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pitbulllady 05-07-2007 01:47 PM

The Official Wilt Appreciation Thread
Well, Frankie has one for her fanboys, so I figured, "what the heck, why not create one for the Tall Red One?" So, ladies, here it is; this is where those of us who truely believe that the Ultimate Male wears a big blue number "1" on his chest, and can mow grass like nobody's business! This is the place to come if you absolutely adore the Wilt-Man, and want to let all the world know why! General Wilt discussions, like why he did something on a show, can still be in the old Wilt thread; this one is primarily for extolling his many virtues. Guys, along with gals who do not really consider themselves "fangirls", are free to post here, too, just as long as they respect him and his legion of devoted fangirls. Please keep topics clean, y'all, and all forum rules apply, including discussions of pairings.

Why do I appreciate Wilt so much? What's NOT to appreciate? I mean, if I could sit down and design the Perfect Guy, personality-wise and talent-wise, I couldn't come up with anything to improve on him, honestly. Let's hear your reasons, ladies-don't be shy!


Vampyre 05-07-2007 02:23 PM

Wilt means a LOT to me, and if anything, I think it's made rather obvious when I talk about someone I care about, like a friend or relative. I don't think of the person's ACTUAL name, the name that immediatly comes to mind start's with a 'W' and ends with an 'Ilt'. I'm not crushing by any means, but I love him to pieces. I even loved him more than I did my boyfriend (well yeah, I broke up with the guy after about a day or two). I adore every part of him from the tips of his toes to the lid of his eyes and everything else in between especially those legs and that dashing smile.

I beleive he is the first cartoon character I have EVER had the pleasure of knowing (and beleive me, if you've been watching Cartoon Network since you were four years old then that is a LOT of characters) to be the way he is; Sweet, kind hearted and the complete opposite of self absorbed. I love all his bad points too, because that's what makes him the greatest guy EVER: From his hopeless apologizing to his adorable stage fright and to be quite honest I don't think his lack of limb as a bad point at all. Wilt just wouldn't be the same otherwise, though it WAS nice to see his younger self back when he lived with Jordan in the hood (I love that term XD In the hood. I could say it for hours if it weren't currently the middle of the night over here in Great Britain)

So yeah, I loves him vewy much.

Sparky 05-07-2007 04:46 PM

I did *not* want the word "fangirl" in the title of the thread so I took it out. We don't want to exclude guys or people who don't categorise themselves as "fangirls" per se.

pitbulllady 05-07-2007 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Vampyre (Post 43180)
Wilt means a LOT to me, and if anything, I think it's made rather obvious when I talk about someone I care about, like a friend or relative. I don't think of the person's ACTUAL name, the name that immediatly comes to mind start's with a 'W' and ends with an 'Ilt'. I'm not crushing by any means, but I love him to pieces. I even loved him more than I did my boyfriend (well yeah, I broke up with the guy after about a day or two). I adore every part of him from the tips of his toes to the lid of his eyes and everything else in between especially those legs and that dashing smile.

I beleive he is the first cartoon character I have EVER had the pleasure of knowing (and beleive me, if you've been watching Cartoon Network since you were four years old then that is a LOT of characters) to be the way he is; Sweet, kind hearted and the complete opposite of self absorbed. I love all his bad points too, because that's what makes him the greatest guy EVER: From his hopeless apologizing to his adorable stage fright and to be quite honest I don't think his lack of limb as a bad point at all. Wilt just wouldn't be the same otherwise, though it WAS nice to see his younger self back when he lived with Jordan in the hood (I love that term XD In the hood. I could say it for hours if it weren't currently the middle of the night over here in Great Britain)

So yeah, I loves him vewy much.

I wouldn't consider MY feelings toward Wilt to be a "crush", either, since a crush implies something VERY brief and temporary, usually based mainly on physical looks. Behavior-wise, it's very easy to see how anyone could at least be very fond of Wilt, but I honestly cannot explain why I also find him attractive. I mean, 10 years ago, if someone had asked me to describe, in terms of LOOKS, what I considered to be a really attractive guy, I SERIOUSLY doubt that I would have thought of anyone who was 10 feet tall, had bright red skin, was missing an arm and blind in one eye, and had eyes up on stalks on top of his head! I don't know if the personality just does such a great job of overshadowing everything else, or what, but I still find him to be handsome! Wilt is probably the only case where I really cannot logically explain why I feel a certain way towards something/someone.


antgirl1 05-07-2007 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 43220)
I mean, 10 years ago, if someone had asked me to describe, in terms of LOOKS, what I considered to be a really attractive guy, I SERIOUSLY doubt that I would have thought of anyone who was 10 feet tall, had bright red skin, was missing an arm and blind in one eye, and had eyes up on stalks on top of his head!

