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Intro animation change
I noticed the animation for the theme song changed for season 5. The scenes are still the same though, the animation is just different. Did anyone else notice this? :terrconf:
You can view it here (well...if you live in the US that is): http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/video/...onType=browser |
Could you perhaps offer those a link to where you saw this? The website is acting fairly... badly towards me and it really isn't loading like it should, or going where I want.
edit Wait wait nevermind, I found it. Course it's only available to those in America so I can't see it anyway. Thanks, cn. |
Um...where? It would help, if you provided us with a link. :terrconf:
Okay, I added the link on my original post.:)
It does look more realistic, as far as the actual animation goes. I think it's an improvement.
Looks the same to me.
...Wait a minute, I made a thread about this yesterday. Did she made the thread before I did?:terrconf: If so, whoops!:P But, I most CERTANLY did noticed that the opening was different.
Could anyone provide a diffrent link to some of us outside the US?
As I am quite intrested to see what they have change and the 'small' alters to the characters. |
I mentioned this in the Cheese A Go-Go thread, but in case you didn't see it, there's a good quality torrent of the episode on MySpleen; 242MB, avi, and it has the end credits on there (still no regular opening, though). You have register and login to download it, but that's free and simple; it's where I get all my new Foster's eps, and I can vouch that the quality's good. :frankiesmile:
EDIT: 100th post, woooo! :D I'm finally "At Home". :P |
Since it's not working for Macs (::) ) I can wait until Friday when the next new episode premeires.
Well, Foster's is more like 22 minutes, but you're right, 175MB is the standard fro pretty much every other show I've downloaded, so it's weird that this one is so big. To be honest, I was a little wary of it at first, because I've been downloading the complete Teen Titans recently, and whilst most of those are 175MB, there were a couple of episodes that were much bigger that just didn't work. :frankiemad: I can testify that this one works though, and that the quality's great.
I don't have BitTorrent since I don't want to download something for 24 hours. :( And if this appears as a WinRAR file, I can't watch it either since WinRAR isn't free. What about uploading the credits to YouTube or even better, DailyMotion? I would really like to see the credits. And there is no hope for me to see it on CN for another year since I only get the Nordic version of CN. I can't find the credit sequence anywhere.
Unfortunately, due to my lack of video editing software, I don't currently have any way of uploading stuff like Foster's eps onto the likes of YouTube, so I can't help you there...:macwor:
Still, I should tell you; I was once a bit confused and wary about torrent downloads, but they aren't anywhere near as daunting as they seem. Once I got used to the program (I recommend µTorrent), it's no more difficult than a bog-standard download. Heck, the customisability of it makes it more convenient most of the time; you can pause and resume them, prioritise certain downloads, get the program to automatically shut down Windows when it's done etc. Plus, if the file you're downloading is well seeded (that is to say, there are a lot of people online sharing it), there's no reason that it should take a particularly long time; that Cheese A Go-Go episode on MySpleen only took me about two or three hours, and there are far more people online sharing it now than when I downloaded it. To be honest, I'd advise you to take the plunge with torrenting; it took me only a short while to acclimatise to, and my life has been a lot easier since. :) |
You may be able to view the eppisode online, check CN video for your county to see what episodes are availible. Many of the shorts are on CN UK and I can view them here in the States. but I know many places have issues accessing the CN US from overseas.
I would partially agree with Ditchy. but I have my own reasons for not being fond of Torrets. I personally prefer RAR formats, but I understand the Copyright, Bandwidth and hosting issues associated to them. WinRaR is not free, but neither is WinZip. WinRaR can be downloaded and used as an evaluation copy, and it can continue to be used without registering. I have switched over to using it over the past few years because of the enhancements that it offers above WinZip. AS for Torrets, they are complex. and they do require a bit more knowlege then using just anything. for torrets you first need a torret client. I use UTorret, but there are others. Some are a bit more complex to use than others. the key for using torrets is to make sure you turn off the torret software when you do not use them and ignore Warning messages if it is working. also make sure to give it 5 min to start working. when choosing if to download a torret or not, the big thing is How many Seeders, and how many peers. If the seeders are lets say more than 1/3 of the peers then it should not be bad to download. so take the # of peers and divide it by the number of seeders. if the number is less than 3 the time is not so bad. the eppisode took me 45 min to download at this 1:3 ration. do not base your choice on number of peers unless you are technical enough to make sure that the ports have been opened against your ISP and firewalls, and properly fowarded through your Router if you are on wireless network or hub. Either way, WinRAR and Torrets allow you to download the file to view offline at High quality through a vidio player (provided you installed the CODEX). while utube and other online streams are lower quality and require bandwidth to the internet to watch. Monty :-/ |
Just saw the opening credits tonight (5/18) and they've changed the first fifteen seconds becoming more colorful to say the least.
