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Cassini90125 05-02-2007 02:11 PM

Poll: The "Short" episodes
This poll originally appeared on the old Forum; I thought that since we've gotten a lot of new members since that time, it might be fun to run it again.

So, which was your favorite, and why? It was a tough choice, but I went with Everybody Knows It's Bendy. It had some classic lines, like Frankie saying "I'm punk rock" in that hurt voice, it was fun to see Bloo getting so aggravated, and there's Bendy himself. I like the little toublemaker's design and I enjoyed his attitude problem. I would love for the writers to bring him back once or twice, just to annoy the hell out of Bloo. :bendy:

"C" the Dragon 05-02-2007 02:21 PM

Where There's A Wilt, There's A Way. Alot of reasons why I like this "short" episode, but the main reason is that it's the very first Wilt-based episode!:D

pitbulllady 05-02-2007 04:27 PM

I voted for "Seeing Red". As much as I love Wilt, it was sorta painful watching him go through all that in "Where There's a Wilt, There's a Way". I like Red, and I loved seeing Bloo actually show a conscience there and feeling sorry for hurting someone, for once. It was also interesting that Red kinda served as the embodiment of this side of Terrence that Terrence keeps hidden.


montitech 05-02-2007 05:37 PM

I cannot vote becaue I like so many of them. :'(

Monty :-/

AprilDawn 05-02-2007 05:39 PM

"Where theres a wilt theres a way". I liked watching Wilt go through all those scenes of helping people. So random! Like going into outerspace? Yea, because thats likely and all! xD

taranchula 05-02-2007 08:10 PM

It's Bloo's Brothers that gets my vote for best overall short, afterall how can one doubt the power of the likes of Cylon Bloo or HomeBloo Runner or any of the other clones of our favorite Blob Boy?

Ub3rD4n 05-03-2007 12:04 AM

Everyone loves Red. So it's kinda obvoius which I vote for. The whole thing about that episode wwas great. From beginning to end, no weak points.

Aly23 05-03-2007 08:02 AM

I love all the shorts but my favourite would be Bloo's brothers as it was the first episode i saw and its really funny.
I love it when frankie asks Bloo if he has been playing with Mac's chemistry set. 8D

Bloo is just funny =)

xxxClaire 05-03-2007 05:07 PM

I voted Bloo's Brothers. :bloogrin: I loved seeing all the creations of Bloo and I love the Ice Charade song! 8D

Carlaz 05-03-2007 06:24 PM

Liked many of them, but my fave would still be "Bloo's Brothers" 8D

jekylljuice 05-04-2007 12:26 AM

I've got to go with "Seeing Red". The grisly fate of that poor defenceless pizza slice IF aside, this is a really charming and heartfelt little episode, featuring the (regrettably) only appearence of one of my very favourite Foster's characters. Red rules, in no small way because he clearly has the spirit of the 1960s in his heart. ;D And it's funny too. It was among the first episodes I ever saw, and one of Terrence's lines provided me with my first real belly laugh from the series - "Your name can be, RED!" :terrsmile:

As a Wilt fan, I feel somewhat obliged to give "Where there's a Wilt, there's a Way" a couple of points for being the first truly Wilt-centric episode, but I wasn't satisfied with the ending, which had the poor guy endure hell in exchange for nothing in return. I think my second favourite would be "Sight for Sore Eyes". And "Phone Home" is a good one. I was genuinely surprised to discover just how many people here at NF seem to hate it. Each to their own, I suppose.

Cassini90125 05-04-2007 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 42695)
I feel somewhat obliged to give "Where there's a Wilt, there's a Way" a couple of points for being the first truly Wilt-centric episode, but I wasn't satisfied with the ending, which had the poor guy endure hell in exchange for nothing in return.

That sounds kind of familiar to me for some reason... :frankiemad:

fosters home fan 05-08-2007 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 42716)
That sounds kind of familiar to me for some reason... :frankiemad:

yesyes We know what episode that is...

Anyways, Bloo's Brothers is one of my favorites.8-) :bloocross:

KazooBloo 12-04-2016 02:40 PM

Seeing Red.

Who doesn't love that pizza IF?

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