I can't believe you forgot his cute little lobes on his head. XD

Now, let's start on HOW THE HECK did I ever learn about who this Tall Red Dude whose height is mostly made up by his long stick legs = :D

I have been a fan of Wilt since I first saw his promotional AD on TV on July 2005 ("That guy is TALL.", anyone remember those ADs?) and I was like "Oh I GOTTA find out what this is" and back then, the website for Foster's was pretty basic, y'know, with white background, the logo in the middle, the 5 main characters appeared in small circles the "orbited" the logo, and if you clicked on a character, he/she (for Coco) would just walk in from the distance, as if the background was fog? I had watched the character clips over and over again as the characters' circle thingies appeared in the website when the characters were introduced in the ADs. And when I finally saw the pilot, and Wilt was appearing, I COULD NOT hold back a squeal for the fact that the soon-to-be the NEXT BEST ROLE-MODEL EVER was finally getting his intro. Reading his description I was like "Whoa."

What I DID NOT see coming was how low his voice was. Don't get me wrong, I didn't expect it to be high-pitched, but y'know, like a standard low voice. What came to mind was "Whoa, his voice actor must be nuts."

But as I got more used to this...character who is called an imaginary friend named "Wilt" (Which I rarely stress the "T" in the name regularly, I make it sound like a "D". XD), I got more interested in him, noticing how nice he truly was (And wasn't mentioned in his first description, the staff said he was HELPFUL, but didn't say he was NICE, but we learned that he was by watching the show) and I came to the conclusion that he was a little naive as well. Not stupid, but naive.

I'm glad his appearance isn't based off of Tiny Tim in some way. People would love a character that, like the rest, would stand out from the crowd. Like Bloo is blue and small and admitedly adorable, Coco is a mix of things her creator went through/saw, Eduardo is the big purple monster who is a softy on the inside, so here's Wilt, who is the tall red dude who was made to coach his creator in the ways of Basketball. Basket-Paul anyone? At least he CAN play it! XD

With no cheating allowed, Foul Larry's out of Wilt's league, basketball-wise. 'Nuff said. that you think about it, you people have no clue how much we have in common...

FailedShapeshifter 05-07-2007 09:28 PM

I honestly wish my reasons were as deep and well thought out as all of yours....but I guess I'm really just not that deep.:P When I saw the Piolt episode I decided right off the bat that he would be the favorite character. Not because he was sweet and polite (though that did help), he hadn't even said anything yet. Nope, nothing like that. It was because he was tall, plain and simple. I don't know why, but I've always found myself drawn to the taller characters, and I tend to become a diehard fangirl. I love Jack Skellington, and I believe the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz is the tallest of the group (especially if you go by the musical Wicked).....It's just.....I like tall guys. It could be because I'm a sixteen year old girl and I'm 5'11, but we are not going to get into that right now......

Now, before you think me shallow and brainless, know that the reason that I love Wilt now is not for the height, though I have to admit it does help. It's his personality that makes me idolize him, I believe. I'm increadibly old-fashioned (I know that sounds really weird coming from a teenager) and I really admire the chivarly:D He is basically every girls dream guy. I would absolutely love to have a guy be so sincere and kind to everyone, even the likes of me! People are so cruel these days that seeing people like Wilt is becoming a rarity. All that said.....the fact that he's so good looking doesn't hurt either.......

