken for example, which is where "his own kind" came from. They clearly serve poultry in the dining hall (you see friends eat drumsticks on many occasions) and he wants to stay away from that.

Cassini90125 07-15-2009 08:35 AM

I would assume he has to eat. Living beings require a source of energy and nutrients, be it food, sunlight and fertilizer, hydrothermal vents, or something more exotic.

Bloo4Ever 07-16-2009 12:22 PM

Yeah, but how bout Sam Burger in the episode 'Reed Em' and Weep'. When the Ronald McDonald impersonator was there, It didn't look like Sam was getting hungry.

Maybe they prfer food, they just don't think its a necessity. Food to them is like videogames I guess :bloogrin:

Anyways, I love the trail of clothes bit from Bloo! I remember when I first watched that when it premiered, my brother and I couldn't stop laughing, and we were quoting that line all week!

Traveler 07-20-2009 05:11 PM

I love the whole "corner of mac's apartment" gag. Gets me every time. :)

Imaginary Dream 11-18-2012 03:37 PM

LOL! From all these post this episode seems so amazingly hilarious! 8D
It is one that I am yet to see.:( I have seen the apartment corner bit on the CN clips.

This is the classic Foster's that I'd like to bring back in Reimagined! :)

sldlovesfosters 01-29-2013 12:53 PM

My favorite line is probably

Bloo: This place is crazy its crazy! I'm so hungry I'm crazy! I'm crazy! DO DO DA DOOO!!

Bt that whole clothes path gag is highlarious oh and the part where Wilt Ed and Coco were in the hallway lying on the ground.

Coco: Cocococo

Wilt Cocococo

Ed: Cocococo

great episode all in all XD

KazooBloo 12-02-2016 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mr_Bloo_Veins (Post 76334)
Mac : Wait! What did you just say?
Bloo: Ant.
Mac : No, before that.
Bloo: Uh, an.
Mac : Before that.
Bloo: Um... like.
Mac : Before that.
Bloo: Look.
Mac : No, uh... 9 words before that.
Bloo: Um, hi.
Mac : And after that?
Bloo: Pizza.
Mac : And then?
Bloo: Man!
Mac : "Hi, pizza man?"
Bloo: Helllooooooooo!

I love that line.

Same! 8D

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