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Cassini90125 11-11-2007 09:00 PM

Non-Foster's avatars
I wasn't really sure where to post these; the "Way Off Topic" section seemed as good a place as any. As with the Foster's avatars I've made, these are not separate images and need to be cut and separated if you want to use them, although I think the odds of any of them getting used are rather remote. 8D

The first 25 are mostly random pics from around the net, plus a few produced by that camera I always have stuck in my pocket:

The second set is assorted characters from animation and fiction, some of whom I doubt you'll recognize (and some you know all too well 8D):

That about covers it. Comments and critique are welcomed as always. :)

Mr. Marshmallow 11-11-2007 09:25 PM


I was hoping someone would put up a thread like this. Despite being a fan of Fosters, I've never been one to settle on just one avatar, I always find so many cool ones I can't help but find more and switching them after a while.

Also kudos for putting up some Sailor Moon and Drawn Together icons Cass. I sure hope this thread becomes lively and presents MANY interesting icons to pick from ;D.

Btw Cass, here's something I found just for you:

Lynnie 11-11-2007 09:56 PM

I am liking a lot of these too! Especially the universe and planet ones, that awesome prism design in the very center of the first batch, the sun flower, of course the two cats, and the one with the food made me crack up. 8D In the second batch, I'm loving Lauren's MW&tGG one, Geico's Gecko, Esurance's Erin, Toy Story's Alien Toys, and Marvin and Yosemite Sam. I can see a bunch of these being used by people, especially the ComicCon one and the Milky Way one (for obvious reasons ;)). I'll love to use one myself eventually.

One Radical Dude 11-11-2007 10:29 PM

These are all great, Cass. No one can resist the :nono: finger.

Sparky 11-11-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 63539)
No one can resist the :nono: finger.

You mean no one WILL. :goo:

TB 11-12-2007 06:46 AM

ooooh! I used to make avatars all the time for my LJ account. 8D

Can you tell I had a Pippin obsession back in the day? :bloosmirk:

Cassini90125 11-12-2007 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 63539)
These are all great, Cass. No one can resist the :nono: finger.

I... uh... oh, nevermind. 8D :slybendy:

I leave it to you all to guess which of the 50 is my favorite. :frankiesmile:

Medikor 11-12-2007 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 63571)
I leave it to you all to guess which of the 50 is my favorite. :frankiesmile:

I'd say it would either be the Sailor Jupiter one or the one of your Fosters themed Sims. Great avatars, Cass.:D
Here's one of my favorites that I made.

Partymember 11-12-2007 11:55 AM

i know ive seen te chick below Akhmed from Bugs Bunny, but what is she from?

Cassini90125 11-12-2007 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Medikor (Post 63575)
I'd say it would either be the Sailor Jupiter one or the one of your Fosters themed Sims. Great avatars, Cass.:D
Here's one of my favorites that I made.

My fave is the pic of my teen Frankie Sim, right in the center of the second set. :frankiesmile:

Loved the pig, by the way. :D


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 63585)
i know ive seen te chick below Akhmed from Bugs Bunny, but what is she from?

I'm not sure who she is, actually. I found her on the home page of a site called "Demented Hero". I liked the pic so I copied it and went to work. :)


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 63536)
I'll love to use one myself eventually.

The rule is very simple; help yourself. :)


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 63534)
Btw Cass, here's something I found just for you:

Ooooooooo, Lita-vatars...




Partymember 11-12-2007 12:10 PM


Cassini90125 11-12-2007 03:41 PM

A few Sailor Scout avatars:

These were made from a series of images on eBay and required trimming but no shrinking. The full size images are 320x400 pixels and are originally from nine very nice 8"x10" prints (which are for sale, of course 8D).

Partymember 11-12-2007 03:44 PM


Lynnie 11-12-2007 06:49 PM

Yay, more! TB, I absolutely LOVE the LOTR avvies! Gotta' love them Hobbits! And Pippin was always my favorite! My favorite is the "Oops" one where he knocks the skeleton down the well, awakening the evil...what were they? Zombies or something. Gandolf was soooo mad at him! Poor Pippin! I also like the first "Well Earned Comfort" one, the look on his face while he raises his glass is classic. 8D

LOTR rules! :yeah: Well, after Foster's of course.