Now that I'm done with all that, I must say I'm increadibly embarassed and will probably go back and edit this to no end later.......8D

pitbulllady 05-08-2007 04:05 AM

I never even watched Cartoon Network prior to Foster's, and I didn't start watching IT until after the second season was well underway. I started watching it specifically because of Wilt, and all I'd seen of him had been fanart on Deviant Art. Something about his looks, his design, caught my eye and intrigued me, even though I'd never heard his voice, never seen him move, and had no idea how he acted. Once I'd actually watched the show(I think the first re-run I caught was "Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree"), I was a total goner, taken in hook, line and sinker! I STILL cannot explain, though, what it is specifically about Wilt's looks that I find so handsome, but at least I can take solace that I'm not the only one! As for his behavior, I think it appeals to some deep female instinct to find a male that is caring, compassionate, knows when to be gentle and when to be firm, and extremely versitile to boot. Some ancient part of our brains is hard-wired to think, "Now THIS would be a great provider for me and my family, a protector when need be, and not a threat to me in any way." I grew up with two men who were like that, my father and grandfather, so I guess I'm more than a little "spoiled" when it comes to a man meeting my high expectations-unfair of me, I must say, but I can't help it. Wilt is the closest thing I've seen to meeting my expectations, so it's really a shame that he's an animated character. There aren't many people who can do all the things he does, and THEY have both arms and both eyes still. That's one of the reasons why I believe that Jordan was subconciously creating not just a friend who'd help him with his game, but a father figure, since Wilt does all those things that dads used to take care of, from car engine repair to lawn care to house cleaning. I don't think that Wilt is naive at all, but due to his obsession with not upsetting someone else, he'll take a back seat and just sort of keep what he knows to himself. A good case in point is in "Foster's Goes To Europe", when Bloo was "coaching" everyone on how to speak "French". Wilt obviously KNEW that wasn't French, and it wouldn't surprise me if HE couldn't actually speak a few words of French himself, but rather than just say, "Hey, Bloo-NO WAY that's French", he took a different approach, and decided that the point wasn't worth arguing over.


scary_dream 05-26-2007 02:39 PM

I don't know what, but like PBL something drew me to Wilt even before I watched the show, saw his personality, or heard his voice. I saw a picture of him and I was like "Whoa! He looks awesome!!" and the funny part is that I was so preoccupied with how cheerful and bright he looked, I didn't even notice he was missing an arm or had a wonky eye until I stared at it for a good, long while. After that, I guess you could say Wilt is one of the main reasons I started watching Foster's. I liked Cartoon Network, but I hadn't got a chance to watch Foster's and see how good it really is, but after I saw Wilt, I became briefly infatuated with finding anything and everything out about him because he was such an interesting character. The first time I ever watched Foster's, I was thinking "FIND OUT ALL I CAN ABOUT THAT GUY!!!" 8D I searched on the internet in about every corner I could think to look (occasionally finding some of PBLs thoughts and theories, which were HUGELY helpful in my understanding of him), and finally happening upon NF. I've been here for almost a year now, but I'd watched Foster's for a good while before that... it just took me a while to find this place and not the old forum and then work up the nerve to introduce myself.

After joining here, I found out it was ok to be so passionate about something (in my quest to find out more about "that tall red guy", I grew to LOVE the entire show), and that it wasn't psychotic to actually look up to a character like Wilt as a role model. He's an inspiration to me, and I've mentioned before that I seriously need a bracelet that says "W.W.W.D?" because I think that all the time, and I'm happy about that because it's made me a better person, I think. Not to mention, his athleticism has inspired me yet again to improve myself, and I've become more active and have lost 15 lbs because of it!

Ahhh, Wilt. If only he knew how much we love him. :D

Ub3rD4n 05-27-2007 01:09 AM

So, I'm not the only one who desires a W.W.W.D? T-shirt. Seriously, like Scary Dream, I think that all the time.

Sparky 05-27-2007 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n (Post 45257)
So, I'm not the only one who desires a W.W.W.D? T-shirt. Seriously, like Scary Dream, I think that all the time.

I've *thought* about making a WWWD logo for the Cafepress shop...if someone wants to design a neat stylised one that would be cool. But not so stylised that it's like, girly or whatnot. ;) (Remember that it needs to be a big image, at least 2000 pixels wide, to look best once printed on products.)

Maybe put like a basketball somewhere in there, and/or a red-white-and-blue wristband hanging off one of the letters. See how sneaky we are about copyright. :slybendy:

taranchula 05-27-2007 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 45323)

Maybe put like a basketball somewhere in there, and/or a red-white-and-blue wristband hanging off one of the letters. See how sneaky we are about copyright. :slybendy:

YES that would be an awesome idea. And I would certainly buy that kind of shirt for sure.

