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The Frankie Foster appreciation thread
This thread is for posting about why we like Frankie as much as we do, and let's face it, we like her a lot. But let's try to have more than a lot of content-less fluff here, okay? No "Oooo, she's so hawt!" posts, please; try to say something meaningful. :frankiesmile:
As I said at the start of the old thread, she's just about the classiest lady I know. There's a lot to admire about this lady; her compassion and her dedication to her job spring to mind immediately. I think she's an intelligent, capable woman who could do anything but chooses to do a low-paying, largely thankless job because it's something she strongly believes it, and that it's the right thing to do. That takes a lot of character, particularly in this day and age, and it says a lot about what kind of woman she is. :frankiesmile: |
I've said many times before one of the things I love about toon women, Frankie especially, is they hold such admirable sets of values and morals and they are not so constantlyu tarnished by use of drugs and overly sexual flirtacious nature.
Frankie is a clean, good hearted, albeit a cranky lady (just like the song says ;)) who puts the world before herself and works a tireless, endless and as Cass said, THANKLESS job by cleaning, nursing, scrubbing, and basically making Foster's run smoothly 24/7. She's a sweet person who clearly has alot of love to give and would make a loving girlfriend to any guy lucky enough to see what Frankie has to offer. I love the fact she can be just as wacky and crazy as the other Fosters crew. Just look at how she acted in "Big Cheese" "Cookie dough" and "World wide wabbit". |
I like everything about Frankie, especally her orange socks and blue and white sneakers, speaking of her sneakers, I wish sneakers that look like the sneakers that Frankie Foster wears exsisted in real life!
What can I say that hasn't made up the huge Frankie thread from before? I'll just start by saying that I just fell in love with her caring, loving and open personality. And the sound of her voice had this effect that really made me take notice when she had lines to deliver. She's also one of those characters that you really find yourself caring about. A good example is how we all must have cheered when she won the election in "Setting a President".:D
I really do not know what to say that has not been covered already. I just think she is a REAL character without the plastic fluff. She says what is on her heart, and there is no lying in her (except white lies). I love her eyelashes, her cute sneakers, and that red hair says a lot!:frankiesmile:
I really love Frankie! She's one of my favourtie characters on the whole show. :frankiesmile: I have the same shoes as her! :-*
There's no doubt about it. Frankie has entertained us in many ways. As a cookie addict (Cookie Dough), a love goddess (Frankie My Dear), a political leader (Setting A President), but most of all, as a caring young woman. :frankiesmile:
I wish I could describe her even more, but I'm happy as she is! :-* |
This was probably shown somewhere on the old thread for Frankie (which I do miss despite these dual threads for her :(), it's concept art of Frankie on how she "could" have looked in past and previous sketch concepts.
I found it nosing around Wikipedia out of boredom and it lists a pretty decent amount of information about her. Including her birthday and cell phone number (which happens to be 555-6300). Anyways here's the pic: http://photos1.blogger.com/photoIncl...00/Frankie.png |
Well, red hair and green eyes (that we've never actually seen but know she has) are always cool. Plus, her name's Frankie...
You're suggesting I steal my sister's shoes?
Hahahahahahaha |
I've seen stranger things on eBay. :cheesegrin: Unfortunately there's never anything that's Frankie-oriented. There was the plushie that I got, which I adore, but that's it. That's one of the reasons I make screencaps and such; if the manufacturers won't make us any Frankie stuff, well, what's to stop us from doing it ourselves? :frankiesmile:
You can go and buy a dark purple barrett, and make a killing posting it on ebay as the Official Frankie Foster Barrett! Muahahahahaha!8D
I really like and appreciate Frankie while I watch the show. I respect Frankie as much as ever Frankie Foster fan in the forum.
I appreciate Frankie Foster so very much that, at times I seem to appreciate the most simple and mundane things about her. Her clothes are example are especially lovely looking and I find it weird liking her clothes because I doubt alot of people can look good in an outfit like that.
