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Last movie you watched?
After the song one, you just HAD to know I was gonna do this.
Anyways what was the last movie you watched? Now this could be in theaters, or on cable, or on TV or whatever, just name the last movie you watched. The last movie I saw was the supberly funny and cheestastic thriller... "Snakes on a Plane". |
Omfg me too. *air-five* SOAP was the funniest movie ever and wouldn't even be half the experience if I didn't see it with my friends.
"Independence Day", an all-time fave, early this morning.
10 things I hate about you
lovelovelove |
I dragged my brother to see Ant Bully yesterday so I could see it again so I guess that one. :)
I think the last movie I saw was when I was in California, right after Comic-Con. I believe it was Monster House (I think that was the title).
In movie theater: Over The Hedge (Yes, Sparky, I saw it)
On TV: Charlie and The Choclate Factory (2005 version) |
Last movie I saw was last night, it was part of Dragon Sword. Damn but that looked good! I hope sci-fi channel replays it.
Last Movie I watched in theaters: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Last Movie I Saw on TV (As of ten minuets ago): The Living Daylights |
Tank Girl. P-p-p-pow!!!
Theatre: Monster House
DVD: The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 2-D TV: Cheetah Girls 2 |
Well I saw part of The Mummy last night...
Batman Begins
and the night before that i watched Tim Burton's masterpiece.... Batman (the first and STILL the best!) |
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, last night on FOX. To be honest, I LOVE the storyline and ideas presented, the score is wonderful, and the visuals are fantastic. It's the stiff performances that drag it down. And Ben Burtt, quite possibly the worst editor in cinema history.
Last time I went to the theatres was last month for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, which I found to be very entertaining despite the negative reviews and backlash. |
Can't argue with that. I love that movie. :)
Later tonight it's going to be either War Of The Worlds or The Day After Tomorrow playing at Casa Cassini, but I really haven't made up my mind yet. :) |
Batman Returns
I think I've been bitten by the bat bug again. |
Pom Poko, which was far better than I expected it to be, albeit very odd at times. XD
Just last night we rented Kicking and Screaming. That movie was pretty funny.
In theaters: Material Girls (my best friend and I went solely because we are ex-Hilary fans and we thought if it sucked, at least we'd have fun mocking it)
At home: WarGames (ah... I love 80's movies) -Marty 8-) |
Theaters: Monster House
Home: Silence of the Lambs. Just now finished watching it. Been into horror movies and stuff lately. Yesterday I watched Alien. ^^ |
In theatres: Pulse. I am an insane Ian Somerhalder fangirl.
On DVD: Corpse Bride. But I've seen this movie so many times, I don't even know if it counts anymore:P |
In Theaters: Little Miss Sunshine. I love, love, LOVE that movie. I'm counting the days until it's released on DVD.
Home: Shaun of the Dead. Another awesome movie I love dearly. :bloocross: |
At Home: Howl's Moving Castle
Good movie but...not great. I've loved Miayazaki's work for the longest time, and while this sure was a eye popping wonderland type anime (like most of his works), I gotta say this wasn't as grand as I thought it'd be. |
Anyway, last movie I saw in theatres was Pirates of the Caribbean: DMC. Two words: Davy Jones. :3 |
In theatres: Just My Luck
On DvD: The Ring 2 ::) |
On DVD: Howl's Moving Castle
Theaters: Crank Crank is by far one of the GREATEST movies I have seen this year! It's FREAKING jaw dropping, I absolutely loved it, hardcore action, story telling, acting, absolutely amazing. If you can stomach the R rated material, GO see it NOW! |
On DVD: Master and Commander, earlier this evening. Had it not been competing with The Return of the King at the time, this is the movie I would have wanted to win the Oscar. :)
I just got back from the theater, where I watched Little Miss Sunshine. Very funny :D
At home: The Terminator (original)
Never seen the WHOLE thing before, and I gotta say, I can see why it was such a big hit back then. |
I finally got to see Snakes on a Plane. I had the best time watching that movie. It almost made me sick. AWESOME!
Another at home one.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines |
Theater: Accepted
Home: Big Fish |
[quote=Mr. Marshmallow;3855]On DVD: Howl's Moving Castle
QUOTE] Wow, I just remembered I loved that film! I must watch it again soon. I think the last thing I watched was Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas, crazy stuff! ;D |
"Below" and then "Wes Craven's They"
Both on DVD. |
A New Hope today.
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