Chaos Wielder 05-27-2007 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 45325)
YES that would be an awesome idea. And I would certainly buy that kind of shirt for sure.

You can count me in because I would certainly buy it, too! XD I love that idea!

scary_dream 05-27-2007 10:22 PM

Oooooh! I really like the wristband idea!!

I unfortunately cannot come up with a stylized way because all I have is paint on my Compy 3000 and I can't draw worth a flip, but I'd SO buy something with W.W.W.D? on it!

x_dummkoff_x 05-28-2007 05:28 PM

omg, I just found this!
now, I ain't gonna start on a rant [that'll take up WAY too much room]
just wanna say I love him!
and he's my angel.
I've actually gotten through a LOT of stuff cuz-a him.
my friend knows more.
like I said, I ain't goin' into detail.
but y'know what's really weird?
like, two weeks after I started watchin' this show,
I knew EVERYONE on there except wilt.
and now look.
life is so unpredictable.
but I'm so grateful it happened.

CG 05-28-2007 06:20 PM

Okay, since you guys demanded it I just threw together a mock-up version of your whole idea. Whaddya think?


Sparky 05-28-2007 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by CG (Post 45431)
Okay, since you guys demanded it I just threw together a mock-up version of your whole idea. Whaddya think?


The basketball as the dot is awesome!! Wouldn't have thought of that. Do you think this would look better if it was in this configuration:


instead? Just curious, and asking everyone. And how about dangling the wristband off of the top left bit of the first W?

scary_dream 05-28-2007 06:57 PM

I like the basketball dot, but I agree with Sparky that the wristband might look a bit better dangling off the W. It looks a tad unnatural on the D.

Looks good though!

CG 05-28-2007 07:00 PM

Done and done.

WWWD part deux

One Radical Dude 05-28-2007 07:08 PM

Hey, I think that would me a great shirt design. That is definitely okay, in my book! :D

pitbulllady 05-28-2007 08:23 PM

I love the "part deux" version especially! Maybe a pair of black-and-white Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star high-tops below it would make it pretty clear who it's in reference to, in case somebody missed the basketball or the wristband, but it still looks great.


Sparky 05-28-2007 08:30 PM

I almost said the same thing pbl but then I thought 1) that would be a little much and 2) I'd like to see a *separate* design with the shoes, maybe the wristband and socks, and a basketball. Text might not even be necessary, else "Get yer game on" or something along those lines. But anyways. Yeah, I like both versions (well, with the wristband on the W in both), it would depend on what merchandise it was on. A mousepad, definitely the square configuration. A mug, the linear one. Either would look good on a t-shirt, but I wasn't sure what people would prefer. I could certainly have both, but if one is strongly preferred over the other it'd save me some work if I knew which one to use.

Ub3rD4n 05-28-2007 11:18 PM

Glee! Man, I'd probalby order a W.W.W.D. T-shirt, despite the cost of shipping it to my isolated island lair.

x_dummkoff_x 05-29-2007 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by CG (Post 45435)
Done and done.

WWWD part deux

OMG, that RAWKS!
kudos, man.
I'd totally buy a shirt like that! [or two]

Sparky 05-29-2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by x_dummkoff_x (Post 45494)
OMG, that RAWKS!
kudos, man.
I'd totally buy a shirt like that! [or two]

Well it's available now, if you didn't see the update to the Cafepress Shop thread. More stuff on the way.

x_dummkoff_x 05-29-2007 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 45496)
Well it's available now, if you didn't see the update to the Cafepress Shop thread. More stuff on the way.

oh friggin sweet-O!

Vampyre 06-05-2007 01:21 PM

Totally random but...

Wilt's underbite. I LOVE his underbite. I have no idea why, and I'm not even sure if her DOES have an underbite or not since it's kinda impossible to tell when he's in profile, unless he's grinning. I love how how his jaw line is further forward rather than his over bite. I find it... Handsome...:D

jekylljuice 06-05-2007 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Vampyre (Post 46226)
Totally random but...

