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Mayor Adam West 10-18-2007 11:35 PM

The Other Friends?
Out of curiousity, what are the other friends there for anyway? I mean, can you use them as your own friends that follow you everywhere?

Or what exactly? Or do you just talk to them and that's all :terrconf:

Shelltoon 10-18-2007 11:47 PM

If you mean people like Jackie Khones, Mabel Licorice, Bloppy Pants, Fluffer Nutter etc. they are there because they're residents of the house, silly. :bloogrin:

Mayor Adam West 10-18-2007 11:55 PM

Hehe, fair enough ^^

It's all cool, I was just wondering and speaking of which....where is Jackie Khones anyway? Cause I can't really find him anywhere....

Shelltoon 10-19-2007 12:02 AM

He's not in a set location, as far as I can tell, most friends don't have a permanent location, as they go from room to room.

Mayor Adam West 10-19-2007 12:08 AM

Ah I see.

Cause I know some have a set location, like Berry, Uncle Pockets, Dutchess....I think that's the only ones that do....

Divelucaya 10-20-2007 10:49 AM

Duchess (Dutchess?) is sometimes involved with adventures (and maybe chores) so she is usually in a set location, but other imaginary friends are random both in location in the house and who the friend is. I don't recall, other than Bloo, Wilt, Ed, Coco, seeing IFs in places other than the house, such as the mall or school. These places are frequented by "real" people.

Sparky 10-20-2007 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Divelucaya (Post 60153)
Duchess (Dutchess?)

There is no "t" in Duchess. :nono: The word "duchess" has nothing to do with the word "dutch". That's worse than misspelling Terrence, because a duchess is a thing and there's only one way to spell it. ;)

Mayor Adam West 10-20-2007 12:04 PM

But it's Duchess!

But yeah, I wish you could do favours for anyone in the house, cause I would like to do favours for Berry, I mean, that would be cool. :berry:

Divelucaya 10-21-2007 05:55 AM

Yes, she is a "thing" but she is also sutch a bich. 8D

montitech 10-21-2007 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Divelucaya (Post 60259)
Yes, she is a "thing" but she is also sutch

SUCH a shame, I think the T is silent in some languages.
as for spelling I am also bad at it, but I strive to improve.

Monty :-[

Vicks 10-22-2007 03:40 AM

Duchess, along with Wilt, Mac, Bloo, Frankie, Ed, Mr. Herriman and Madam Foster, was one of the original IFs/people to be in the house. After a few updates we saw other IFs like Jackie, Berry, etc and Terrence. Then, after another few updates, we gained some more IFs like the giant crying baby and the Swiss Miss looking girl (yeah, I know, I don't watch the show enough to remember all their names, sorry).

The original characters are the only ones who are stationary and do not change locations unless there is a new update (or during an Adventure), then they all move. Everyone else moves around freely in the house (and sometimes outside), but that's it, they don't travel elsewhere around town.

Hope that clarifies things for you.

Mayor Adam West 10-22-2007 11:54 AM

Yeah, I did realize that the original characters don't change places, as well as Berry and Uncle Pockets.

Berry who is in the theatre all the tme and Uncle Pockets who's always in the back yard.

Spanto 10-22-2007 02:36 PM

:sadbendy::sadbendy::'(What I found out now is that some characters dissapered. I revised all the house and characters like Bendy (:bendy:), the green one (:jk:), the giant baby, the green one with long neck, Eurotrish and others dissapered. I took a "photo" with the ones I found, but I could found them. :macwor:

Divelucaya 10-23-2007 10:30 AM

Which characters you see when you play I believe is totally random. There are times that I've played that the predominant IFs have been, say for example, Uncle Pockets, Goofball John McGee, and the one that looks like a pile of ... garbage (not the word I was going to use). The next time I log on it may be Blake Superior, the Prince (Charming?), and the one that is all eyes (whose owner is a blind kid). And they must all have magic powers because I have left rooms where an IF was only to find the same IF in the hall. There are in fact quite a few IFs that I have not seen in the game. It may not mean that others haven't seen them either, just that by random chance I haven't been lucky enough. Check out this thread to see who you've seen in the game and which ones seem to appear more than others.

For me, I would have to say the IFs that I recall seeing the most number of times have been: Uncle Pockets, the pile of "poo", Creaky Pete, Fluffernutter, Goofball, Fuzzy Fred, Handy, and Oscar.

Sparky 10-23-2007 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Divelucaya (Post 60731)

That page is *really* out of date and probably a lot of those names were proven wrong by the DVDs, so take the info on that page with a grain of salt please. :terrsmile:

Divelucaya 10-24-2007 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 60788)
That page is *really* out of date and probably a lot of those names were proven wrong by the DVDs, so take the info on that page with a grain of salt please. :terrsmile:

Regardless if it a little out of date, you put a lot of time into it and it still shows a lot of characters and a lot of names (I don't think I would put the majority as incorrect, many of them struck me as being correct) that many people probably never knew. There is another post at another forum that discusses IFs and their names ( if people are interested in checking it out. But then again the IF's names were not what this thread started out about so I guess we can just say their are a LOT of IFs and their locations throughout the house are rarely a constant.

Mayor Adam West 10-27-2007 01:12 PM

Yeah, most of them move around whever they want, but for a select few by the looks of it.

Speaking of them, I did a favour for Frankie to meet the pizza guy, but instead, it was Berry and said that Eduardo scared off the pizza guy, so I had to give her the money, which of course, she thanked me for and of course, gave me the pizzas back.

Good way of getting money if you ask me.

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