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Sparky 03-12-2007 06:18 PM

Hoop 'n Holla basketball game
I received mine today. Pics:

Package front
Package back
Mounted on a door
The ball
Craig's signature (blurry, sorry)

The ball talks when it's slammed against a surface (or when the box is jiggled, lol what they must have thought when they were delivering it). He says "Nothin' but net," "Baaasketball" and "OOOWWWW!" (lol). According to the package he also says "Nice shot, dorkface" but maybe my ball doesn't want to offend me...

Unfortunately when hung over a door, the door cannot close, so I really have no place to keep this until I rig up a way to hang it on a wall.

One Radical Dude 03-12-2007 06:29 PM

Heh heh, neato. I think it's nice, how the ball talks. :bloocross:

AprilDawn 03-12-2007 07:06 PM

So does it actually sound like Bloo?

Sparky 03-12-2007 07:20 PM

Oh yeah, its definitely Keith Fergusen. 8-)

The "Baaaasketball" quote is...weird though. It's an odd quote in the first place, and he sounds like he's mesmorised or something, lol.

Sparky 03-12-2007 07:42 PM

Okay, now he's saying lots more things - maybe he just had to be broken in? I dunno. It was only the three I listed before for the first few hours I played with him. So he also says so far:

"Nice shot, dorkface!"
"I'm a b-ballin' free-fallin' Bloo!"
a "BOING!" noise - a noise, not the word
Something that I must not be hearing right, it sounds like "How's it taken, shakey?" Maybe someone else knows what it means.

scary_dream 03-12-2007 09:30 PM

Aw, that is really cute! I'm jealous ;)

Is the Bloo ball covered in plushy material or in that really soft silky stuff they make the bean-bag pillows out of?

While "How's it taken, shakey" is kind of strange, I'd not doubt it was something similar to that... maybe "How's it shakin', shakey?" ???

Sparky 03-12-2007 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by scary_dream (Post 36761)
Aw, that is really cute! I'm jealous ;)

Is the Bloo ball covered in plushy material or in that really soft silky stuff they make the bean-bag pillows out of?

While "How's it taken, shakey" is kind of strange, I'd not doubt it was something similar to that... maybe "How's it shakin', shakey?" ???

The bean-bag type material.

And maybe it's "shakin'", but I dunno what a "shakey" is, and that's *really* what it sounds like. :P

One Radical Dude 03-12-2007 10:33 PM

Shakey, maybe it's some IF we've never heard of? :P 8D

AprilDawn 03-12-2007 11:21 PM

Or maybe he is making fun of you being nervous and shaking when you try and shoot. Kinda lame, but its the only thing I can think of.
What? He does call you dorkface!

jekylljuice 03-13-2007 01:57 AM

Ooh la la. Very nice indeed. It's always pleasing to see some Wilt merchandise. :D

I'll be keeping an eye for it from now on, though I'm not sure if I could justify buying one guilt-free, since I already have at least three of those miniature basketball games stashed away in my cupboard somewhere, obtained from various goody bags as a kid. Still, none of them have Wilt on them...

pitbulllady 03-13-2007 04:11 AM

Neat! That would be worth the price just for the Wilt basketball net to hang on a door alone!


carlito_cool 08-21-2010 07:06 PM

Cool Itemz. :D :D

Lucky 08-07-2011 01:42 PM

I saw that over at TJ Max last month. I didn't buy it, though, but only because if I bought it, I wouldn't know where to put it, and also because I was starting to run short on money (I was at the MovieStop next to the store buying Recess DVDs). :P

Though when I saw wasn't Wilt, but it was Cheese! :cheese: And the packaging was different as well. The background to the package was an exterior shot of the house. I'm guessing it was a rare variant version (like when you buy a toy and the coloring is different then what's on the box).

KazooBloo 12-01-2016 02:06 PM

Do you still play it, Sparky?

Sparky 12-04-2016 07:18 PM

Ha ha actually I finally got around to putting all my Foster's stuff on display in our new house the other day, I still gotta find this game and put it up on the door. I'm not sure where its stored.

KazooBloo 12-05-2016 01:52 PM

This is the one that was on CN that had Wilt in the laundry room playing basketball with the laundry and washing machines, right?

Sparky 12-05-2016 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by KazooBloo (Post 127466)
This is the one that was on CN that had Wilt in the laundry room playing basketball with the laundry and washing machines, right?

I don't recall that...the pictures of this toy are in the first post in this thread.

KazooBloo 12-06-2016 11:43 AM

I'm mistaken. I was thinking of Wilt's Wash-N-Swoosh.

Game is here:

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