Wilt's underbite. I LOVE his underbite. I have no idea why, and I'm not even sure if her DOES have an underbite or not since it's kinda impossible to tell when he's in profile, unless he's grinning. I love how how his jaw line is further forward rather than his over bite. I find it... Handsome...:D

Yep, there's an underbite alright, though it's only really visible when you see him grinning from a side-ways shot - I first noticed it when he turns to face Dancey Pantalones in "Partying is Such a Sweet Soiree" without losing his elated cool. It could be, of course, that this is part of Craig's drawing style and this a fairly common feature amongst residents of the Foster's universe. The only other character I've actually noticed to have one is Kip (like I'd miss a detail like that :bloocross:), but then I can't say I've been looking particularly diligently.

Oh yes, and underbites are indeed handsome. :D

x_dummkoff_x 06-05-2007 04:34 PM

I think EVERYTHING about him is handsome.
-dreamy sigh-
>>, <<, >>!?

pitbulllady 06-05-2007 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Vampyre (Post 46226)
Totally random but...

Wilt's underbite. I LOVE his underbite. I have no idea why, and I'm not even sure if her DOES have an underbite or not since it's kinda impossible to tell when he's in profile, unless he's grinning. I love how how his jaw line is further forward rather than his over bite. I find it... Handsome...:D

That's another thing that Wilt has in common with another one of my favorite characters, Randall Boggs from Monsters, Inc.. He and Wilt have almost the exact grin, underbite and all...except that Randall's teeth a tad bit pointier! But yeah, Wilt definately has an underbite; it's TOTALLY there! To me it makes him more "realistic", because it's a physical flaw that was there from the get-go, something that probably wasn't thought up by Jordan, either.


FailedShapeshifter 06-05-2007 06:00 PM

Hey you never know, maybe he thought the underbite is the key to all basketball skills............:D........................yeah no more candy for me............I love the underbite for the same reason, it makes him seem realistic.....that's all.:D And it's cute ^_^ Man I'm such a girl.....

antgirl1 06-18-2007 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by A mysterious girl (Post 47538)
2) Haven't you noticed that his hands- I mean HAND- look a bit like the ones of a frog? (don't take this like an offense, I am a Wilt's fangirl too, you already noticed that for sure) And if he was kneeling he would look more like a frog- a tall, handsome and red frog... wait! red frogs are poisonous. Does that means we can't hug him? I hope not.

Wilt's fingers had been described as "Weirdo Suction-cuppy fingers" by Eduardo, indicating that Wilt's fingertips are suction cups, most likely for better grip on a basketball. It is still unknown whether or not Wilt could probably climb on walls/ceiling with them (he'd have to take off the shoes and socks, though, because the only one time to see his feet, the toes look similar to his fingers).

And no, I never noticed that when he kneels down. Maybe Wilt has maybe at least a hint of frog/toad within him. Of course, this could mean he is a higher jumper, so that could go with Basketball too. Though I'd doubt that he'd kneel that much down just for a jump shot, probably would take too long. :D

jekylljuice 06-18-2007 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by A mysterious girl (Post 47538)
1) I think he is not the only one who has an underbite, I think I saw Bloo, Frankie and maybe Mac bite the same way. Also the guy who asked Bloo to be Deo... I don't know.

His name is Kip Snip. Be sure to memorise that name, it's important. And you are quite correct, the lower jaw of his handsome smile is indeed inconsistent with the upper. As for Mac, Bloo and Frankie...I've yet to notice, but I'll pay it more mind. I do suspect that it's part the show's drawing style, and thus a pretty regular feature amongst Foster's character designs.

As for Wilt's "weirdo suction-cuppy fingers", they've always reminded me (perhaps ironically) of those possessed by the malignant aliens in the War of the Worlds (in the films, that is...I believe the martians in the original novel were described as having tentacles instead of fingers). :D

pitbulllady 06-18-2007 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 47572)
His name is Kip Snip. Be sure to memorise that name, it's important. And you are quite correct, the lower jaw of his handsome smile is indeed inconsistent with the upper. As for Mac, Bloo and Frankie...I've yet to notice, but I'll pay it more mind. I do suspect that it's part the show's drawing style, and thus a pretty regular feature amongst Foster's character designs.

