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Ridureyu 01-22-2008 01:17 PM

RIP: Heath Ledger

This is another sobering reminder that you can go at any time, no matter how young you are.

Also, because people will ask: The Dark Knight has already finished filming. it will not be cancelled. Please do not ask about it.

Partymember 01-22-2008 02:22 PM

dang. The Patriot will never be the same :'(

safe journeys, Heath

jekylljuice 01-22-2008 02:46 PM

That's a crying shame, particularly at such a young age. I havent seen a huge portion of Heath's work, but he was wonderful in Brokeback Mountain.

Mr. Marshmallow 01-22-2008 03:18 PM

I almost couldn't believe this when I read it. I have been around for quite a few celebrity deaths, some of which I knew and loved very well such as Chris Farley and John Ritter. But this, this truly left me jaw dropped. Heath was so very young, so very talented, and had a truly kick ass promising career ahead of him.

I really hope it wasn't intentional because despite the fact I am WELL aware celebrity life can be pressuring, with a 2 year old little girl and already working on movies, making plans, and scheduling a masseuse to come to his room, I do not believe in my heart that he intentionally wanted to die overdosing on the pills.

I really hope that isn't the case even though we don't have all the facts yet. Either way, that doesn't change the fact the movie industry lost a very sharp and up and coming star. The brief snippets of the Dark Knight trailer alone shows he was talented enough to truly disappear into a character role and change my assumptions about him.

I truly feel saddened and utterly shocked that Heath Ledger is dead and I really believe we have lost a genuinely great actor. R.I.P Ledger, R.I.P.

Kootiebirdo 01-22-2008 03:26 PM

Damn!!! I just got back today from my new semester at Nassau Commun' and before I know it, Heath Ledger dies!

This sucks a lot considering the fact that I was really looking forward to seeing the next Batman movie with Ledger as the Joker.:( R.I.P.

Pawbah 01-22-2008 03:30 PM

I was really shocked when I read this earlier today. He was so young and his poor little daughter. On the news right now they are saying that it looks like suicide. I really hope it wasn't, but I don't know. RIP Heath.

Diamond Duchess 01-22-2008 03:57 PM

When I was watching a rerun of The Soup this afternoon, there was a little banner on the screen that stated Heath Ledger was found dead earlier. I was shocked and suprised to see this, so I went online, looking for confirmation.

This sucks; We have the first big celebrity of 2008 to suddenly pass away. What a loss. I haven't been much of Leger's work, but he seemed like a good actor and a good person. Pity.

CG 01-22-2008 04:51 PM

I wish I could feel as much for this man as some other people have. I can't list any movies he's been in, that I've seen and enjoyed.

But it is still a shock, and a shame, that anyone his age should die in such a way.

emperor26 01-22-2008 05:10 PM

I can't believe he died so suddenly, and at such a young age. :wiltshock:

Heath Ledger is definetly going to be missed. :(

taranchula 01-22-2008 06:12 PM

Wow, I am in so much shock that I am still having a hard time believing this to be real.

I remeber going with my dad to see two of his most well known movies The Patriot and A Knight's Tale in the theater, and having a great time at both.

And like a lot of other fans I was totally looking forward to seeing the man, in what would have been the role that would have surely catapulted him into super stardom.

Sad sad indeed.

Imaginary Light 01-22-2008 06:32 PM



OMG. O. M. G.

Okay, I'm shocked and I've been left speechless. Oh my goodness. R.I.P. Heath :(

Lynnie 01-22-2008 07:39 PM

Yes, I heard this today. Very sad, very sad indeed. I loved him in "Ten Things I Hate about You", and then again in "The Patriot". My condolences to his friends and family.

RIP Heath, we'll miss you. :cry:

One Radical Dude 01-22-2008 09:53 PM

I was without words, when hearing about Ledger's passing. It's definitely tragic stuff. From what I've heard, they're saying it probably wasn't suicide.

BluebottleFlyer 01-23-2008 02:21 AM

I've never seen any of Heath Ledger's films, but from what I've heard he was quite a good actor. What a terrible waste, I'm sure he had a lot going for him, his family, his films. It's horrible, it really is.:(

Medikor 01-23-2008 11:29 AM

It's starting to look like it was just a matter of Ledger getting hit with pneumonia while his immune system was on the ropes from his recent unwellness, insomnia, and stress from his recent movies. I hope the paparazzi lay off his daughter and let her live a quite life.:(

Sparky 01-23-2008 04:09 PM

They are saying now that investigations of his house has turned up some kind of evidence that he was a drug user (whether or not that contributed to his death) but I turned off the radio before they said what it was (if they were even going to).

WiltsAKGirl17 01-24-2008 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 69977)
That's a crying shame, particularly at such a young age. I havent seen a huge portion of Heath's work, but he was wonderful in Brokeback Mountain.

Exactly. I was doing a paper for my AP Lit class and when I got on the 'Net to do some research, one of the bulletins in the news section of MSN was that Heath Ledger was found dead. I was so surprised. He was so amazing in Brokeback Mountain-- he played Ennis del Mar so well and with such sympathy. It's so sad...

I hope everything goes well for his family, particularly his daughter. I lost my mom when I was small, so I know that losing a parent is so painful. Here's hoping that she has only happy memories of her daddy.

xxxClaire 01-25-2008 11:23 AM

Oh man... :( I'm speechless... R.I.P. Heath. :'(

Sama-chan 02-02-2008 05:19 PM

Yeah, that sucks.

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