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One Radical Dude 08-24-2006 03:05 PM

No love for Ivan? I wouldn't mind seeing this IF make a second appearance in the future. He was an interesting character, the VA was appropriate (Kevin McDonald was the man behind the voice of Ivan) -- what else....AAAH!!! :P What are your thoughts on Ivan?

Sparky 08-24-2006 03:07 PM

Well they *did* put him in that adopt-a-friend online game last year, I guess they liked him at the studio! A second appearance would be cool. :)

Nyo 08-24-2006 03:42 PM


*crashes into a tree*

Yeah, seeing him again would be cool.

Cassini90125 08-24-2006 04:06 PM

One return appearance would be fine, but he could get tiresome faster than Goo or Cheese. :P

Scribble 08-24-2006 10:48 PM

His many eyes intruiged me! o.o But I agree, I would like to see him again in the future but not too much.^^

TraverseTown 08-24-2006 11:17 PM

He is the best One-Time friend (along with Berry). I'd just love to see him again! He was park of the Adopt Online thing AND is misplaced in the BFAHP House! He'd better at least make a cameo role. At this point in the show, you have to milk every single one of your options, and in this case, Ivan, who would make a good episode plot, along with Berry, Red, and Jackie Khones. Ivan had a surprisingly deep personality for a 9-minute episode friend which could be further developed on in the future. The plot of the episode would have to be ... versitile ... yeah. I love Ivan, anyway! :D


scary_dream 08-28-2006 09:39 PM

I think Ivan is hilarious, but whenever I hear him I can't help but think about the Kids in the Hall and the Almighty Tallest.

What can I say... I watch Comedy Central and I own the Invader ZIM dvds. :-[

InsaneFan 09-03-2006 10:42 AM

KEVIN = <3

kaytea 09-06-2006 12:21 AM

I'd love to see him again he was funny
I loved how he screamed and sometimes ran around like a maniac

Invader Bloo 10-08-2006 11:32 AM

I want to see him again. STEVIE! I don't see why he would become a Cheese or Goo though, he has to stay with Stevie all of the time.

WiltsAKGirl17 11-13-2007 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 2236)
No love for Ivan? I wouldn't mind seeing this IF make a second appearance in the future. He was an interesting character, the VA was appropriate (Kevin McDonald was the man behind the voice of Ivan) -- what else....AAAH!!! :P What are your thoughts on Ivan?

Quick question: Kevin McDonald was the voice of Pleakley on Lilo and Stitch, right? When I first watched this episode, I kept picturing Pleakley. OK, back to the topic.

I think another episode with Ivan would be nice. We was a cute character-- the way he kept spazzing out about losing Stevie was just so ^_^

I'd like to see him again, yeah.

jekylljuice 11-14-2007 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by WiltsAKGirl17 (Post 63696)
Quick question: Kevin McDonald was the voice of Pleakley on Lilo and Stitch, right? When I first watched this episode, I kept picturing Pleakley.

The very same Kevin McDonald. :)

Yeah, I like Ivan, he's a sweetie. Though with those multiple eyes of his he kind of reminds me of that ravenous monster from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Shelltoon 11-14-2007 12:28 PM

I'd love to see Ivan make a few more appearances in the show. Just seeing him run around going "AHHHH! STEVIE!!" was fun, but he should get a bit more of a role than doing that.

WiltsAKGirl17 11-14-2007 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 63713)
The very same Kevin McDonald. :)

Yeah, I like Ivan, he's a sweetie. Though with those multiple eyes of his he kind of reminds me of that ravenous monster from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Oh, okey dokey. Thanks, jekylljuice! :)


Originally Posted by Shelltoon (Post 63722)
I'd love to see Ivan make a few more appearances in the show. Just seeing him run around going "AHHHH! STEVIE!!" was fun, but he should get a bit more of a role than doing that.

I wholeheartedly agree-- Seeing Ivan do something other than scream "STEVIE!!!!!!!!" would be great.

Empyrisan 05-15-2008 03:06 PM

I think Ivan is a pretty comical character! His voice perfectly matches with his frantic personality and he's determined to ensure Stevie's safety! Who wouldn't want a friend like that?

Mac-a-lacka 05-15-2008 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by WiltsAKGirl17 (Post 63696)
Quick question: Kevin McDonald was the voice of Pleakley on Lilo and Stitch, right? When I first watched this episode, I kept picturing Pleakley.

I thought Ivan sounded like him also.:wiltshock:
Every time I heard his voice I couldn't help but think of Pleakley.8D

One Radical Dude 05-16-2008 09:39 PM

Heh heh, that's because McDonald voiced both Pleakley and (of course) Ivan. :bloogrin: Even though the series is getting closer to ending and don't expect it to happen, I would still love one more appearance from Ivan.

WestBunny:3 11-04-2008 08:20 AM

I think ivan had much purpose in live than many IFs we know. I thought it was very sweet, that dedication he shows for his creator...Maybe he reminds me of a dog? :terrconf:

Cassini90125 11-04-2008 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by WestBunny:3 (Post 97608)
I think ivan had much purpose in live than many IFs we know. I thought it was very sweet, that dedication he shows for his creator...Maybe he reminds me of a dog? :terrconf:

Given that Lauren Faust compared the four main Imaginary Friends to dogs at the 2008 Con, Ivan could easily be seen as the imaginary equivalent of a seeing-eye dog.

jekylljuice 11-04-2008 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 97610)
Given that Lauren Faust compared the four main Imaginary Friends to dogs at the 2008 Con, Ivan could easily be seen as the imaginary equivalent of a seeing-eye dog.

That's pretty much how I see him. He wears a collar and leash, after all.

