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Lynnie 07-08-2007 03:42 AM

My Foster's Drawings
I'm hesitant to make a new thread for this, since I don't expect to supply a steady flow of new art, but looks like others have created threads for just one picture, so hopefully this will be ok. If anyone else ever has art to share, you only have one or two pictures, and don't really want to start a whole new thread, please feel free to use this one. :D

I've drawn quite a bit in my time, but this is my first attempt at drawing Foster's art. My only supplies are my hands, some pencils, and a scanner, so it may not be as mind-boggling as some others, but I don't think they turned out half bad.
This is suppose to be when they're younger. The image popped into my head and I had to draw it. Mac's actually being a good boy by offering Bloo his lollipop since he's not allowed to eat sugar. Although Bloo on sugar may not be the best idea either.
I couldn't resist drawing them at a Renaissance Faire, since I love them so much. I regreat drawing this on the back of some junk mail, and the paper had some creaces in it. Scanners pick up too many details sometimes... Anyway, Frankie's outfit is fashioned after one of my own. I wanted to draw Cheese as a knight in shining armor, and have him holding his horsey, but I couldn't draw the armor for the life of me. So I made him a monk (besides, he has the perfect "hair" for it), and he's holding a bottle of sarsaparilla (a root beer ally found exclusively at Ren Faires). As to what it is Bloo shot with an arrow, do we really want to know?

I do have a few more drawings in mind, so more may come later. :bloosmirk:

Cassini90125 07-08-2007 06:25 AM

I look forward to the rest of them. Nice job! :)

Lynnie 07-08-2007 10:11 AM

Oh, I forgot to mention- Funny Story
I drew them both exactly how I pictured the scene in my head. But while coloring the Renaissance one I thought, "Hm, something's wrong with this picture." That's when I noticed Bloo's holding the bow BACKWARDS. LOL!! 8D A piece of my brain must be backwards. I can't help but laugh at myself! LOL! Let's just pretend Bloo somehow shot the arrow like that. And knowing Bloo, I'm sure he'd manage to find a way to do that. ;D

Here's Bloo trying to figure out how to use the thing, and holding it the RIGHT way (this time colored with marker).

Imaginary Light 07-08-2007 03:08 PM

Aww, Bloo's so cute:bloogrin:

Partymember 07-08-2007 03:12 PM


I like the idea of Brother Cheese.

One Radical Dude 07-08-2007 03:26 PM

They are wonderful. The third one is my current favorite; that is so like Bloo there. :bloocross:

Lynnie 07-08-2007 05:53 PM

I must have been hit by the inspiration bug, because here's another one. Sooner than I originally expected.
After her kid "disappears", Coco makes other friends. With little else to do on such a remote island, she laid a card game she could play with her mermaid friend.

Cassini90125 07-08-2007 05:58 PM

I can't help but wonder if the mermaid might be an IF, too. :)

jekylljuice 07-09-2007 05:34 AM

Spiffy drawings there, Lynnie. I love the Renaissance Faire one especially. And you've nailed Coco's likeness very nicely. ;)

Lynnie 07-09-2007 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 49978)
Spiffy drawings there, Lynnie. I love the Renaissance Faire one especially. And you've nailed Coco's likeness very nicely. ;)

Thanks! 8-) I'm really happy with the Ren one too. I spent the longest time on Frankie to be sure she looked like her, and she actually turned out pretty good. The scan doesn't do her justice, though. I really regret drawing that one on the back of junk mail. For one thing, the creaces are distracting. For another, the colors are off because the paper wasn't white. Oh well. We live, we learn. :frankiesmile:

For the first time drawing Coco (and the others, for that matter), I was surprised how well she came out. Hands and feet have always been tough for me, and I usually try to find some way to "hide" them. But it didn't turn out too bad. ;)

FeDeReR 07-17-2007 09:12 AM

i draw this in Microsoft Windows Paint! :D

Lynnie 07-17-2007 02:42 PM

LOL! That's cute! Good job! :up: I have a hard time with MS Paint, and am always impressed when someone can make a picture turn out good. I like it! :bloosmirk:

FeDeReR 07-19-2007 12:43 AM

thanks ! and your pics are awesomee!

Lynnie 07-29-2008 11:08 PM

Wow, has it been over a year?? Yeah, I guess it has.

Well, I got a new scanner (yay me!), and in response to this post in the Foster's Dreams thread, I had inspiration to draw my first drawing for it. This was a few weeks ago now (sorry, I started it, and then completely forgot about it, so didn't finish it until now), but here she is- Frankie dressed as Belle from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Inspired by a dream I had.

Just some simple pencil sketches really, but that's my style and I'm ok with that. ;) I imagine she's really lucky and is going to Disney World, and had a special invitation to dine with a prince, and encouraged to dress like a princess for the occasion. And she chose to dress up as Belle! :frankiesmile:

She's observing herself in the mirror and playing with her hair a little. We girls like to primp.

