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Master Knight DH 05-13-2007 03:16 AM

"Go Goo Go" missing scene.
There a 10 second scene missing from Go Goo Go. It happens just after the end of the first commercial break. I never saw this, having never seen the the episode before the time FHFIF had 4 episodes taking up the timeslots of Miguzi on Saturday and GGG was among those 4. (I think it was in February 2K6.) I'm only even aware of its existence from the JP dub video on YouTube.

What happened in the scene and why do you think it was cut out of later reruns?

pitbulllady 05-13-2007 11:08 AM

You'll have to describe what happens just previous to that scene, since commercial breaks occur at different intervals, depending on what date the episode is shown and on which provider. If you can tell us what happened right before the missing part, and right after, then maybe we can fill in the rest, assuming that it is missing.


Bloo2daMacs 05-13-2007 12:22 PM

Yeah, if you tell me what happened before it went to commercial, I may be able to know what the cut out scene was. I believe I saw the episode on it's original airdate.

Master Knight DH 05-13-2007 08:50 PM

Ugh. :(

Well, the missing 10 seconds is between Mac remarking that what happened was weird (saying "that was weird" when Bloo said "that was awesome") and Mac having his school stuff all over the floor.

Starsky 05-14-2007 06:48 AM

The scene aired here in Spain, even though I was watching it in the original audio track. Basically, after the commercial break, we see the Foster's entrance from inside, and Mac kicks the door open while poorly carrying all his stuff in his hands and mumbling "Chimbany rock-sack my foot..". Almost instantly, he drops everything on the floor.

Vampyre 05-14-2007 09:40 AM

Over here in England, it hasn't been shown with out that scene. Odd.

Bloo2daMacs 05-14-2007 06:11 PM

I... don't even remember that scene.

...that is... extraordinarilly odd.

Cutelilteen 05-14-2007 06:43 PM


I'm pretty sure I remember seeing that scene on the show. Course, I live in Canada (eh ;)), so maybe for some reason they kept that scene in when they bought it off of CN. Though it would be weird that they show it in other places and not in the US. :terrconf:

Kale 05-15-2007 02:54 AM

Yeh, everytime I've seen that episode, it's had that part, but then again, in England, we only have the one advert in the middle, so the commericial break would have been later on, so to skip that part would have been pretty pointless. In places where they have more commericial breaks, they may have had to cut it down a bit?

Bloo2daMacs 05-18-2007 11:55 AM

Actually, when I think really hard about it... I MAY have seen it... I dunno. Guess you'll have to ask some other American. *shrug*

Chaos Wielder 05-22-2007 08:27 PM

Wait...I think I vaguely remember seeing that scene at one point. I'm not for sure, though, because I haven't seen "Go Goo Go" in awhile. I guess I'll have to watch it again sometime to make sure. ;)

Zeitgheist 10-21-2007 01:26 AM

Huh? :0 That scene has always been aired here in Sweden. But I think it was when they only had commercials in between different programs (now it varies in between and once in the middle)

Kzinistzerg 10-28-2007 05:25 PM

I've seen it, but I did notice its mysterious disappearance more recently. Dunno why.

KazooBloo 12-05-2016 12:05 AM

I remember that scene.

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