WiltsAKGirl17 11-08-2008 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 97610)
Given that Lauren Faust compared the four main Imaginary Friends to dogs at the 2008 Con, Ivan could easily be seen as the imaginary equivalent of a seeing-eye dog.


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 97629)
That's pretty much how I see him. He wears a collar and leash, after all.

Ivan always struck me as being like a seeing-eye dog-- loyal to his creator and hellbent for election on keeping him safe, the leash and collar like JJ pointed out, even the way he introduced himself to Mac and Bloo-- I'm Stevie's seeing-eye friend!

Of course it's been a while since I've seen the episode and on top of that, I'm operating on roughly 30 minutes of sleep. ;D

Lynnie 11-08-2008 03:10 PM

Ivan reminded me of a seeing eye dog, too, for the same obvious reasons as have already been stated. Except he can explain what things look like too, not only lead Stevie around to he stays safe.

He also reminded me of a bug, with all those eyes he has. I'm picturing a magnified shot of a fly's face. I wonder how on earth his brain functioned with all those eyes each drawing in a different picture. Wouldn't it be a giant mess when it got there? Or perhaps it was pieced together to create an amazing panoramic view that we two eyed people will never be able to comprehend.

antgirl1 11-08-2008 09:15 PM

Plus maybe the fact he's a seeing-eye-friend that he gets better quality of vision than that of a normal human bieng...? :D

Sparky 11-08-2008 09:48 PM

Do we even know Stevie created Ivan? I can't remember if it was said in the ep. If he didn't, do we know that Ivan was actually created to be a seeing-eye friend? Maybe there's a place out there that adopts friends that they think would work as different "service friends" and trains them, then adopts them out to people who need them. Or maybe Stevie's mom just adopted/otherwise obtained Ivan, thinking "oh he has lots of eyes he can be Stevie's seeing-eye-friend".

Sorry, I can't remember if the question of if Stevie is Ivan's creator has come up before, so I apologise if it has and I'm repeating something already said.

jekylljuice 11-09-2008 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 98176)
Do we even know Stevie created Ivan? I can't remember if it was said in the ep. If he didn't, do we know that Ivan was actually created to be a seeing-eye friend? Maybe there's a place out there that adopts friends that they think would work as different "service friends" and trains them, then adopts them out to people who need them. Or maybe Stevie's mom just adopted/otherwise obtained Ivan, thinking "oh he has lots of eyes he can be Stevie's seeing-eye-friend".

Sorry, I can't remember if the question of if Stevie is Ivan's creator has come up before, so I apologise if it has and I'm repeating something already said.

If Stevie was born blind (and I don't recall there being any confirmation that he was, so this is purely a hypothesis) then I can picture there being a little difficulty in the possibility of his having created if he had always been blind, then how would he know what all of Ivan's visual features (eyes, colour et al) should actually look like? Of course, a blind child would still have as much capacity to create an imaginary friend as a seeing child, but I am curious to know how this actually works within the realm of Foster's, in which imaginary friends become fixed and real as their creators envision them. In a blind child's case, it would presumably have to draw upon sensory information other than which case, does the "creation process" fill in all the remaining gaps by itself? Is this the case with all imaginary friends? Do the creators have to imagine every single physical detail down to a tee before anything can happen? I'm probably overthinking this, but it's an interesting thought nonetheless.

Cassini90125 11-09-2008 08:14 AM

In Eduardo's case, Nina created him in a moment of fear so I doubt she had time to dream up every last detail about him. She needed someone fierce, or at least fierce-looking, and there he was, so I think the actual creative process is at least partially instinctive. Each Imaginary Friend might be created partially from instinct, partially from deliberate design, the proportion of each depending on the creator and the circumstances under which the IF is created, with both parts constrained by whatever limits the creative process has.

Good questions, by the way. :)

antgirl1 11-09-2008 11:41 AM

I feel the more "complex" imaginary friends would have more time spent on actually making their physical form, (Coco, for example, looks NOTHING but complex) while the more simpler ones, were a thought that just became real. The "instinct" ones could explain why so many of the imaginary friends resembled their creators so much - they may be, regardless of gender, their "alter ego" coming to life.

For Stevie, (if he created Ivan) he probably thought "a seeing eye friend", and pop, Ivan the....25-eyed? imaginary was brought into existance. But of course, having 25 or so eyes, who can just stop there? Maybe have better senses altogether to, to sense danger or have a "spider sense" or something, with better vision than a human's...the list can go one forever.

Sparky 11-09-2008 02:25 PM

Something new I thought of...I do think that a blind person would be more likely to imagine an albino friend than a seeing person - without meaning to that is. (Ivan appears albino to me.) After all, a blind person can't easily imagine pigmentation. So that could be one argument for Stevie, or another blind kid, being Ivan's creator.

jekylljuice 11-10-2008 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 98274)
Something new I thought of...I do think that a blind person would be more likely to imagine an albino friend than a seeing person - without meaning to that is. (Ivan appears albino to me.) After all, a blind person can't easily imagine pigmentation. So that could be one argument for Stevie, or another blind kid, being Ivan's creator.

Ah-ha, you're right. Ivan is an albino, he even has the pink eyes to match.


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 98223)
Good questions, by the way. :)

Oh thank you. Your response was good too - I take your point about the creative process being at least partially instinctive. We know from Nina's story in GWH that a child's subconscious will have a big influence upon what kind of imaginary friend they create.

KazooBloo 12-02-2016 09:56 PM

Is that the friend with lots of eyes?

Sparky 12-04-2016 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by KazooBloo (Post 127280)
Is that the friend with lots of eyes?


KazooBloo 12-04-2016 11:47 PM

Oh yeah, this friend was from that short. Didn't mind him. :)

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