As for Wilt's "weirdo suction-cuppy fingers", they've always reminded me (perhaps ironically) of those possessed by the malignant aliens in the War of the Worlds (in the films, that is...I believe the martians in the original novel were described as having tentacles instead of fingers). :D

Wilt is seen kneeling down at the beginning of "Foster's Goes to Europe", in that scene in which Bloo is "educating" them on how to blend in with the French. I don't think he looks like a frog, though, since frogs usually have short front limbs and chubby, flattish bodies, and no necks. His fingers remind me more of a gecko's, since they have similar gripping pads on the ends of their fingers, but theirs are dry and utilize billions of tiny hairlike skin cells located on their dermal ridges(that would be fingerprints, to a human), rather than wet suction discs that some frogs have. I can be quite certain that Wilt's skin is NOT wet and slimy like a frog's! Wilt's gripping finger tips(and toe tips, since as Antgirl1 pointed out, his toes are the same way), along with his underbite, are two phyical characteristics he shares with the character Randall from Monsters, Inc., but I don't know if Wilt can climb up and cling to sheer walls like Randall can or not! He probably doesn't have enough limbs to support his weight, after all, even if he took his shoes off(and Wilt seems to have "issues" with doing that).


pitbulllady 06-19-2007 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by A mysterious girl (Post 47652)
Thanks for telling me his name. The thing is that in the spanish dub they sometimes translate the names, so its hard to know if they are the caracters' real names.

Oh! I'm sorry, I think I made a mistake, since English is only my second language I sometimes confuse words, I didn't mean kneeling, I meant something else, but I don't remember the word. SORRY!
And yes I agree, he doesn't look A LOT like a frog, frogs are... fat. And yes, I don't really think his skin is wet and slimy.

With this I think we have learned a lesson.
All you who are reading this: be suspicious about some of the things I say, and if someone notices I start writting nonsense or if words are misspelt, just tell me (If you wish to).
Me: be more carefull about the things I write- I mean the spelling and the fact that I have to look up them in the dictionary- , because even if they are small mistakes they can make a BIG difference. Also, I have to check more than once my posts.

No problem, and we won't be suspicious of what you say. I understand that some words in some languages do not have good comparisons in other languages, so it's difficult to find the right one sometimes.


basilsunshine 06-30-2007 09:07 PM

Did anyone else think that Wilt made an adorable veteran?

Sparky 06-30-2007 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by basilsunshine (Post 49121)
Did anyone else think that Wilt made an adorable veteran?

(Moved this post to the appreciation thread because the regular discussion thread is not the place to talk about Wilt being adorable)

I did! I never would have thought of dressing him up like that, it worked very well. :D

pitbulllady 07-01-2007 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 49122)
(Moved this post to the appreciation thread because the regular discussion thread is not the place to talk about Wilt being adorable)

I did! I never would have thought of dressing him up like that, it worked very well. :D

Yeah, it did-with Wilt missing an arm and an eye, it would naturally go with the guise of a disabled war hero. No one would likely even question his status as such at the nursing home. It's interesting and insightful how Coco came up with that disguise, showing that she's not as crazy as people think she is.


basilsunshine 07-01-2007 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 49151)
Yeah, it did-with Wilt missing an arm and an eye, it would naturally go with the guise of a disabled war hero. No one would likely even question his status as such at the nursing home. It's interesting and insightful how Coco came up with that disguise, showing that she's not as crazy as people think she is.


It WAS clever of her. :D

Alandra 09-15-2007 07:07 PM

I thought just to rekindle this thread, Im a Wilt Fangirl myself as you all know from my intro thread. But I was reading the earlier posts in this thread. I agree, alot of girls find Wilt as that "dream guy". He is caring, up beat, cheerful, bright about the world, and always apologizing. After the movie "Good Wilt Hunting" and in the new shows,you can tell that Wilt feels better about himself and he doesnt have that guilt about his past anymore tugging him down silentley and having to hide it. I admit, there is somthing about his smile that just snags you and draws you to him. Ive also noticed he is kinda a curious character, even if it is just a tiny bit of curiousity he as, like he just wants to go out there and do somthing great, Anybody else notice that?

antgirl1 09-15-2007 07:52 PM

That last statement made me go "Awww". I find the characteristic "Curiousity" in a character kinda...adoreable. :D

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