Partymember 11-13-2007 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 63612)
Yay, more! TB, I absolutely LOVE the LOTR avvies! Gotta' love them Hobbits! And Pippin was always my favorite! My favorite is the "Oops" one where he knocks the skeleton down the well, awakening the evil...what were they? Zombies or something.


dang it im a nerd 8D

jekylljuice 11-13-2007 09:05 AM

Awesome work there, Cass. :frankiesmile:

Here's an avatar I've enjoyed using elsewhere on the net. Say hello to my friend Satchmo:

TB 11-14-2007 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 63612)
Yay, more! TB, I absolutely LOVE the LOTR avvies! Gotta' love them Hobbits! And Pippin was always my favorite! My favorite is the "Oops" one where he knocks the skeleton down the well, awakening the evil...what were they? Zombies or something. Gandolf was soooo mad at him! Poor Pippin! I also like the first "Well Earned Comfort" one, the look on his face while he raises his glass is classic. 8D

LOTR rules! :yeah: Well, after Foster's of course.

Zombies? 8D That's a new one.

But yeah, like PM said, goblins.

some guy you dont know 11-14-2007 04:55 PM

those avatars are awsome. i am seriously considering using that one TB made, with gabe and the bear.

oh yeah heres a H*R one:

Lynnie 11-14-2007 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 63636)

dang it im a nerd 8D


Originally Posted by TB (Post 63716)
Zombies? 8D That's a new one.

But yeah, like PM said, goblins.

Goblins!! That's what they were! I knew they weren't Orks, or skeletons. I just couldn't put my finger on what exactly they were. Ok, time to see Fellowship again.

-Sorry, off topic. Now back to the avvies! :up:

Cassini90125 11-19-2007 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 63767)
Goblins!! That's what they were! I knew they weren't Orks, or skeletons. I just couldn't put my finger on what exactly they were. Ok, time to see Fellowship again.

-Sorry, off topic. Now back to the avvies! :up:

As you wish:

Ten of the images above were produced by my Kodak Z850, easily the most overworked piece of equipment I own, other than my computer. The original pictures measure 2592 x 1944 pixels. The rest were found on various sites around the web. The one in the center was part of an email I recieved from McAfee, reminding me to update my antivirus software. :P

Number 6 is from my brother's recent vacation in Florida; the full-size pic shows him posing with a couple of characters from Disney's The Jungle Book. In light of this, he is no longer permitted to give me grief for hanging around websites devoted to cartoons. 8D The two Lego figures (#5) are supposed to be Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky. The Gir avatar in the center is a pic I found and superimposed on a background I chose more or less at random. Seems to work okay. :)

Comments are welcomed, as usual. :)

Lynnie 11-19-2007 09:33 PM

Oooh, more nice ones here, Cass. :) I especially like the digital fantasy ones, the moons, the squirrelly squirrel, the fireworks, and the flowers. I also like the towers and light posts, as I did much the same thing with the different type of tornado sirens. I found it amusing how there were so many styles of sirens (of which I named "Loudspeaker", "Beehive", "Stovepipe", "Megaphone", "Double-Megaphone", "Triple-Megaphone"). Haha, I just had an interest in them. 8D

Of the cartoon ones, I especially like the Count, Mr. Potato Head, the Kim Possible ones, the Leggos, and the Daphne one just right of Gir!. She looks like Denise Richards there, that's a nice shot of her. I also recognize that orange cat, but can't remember where I've seen him. Who is he again?

Here's a few I made of Lauren's Galaxy Girls-
Milky Way
And Moon. :lauren:

One Radical Dude 11-19-2007 10:54 PM

Those are awesome non-FHFIF avatars, you guys. Keep it up. :bloogrin:

jekylljuice 11-20-2007 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 64298)
I also recognize that orange cat, but can't remember where I've seen him. Who is he again?

I think that's Heathcliff. Looks an awful lot like him at any rate.