Hmm...I haven't really noticed the change, actually. Maybe I need to pay more attention to the opening scene. :P So the characters have been altered a bit, huh? I don't really know what else to say about that since I haven't really seen it, but change CAN be good, as we all know, so I'll probably like it. ;)
Ok, now that I've seen "The Buck Swaps Here", I've finally seen the Season Five intro, and yeah, it has been spruced up. The most noticeable changes:
- The mansion is a little more ornate on the initial "draw-in", and the landscape is much sharper and more colourful - Mac really bounces up those stairs now! - The shot of Mac meeting Wilt is much smaller - Ed's pupils and eyebrow are proportionally smaller, making his stare a bit more focused - The shot of Mac meeting Coco is a bit bigger - Frankie's finally been upgraded to her Season Two redesign, with the pronounced ears, larger eyes and without the dangly sideburn-thingies (what's the correct term for those?) - Madame Foster's slower to wave, and Mr Herriman is slower to turn and point - Bloo looks a lot bigger, as do his facial features, especially for his big smile as he turns around, and his leap onto Mac's head has a bit more oomph to it now - Coco doesn't flap her mouth any more as she runs back and forth - The title portrait is wider and lighter Yes, I am a very, very sad man. 8D I guess once you've seen something about a hundred times, even the smallest changes become glaringly obvious...that's my excuse, anyway.:P |
Seriously though, I wonder why they chose now to redo the intro, and why they redid it at all. It does look better, granted, but it wasn't that big of a deal, at least in my book. |
I like the animation change for the intro. It looks they use the character models from Season Two to Season Five.
Also, Wilt takes two steps into the room at the end, instead of one big one. He kinda slides farther into the room.
Sadly enough, that was the one thing that made me notice "Hey! The opening is changed!" xD That's when I watched through it again and saw the rest of the little details. Heh. |
Yeah, I finally noticed it today when I was watching "The Buck Swaps Here". I like the change, actually. It will take awhile to get used to, but it's still nice to look at. The designs seem to be overall improved and I also noticed that Eduardo is now smiling instead of looking neutral when Mac goes into the next room where he is. It's a nice little change. :P
I kinda like this new animation, but at the same time, I really miss the old one (especially at the part with Bloo; now he looks fat::))
I rather like it. I'm glad they upgraded the animation.
I didn't see any change on the intro i guess im blind.
I like it. It uses the standard models of the characters now. The most notable example is Frankie. You can clearly see that she has the look she does now rather than the look she had in the first season.
i haven't watched Foster's in a while-exept for the amusment park episode. I can't WAIT to see the little changes! I get exited easily over small things.
I'm thrilled with the changes. XD It's the little things that get me, I guess. I really love how Wilt actually looks natural while he's laughing at the end; he used to have this weird "feet and knees together bounce thing" in the old animation. And I almost screamed at the way Bloo just perked up when Mac showed up, and the way he -bounced- and -leapt- - I mean, they did it last time, but now you can practically feel the joy radiating off Bloo while he's doing that! XD Man, the animation team is so awesome. I still havent figured out how the heck they make BLOO of all people, do the moonwalk, and all those crazy dance moves he's pulled off.
Yes, I noticed a difference in the introduction too, but I think it has something to do with the music, not the animation. It seems that they shortened the beginning, where it's a little slow with the music, and now it dives into the chorus a bit faster.8-)
I kind of preferred Eduardo's "neutral" expression over his frown from right before Mac and Wilt meet him. It was unique.
I also found it amusing in appearance the way Eduardo ran into the room with his body faced in the wrong direction when he and the two others met Coco in the original opening. In general, all of the characters got bumped up in size. |
I find it a little paradoxical that they go to the trouble of making a new intro just to shorten it (see the shortened intro thread). Weird, huh?
Weird, and completely pointless. :P
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