Realistically, the green sweatshirt and the Power puff girls shirt would probably look weird on someone else. Same with the shoes. My favorite part of her outfit is the purple skirt, purple also happens to be my favorite color. But Frankie pulls off the look so well, I never ever get tired of seeing it. Sometimes you stare at a character a long enough time, you'll get sick of looking at them in the same clothes over and over again but with Frankie, not the case :frankiesmile:. |
One wonders how Craig came up with the design for the outfit. It's certainly eye-catching and yes, it looks great on her and never gets old. On the rare occasions that I see a purple skirt or a green sweatshirt on a real woman these days, well, it's an instant attention-getter. Not too long ago while making a grocery run I spotted a lady wearing that sweatshirt, and she had red hair, too, tied back in a ponytail. Stopped me dead in my tracks. :frankiesmile: 8D
I wonder if she was a Fosters fan? ;)
After a lot of soul-searching I finally decided to change my avatar. Unlike a lot of people this wasn't a particularly easy decision for me. There are a lot of reasons why I did it, but the bottom line is that I am, first and foremost, a Frankie Foster fan. Cartoon or not she is first in my heart, first in my life, and I wanted to do something special to honor her. And this seemed like the best thread in which to do it. :-*
Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, the woman I saw awhile back. Could be a fan, but there's no way to know. There wasn't too much resemblance aside from the hair and the sweatshirt. |
Now that is a freaking sweet avatar. Good job! :frankiesmile:
Sweet looking avatar Cass!:frankiesmile:
Nice avatar! I really like it! :frankiesmile:
That's a really spankin' new avatar, Cass. It'll take some getting used to, though. You pretty much became Eduardo in my mind. :-/
As for Frankie's trademark green jacket, I have a pretty similar one myself. In fact, I think my immediate reaction to Ms. Foster, the first time I saw her, was "hmm, she has a jacket just like mine." I've had it for quite a while now, and it's been subjected to quite a bit of wear and tear within that time, plus some of the colour's been washed out, so I doubt it really measures up to hers much any more. But I'm still very attached to it, nonetheless. |
He's still my favorite IF. And I still like potatoes. ;D
I never see anyone in a purple skirt, though, except in cosplay photos. Or orange socks, now that I think about it, unless you count Velma from Scooby-Doo. Frankie's everyday outfit is kind of a patchwork ensemble of mismatched pieces, but on her it looks so right. :frankiesmile: |
I went ahead and tried to find a pair like Frankie's via Yahoo earlier today. There were a few pairs here and there that were somewhat similar but no really good matches. I guess her sneakers are as unique as she is. :frankiesmile:
Sorry to change the subject here, but this has been on mind for a long time. I have been attracted to Frankie making faces (like her driver's license); I find it cute and somewhat sexy - and I do not know why. Everytime I see this: http://www.fosters-home.com/screengrabs/4/407-0084.jpg
It makes me more ga-ga!:frankiesmile: |
The whole "horrible licensce picture" joke would be a whole lot less funny if it wasn't so true! You guys should see my student ID, it's almost as bad. Someone ripped the photo in half, so I have tow different shadings on either side of my face, in addition to the awful expression. And it does take a lot to make Frankie look bad.
The fact Frankie has such a bizarre picture makes me wonder what was going on at the time that photo was taken. Because usually bad photos come up from a weird smile or just thinking how you look is fine when in fact once you see it on film, it looks much worse then you thought.
However, Frankie doesn't look like she's trying to smile, she looks like someone slipped cactus flavored opium into her morning coffee or something. I bet she'd feel real embarassed if anyone on a date asked her what was going on in that photo. I think Frankie really doesn't feel she looks pretty and that's crazy. Even in a drop dead gorgeous outfit, Frankie seems nervous about how she looks and it's a shame she doesn't really realize how down right beautiful and (if I could be allowed a bit of perverted machoism) really HOT! I'm amazed though she can continue to look so good with so much stress her body is put under. Both physically and mentally considering she has to clean up, tolerate, and baby sit creatures that can become any shape, size, or personality with a simple thought in your brain. |
I don't think we ought to read too much into the licensce photo; I think it was drawn that way simply for comic effect. Within the context of the show, maybe one of the IF's or Madam Foster was with her at the DOT office, made a goofy face at her, she made one back, and naturally that's when the camera went off.
It's fairly common for people to be insecure about their looks, even when they have no need to be. It's endearing, in a way; it's certainly easier to tolerate than an "I'm hot, and I know it" attitude, which is arrogant, annoying, and unattractive, and certainly not the Frankie Foster I know and love. :-* |
Frankie definitely is refreshing in that sense. The whole "girl power" thing was fresh when it started, but it has become a cliche' in itself. Frankie avoids those by simply being a great character. She's kind and warm, yet has a temper and sense of morality. She's a very hard worker, yet she's laid back and casual. And she has just enough qwerks (COOKIES!) to make an already great character even more fun to tune in and watch.:D
Well the nice thing about Frankie is even though she doesn't flaunt or act like she's "all that", at least she would have reason to flaunt it because she IS all that. Most women who act like their beautiful and perfect are hollow and snotty on the inside, there's nothing beautiful or admirable on the inside about them.
Frankie is beautiful inside and out, she just can't always see the latter. The great thing is though she's a sweet heart through and through and always tries to be kind and understanding with others. In short, she really stands up for treating others respectively and stands up for herself when she deals with someone unreasonable. She almost always gives Bloo or Herriman lip because in truth, they treat her no differently. But Frankie will always try and be nice when it comes to people she knows are genuinely good like Mac, Wilt, Eduardo etc. |
I agree with Cass. I don't think Frankie is unusually insecure at all. Most people would be at least a little nervous about going on a date with someone they just met, who they think is very attractive. It's pretty normal to worry about measuring up and what they'll think of you.
I'd also have to agree that the driver's license thing was just supposed to be funny, because everyone's familiar with the "horrible license picture" phenom. And yeah, the whole "arrogant vixen" thing is very unappealing; it's become an unflattering gender stereotype in itself. |
And the license picture thing I was simply asking out of curiosity, it was after all a WEIRD face. |
Which was what I was trying to say in my original post: That Frankie looks sexy - even when making faces!:frankiesmile: |
But I found it rather cute looking on her and found it a quite becoming look on sweet Frankie :bloosmirk:. |
LOL! It is hard to see Frankie have a bad day by getting dirt and/or food stuffs on her but I do have to say that in "Bloooooo" when Frankie was all wet, covered in mud and scared out of her wits, I just wanted to give her a big hug. I don't think she gets enough of those. 8D
That much is certain. I'd love to give her one right now, or anytime she wants, whether she's covered in mud or not. :-*
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