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Pantsy Nancy 09-02-2006 11:51 AM

Who Want's To Live Here?
Who Besides Me Actually Wishes They Lived At This House? And What Would Your Room Look Like?

Thornwhistle 09-02-2006 08:22 PM

Yes,I'd love to live in Foster's House and have my own room. I have to think about how I want my room decorated though. I want to do half of Frankie's chores to help her out.

BlooCheese 09-02-2006 08:52 PM

I'd live at Foster's too.

Cassini90125 09-02-2006 09:10 PM

I guess a lot of us would. If I could, I'd move in without even stopping to think about it. :)

One Radical Dude 09-02-2006 09:19 PM

Who wouldn't? 8D Count me in. How do I sign up? What do you do? :P

Cassini90125 09-02-2006 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 4048)
Who wouldn't? 8D Count me in. How do I sign up? What do you do? :P

A donation to the house is all that's required. The check can be sent to:

The "Cassini's power bill is due again" fund
5050 Yeahthiswillwork lane
Foster's Valley, HD 90125

PayPal and cash also accepted.

;D ;D ;D

Mr. Marshmallow 09-02-2006 10:25 PM

I'd love to live at this place, you certainly would never be bored there. And while I too would love to give Frankie a helping hand with the chores, I would have to say i'd rather not like be roomed next to Bloo, Eduardo, Coco, and Wilt.

Something tells me I wouldn't get much sleep OR privacy that way ;D. My room would be loaded with movie posters and have anime/toon stuff decorated all over it (kinda like how my room is now) and have a computer like Frankie has.

Voxxyn 09-03-2006 05:43 PM

I'm with what Mr. Marshmellow said :frankiesmile:

pitbulllady 09-03-2006 05:47 PM

As crazy as I am about a certain tall red IF, I would NOT want to live at Foster's. I do not, in any way, shape or form believe that Mr. Herriman would condone keeping snakes and tarantulas in that house, and I KNOW that at least one large, furry, purple resident would strongly object! I'm just not willing to give up my snakes and spiders. I wouldn't mind visiting, but I would not want to live there.

Wilt would just have to come live with me.


Mr. Marshmallow 09-03-2006 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 4194)
Wilt would just have to come live with me.

There's a certain red head at Foster's who I'd be more then happy to make her the same offer :blooevil: *insert perverted evil fan boy laugh here*.

vinny 09-03-2006 08:19 PM

if i lived there, it would be like having two bloo's

antgirl1 09-03-2006 08:29 PM

NO, I DO NOT want to live there. Not because of Bloo, but I'm happy where I am.

DoubleLatte 09-03-2006 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 4224)
NO, I DO NOT want to live there. Not because of Bloo, but I'm happy where I am.

I wouldn't like to live there either, though I often think about how fun it'd be to volunteer at the house for a day. That's it. I'm not much into the whole maid/babysitting gig. Sorry, Frankie. :p

GrimTheLost 09-03-2006 10:12 PM

I would love to live there. It would be like a second childhood. I'd room with the Scribble that blows rasberries. *phbbbt*

FostersFriend 09-04-2006 12:38 AM

I would love to room there. And think of me as crazy but I would love to room with Bloo, Coco, Eduardo & Wilt. How fun :bloocross:

I can see it all now *insert dreamy music here

Me & Bloo having fun, exploring the house
Me & Coco making coco and speaking coco
Me & Eduardo watching Explorin Lauren "Can You Say Red?"
Me & Wilt playing sports and being outside the great outdoor :bloogrin

I want to cry, I wanna gooo there!!!!!!!!!

Did I mention Cheese I wanna hug him! :bloocross:

Bloo2daMacs 09-04-2006 07:59 AM

OH YEAH!! If I could, I'd move in IN A HEARTBEAT!! I would love to live there!

Thornwhistle 09-04-2006 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by FostersFriend (Post 4247)
I would love to room there. And think of me as crazy but I would love to room with Bloo, Coco, Eduardo & Wilt. How fun :bloocross:

I can see it all now *insert dreamy music here

Me & Bloo having fun, exploring the house
Me & Coco making coco and speaking coco
Me & Eduardo watching Explorin Lauren "Can You Say Red?"
Me & Wilt playing sports and being outside the great outdoor

Sorry FF,I'm already staying in Wilt's,Coco's,Eduardo's, and Bloo's room. I have my sleeping bag and pillow on the floor,and my stuff in various places in the room. The room is too crowded,you can't fit in here.

Kzinistzerg 09-05-2006 06:15 AM

Nah, I wouldn't. I have my eyes on a nice island in canada in the rideau canal...

But I would love to visit there or get a summer job there. That would be sweet.

CrazyPhil 02-02-2008 11:23 PM

YES, definitely. If I could, I would move there without a second thought. I'd even be willing to room with eduardo, wilt, coco, and bloo. I'd probably spend most of my time hanging out with mac and bloo and doing stuff, though I wouldn't mind also helping Frankie with her chores.

Ub3rD4n 02-02-2008 11:33 PM

How did I manage to miss this thread? H**L YEAH I'd live there! Who cares about leaving my current friends behind, cause they'd love to live there too! Free room, and board, and all the imaginary friends you could want! Wearing the red rubber nose would get annoying though.....

Xroc88 02-03-2008 09:28 AM

I would live there, if the place had highspeed internet access and my own spacious room away from bloo and i can store my music equipment in there, i can start working on my music career while helping frankie out and earning some extra cash working there also.

Id be frankies best freind and keep her company.

WiltsAKGirl17 02-04-2008 11:50 AM

I'd move in. I'd do it in a heartbeat. My only requests:
1.) Pay for my college (* snorts with derision * Yeah right... ::))
2.) I'd like my own room, pwetty pwease.

Ub3rD4n 02-04-2008 06:55 PM

Your own room? You can DO that?

Mac-a-lacka 05-02-2008 07:31 AM

I wonder if they would allow my pet horse live in the unicorn stables?8D

Xroc88 08-09-2008 07:39 AM

This needs a bump.

Also another thing i would play pranks on the fosters itnercome when nobody's watching me. Like i would rick roll fosters.

Ub3rD4n 08-09-2008 02:40 PM

Rickroll Fosters? That is the most despicable, mean-hearted thing I ever NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP! NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN!:cheese:

taranchula 08-09-2008 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Xroc88 (Post 86003)
This needs a bump.

Also another thing i would play pranks on the fosters itnercome when nobody's watching me. Like i would rick roll fosters.

Play "Talk to the Jeans" instead, Why "Rick-roll" Foster's? you when you can be "Pizza-rolling" them. 8D

KazooBloo 12-23-2016 10:01 PM

Probably not. Too crowded.

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