Anyhow, those are some great avatars you've been churning out, Cass and Lynnie. :smed:

Partymember 11-20-2007 05:31 PM

LOL those Legos are hillarious 8D

and i feel the need to find a shrubbery, for some reason

Dragonrider1227 11-21-2007 11:03 AM

I LOVE making Avatars!!
'Cause King Mickey's da MAN... mouse :bloosmirk:

Cassini90125 01-01-2008 08:02 PM

First set of the year:

Comments and critique are welcomed as always. #16 is from my camera, most of the rest are from around the web. The city shown in #4 is Minneapolis. :)

Lynnie 01-01-2008 09:08 PM

Super duper rad, and awesomeriffic Cass. :bloosmirk: More nice ones. The roasted chicken is making me hungry... Love the space/planet ones (always like outer space). And eh, having a connection to MinneMinn, being the city of my birth, I like that one too. Oh, and Cheese Sim.

And where, oh where have I seen that center one before? Hmmmm..... Don't remember. Maybe it'll come to me later. :groovyed:

Cassini90125 01-02-2008 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 68316)
Super duper rad, and awesomeriffic Cass. :bloosmirk: More nice ones. The roasted chicken is making me hungry... Love the space/planet ones (always like outer space). And eh, having a connection to MinneMinn, being the city of my birth, I like that one too. Oh, and Cheese Sim.

Actually, that one is Bendy; my Cheese Sim is the same color but he doesn't look that mean. Or that smart. :cheesegrin:


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 68316)
And where, oh where have I seen that center one before? Hmmmm..... Don't remember. Maybe it'll come to me later. :groovyed:

I think that one's from some website I visit occasionally. I may have posted there once or twice. :bloocross: ;)

Medikor 01-02-2008 06:41 PM

A very fine assortment of avy's to kick off the new year. good stuff, Cass.:D

Cassini90125 01-02-2008 06:51 PM

My thanks. :) As I've said, it's enjoyable work; the only real difficulty is finding images that say "avatar" to me when I see them. At some point I hope to start producing a few that are animated now and then, although it's something of a tedious process with the programs I'm currently using. We'll see what happens. ;)

Lynnie 01-02-2008 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 68326)
Actually, that one is Bendy; my Cheese Sim is the same color but he doesn't look that mean. Or that smart. :cheesegrin:

Ah, that's Bendy? He looks older. Have he and Berry become teens? I know Cheese and Louise have. I still like it, though. :slybendy:

Cassini90125 01-02-2008 07:19 PM

The circumstances of restarting the game included resetting everyone's ages, so Bendy and Berry never became teens. Cheese and the other characters who did become teens now have the joy of reliving their childhoods. :cheesegrin:

Lynnie 01-02-2008 09:01 PM

That's cool. I hope some of the NF folks get to meet some of the "cast" at one point. :bloogrin:

Anyways, back on topic, I made some Medieval/Camelot themed avatars over the last few days (thus my new avatar- since the holiday season is now officially over). Here are a few of the more "interesting" ones-

And maybe a little spooky, but I couldn't help but LOL when editing the original pic, so I just HAD to make one of just the eyes.

Cassini90125 01-02-2008 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 68396)
That's cool. I hope some of the NF folks get to meet some of the "cast" at one point. :bloogrin:

Guaranteed. ;)

The avatars are gorgeous. Hard to pick a favorite, but if I had to it'd likely be #3, though not for any particular reason. Excellent job! :)

Medikor 01-03-2008 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 68384)
At some point I hope to start producing a few that are animated now and then, although it's something of a tedious process with the programs I'm currently using.

Tell me about it. It almost gives you a whole new respect for animaters.8D Anyway, here are a few of mine.

Partymember 01-03-2008 12:03 PM

Lady of Shalott, beautiful piece of art.

whos eyes? Quite pretty.

Lynnie 01-03-2008 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 68412)
Lady of Shalott, beautiful piece of art.

I agree whole heartedly! But then, I love anything in Medieval style. :)


whos eyes? Quite pretty.
Heheh.... Thank you! :D Overexposure and dark eyes... Quite the combination.

Partymember 01-04-2008 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 68459)

Heheh.... Thank you! :D Overexposure and dark eyes... Quite the combination.

camera effects are the bomb 8-)

Howard 01-04-2008 02:41 PM

I see my boy Spanky Ham on that list of choices!:D

Bloo2daMacs 01-06-2008 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Medikor (Post 68406)

... 8D

I like making avatars, but for some reason, the only one I could only find (that I made) was this one:

Cropped from from a picture on "HRWiki". I'll make more sooner or later. I need to get back to using MS Paint...

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