Cassini90125 07-29-2008 11:18 PM

Oooooo... Er, I mean, well done! :frankiesmile:

Lynnie 07-29-2008 11:30 PM

Thanks Cass. :frankiesmile: You know your opinion means a lot.

jekylljuice 07-30-2008 12:37 AM

Very good, Lynnie. It's nice to see some more work from you. :frankiesmile:

It's no secret that pencils and paper tend to get somewhat overlooked in a world where Photoshop and MSN paint are treated as capitol, but if given the chance they can still produce some wonderful results, just brimming with heart and soul. I thank you for helping to keep the spirit of pencils and paper alive. :)

Bloonan 07-30-2008 05:27 AM

Wow. These are no doubt impressive, fantastic job! My fave is the Ren Faire one. I actually noticed Bloo holding the bow backwards, I couldn't tell what was wrong and couldn't help laugh.

Lynnie 07-30-2008 05:37 PM

Thanks guys. :)

Oh yeah, I remember drawing Bloo holding the bow backwards. My mind was asleep at the time apparently, lol. In my defense though, it is easy to be confused, even if you're familiar with them. I remember at a Ren Faire once picking up a bow and pretending I was going to fire it, and realizing "Wait a minute.... something's wrong here." I was holding it backwards. It may be just me I guess, but they're just backwards for some reason in my brain. 8D

I need help

Mac-a-lacka 07-30-2008 10:27 PM

That's pretty cool. :)

Nice job. ;)

WiltsAKGirl17 08-06-2008 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 84144)
Wow, has it been over a year?? Yeah, I guess it has.

Well, I got a new scanner (yay me!), and in response to this post in the Foster's Dreams thread, I had inspiration to draw my first drawing for it. This was a few weeks ago now (sorry, I started it, and then completely forgot about it, so didn't finish it until now), but here she is- Frankie dressed as Belle from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Inspired by a dream I had.

Just some simple pencil sketches really, but that's my style and I'm ok with that. ;) I imagine she's really lucky and is going to Disney World, and had a special invitation to dine with a prince, and encouraged to dress like a princess for the occasion. And she chose to dress up as Belle! :frankiesmile:

She's observing herself in the mirror and playing with her hair a little. We girls like to primp.

Whoa. This looks beautiful, Lynnie! :frankiesmile:

Lynnie 07-10-2009 10:44 PM

Wow, it's been almost a year again since my last post here.

Well, in response to this post in the Frankie Appreciation thread, I finally finished the fan art I thought up. Ugh, I drew this like three times, and tried coloring it in two different ways. I miss my pencils. :P I like them so much better than markers. And filling scanned drawings in with MS Paint doesn't seem to work like I hoped because each pixel seemed to be a slightly different shade of white. ::) So this is colored by both markers and Paint. If it looks weird, that's why.

Anyway, Frankie is dressed to do some square dancing. I like nautical themed outfits, so I drew hers in a Sailor Suit style. Blooregard wants to learn the dance too, so he stuffed himself into a cowboy boot and is trying to fix his Western Slip Tie. Frankie knows he's probably going to strangle himself with it, so she's reaching out to help him before he does.

(I originally drew some shading under her skirt and on the floor but the scanner didn't pick the shading up, argh! But I don't want to scan it in a fourth time so this will have to do. I'm afraid I'm a little rusty when it comes to drawing.)

Anyway, hope you enjoyed. :frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 07-10-2009 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 113536)
Wow, it's been almost a year again since my last post here.

Well, in response to this post in the Frankie Appreciation thread, I finally finished the fan art I thought up. Ugh, I drew this like three times, and tried coloring it in two different ways. I miss my pencils. :P I like them so much better than markers. And filling scanned drawings in with MS Paint doesn't seem to work like I hoped because each pixel seemed to be a slightly different shade of white. ::) So this is colored by both markers and Paint. If it looks weird, that's why.

Anyway, Frankie is dressed to do some square dancing. I like nautical themed outfits, so I drew hers in a Sailor Suit style. Blooregard wants to learn the dance too, so he stuffed himself into a cowboy boot and is trying to fix his Western Slip Tie. Frankie knows he's probably going to strangle himself with it, so she's reaching out to help him before he does.

(I originally drew some shading under her skirt and on the floor but the scanner didn't pick the shading up, argh! But I don't want to scan it in a fourth time so this will have to do. I'm afraid I'm a little rusty when it comes to drawing.)

Anyway, hope you enjoyed. :frankiesmile:

I enjoyed it quite a bit; she looks wonderful. Nicely done! :frankiesmile:

Lynnie 07-10-2009 10:59 PM

Thank you Cass. :frankiesmile: I admit I'm a bit disappointed in the end result, but I'm glad you like it.

Cassini90125 07-10-2009 11:22 PM

You can always make more until you're happy with the result. :frankiesmile:

Obviously this works to my advantage as well... 8D

jekylljuice 07-11-2009 01:01 AM

That looks perfectly fine to my eyes, Lynnie. :) And yeah, I know your pain as far as scanners are concerned. They never do what you want them to. Whenever I tried scanning anything I'd coloured red, it always came as some weird shade of bruise-purple. :P

Lynnie 07-11-2009 03:22 AM

Thanks you guys. :)

I was just losing patience. I do so much better with my colored pencils. But they're at my apt and I'm at my parents' right now while they're in Europe. If I can think of anything fun, I'll try to draw something else before my vacation ends. I'll try to remember to pick up my pencils the next time I drop by my apt to pick up my mail and check my messages.

I also like my scanner better than theirs. :P Mine picks up more details. I'm glad to hear you like it despite the outcome. :frankiesmile:

Mac-a-lacka 07-11-2009 08:04 AM

Ooh, looks nice! :frankiesmile: :bloogrin:

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