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Ecwcwwe 08-21-2006 07:36 AM

The August 2006 Updates thread
Today, August 21st, 2006, the 3rd update for Big Fat Awesome House Party was initiliazed


Buddy Up
Give your Imaginary friend a friend of its own with new collectible "buddies" from Goo! Plus, explore the huge new backyard featuring a pool, greenhouse -- even unicorn stables! With brand-new adventures and three new minigames, the party just keeps getting bigger
-House additions-
  • We have 3 new games
  • The Backard - Consists of 5 new screens; The backyard itself(which has the fishing plank, a large monster cage, and a port-a-potty which can be entered), a greenhouse, a pool(which after walking off the diving board, you go to the bottom of the pool where a big plug is plugged), the horse stables, and finally a forrest of trees
  • We now have a "side" for the house. The backyard and front yard meet these new places.
  • New chores, such as turning off the sprinklers
  • New photo book (Mac n Bloo)
-New Games-
  • No, Po Go - "A game where you collect letters to spell foster, while avoiding little bugs."
  • Shutterburg
  • Something Fishy - A game where you press Z to drop a hook into the lake, in order to catch fish. Catching more than one fish of the same type on one hook gives a bonus, catching a shell gives +50, and a worm attracts the fish to the hook. The eel -one life
-House changes-
  • The Arcade room has grown to accomidate more games
  • There are now sprinklers outside
  • There is now a mailbox in the front yard
  • Via a quest from bloo, you can use the elevators

  • Unknown if this is a repeating error, but after completing Ed's request, the game stopped
  • The main characters are still located where they were in the last update
  • Using the elevator shows that there will be a 4th and 5th floor, as well as a basement and roof.

Kzinistzerg 08-21-2006 09:26 AM

The out of order doors can be fixed via an adventure with Bloo. They are elevators, and by looking at the options there are going to be five floors and the roof.

buyamerican159 08-21-2006 11:53 AM

I love the massive back yard. No Po Go, is a really fun game.

Kzinistzerg 08-21-2006 12:45 PM

What is it? I only play the minigames to get the collectibles...

buyamerican159 08-21-2006 01:54 PM

No po go is a game where you collect letters to spell foster while avoidint these little bugs. Its pretty fun.

Sparky 08-21-2006 02:16 PM

Thanks for the info!

Super Sonic X 08-21-2006 06:42 PM

Has anyone managed to figure out how to get a buddy yet?

buyamerican159 08-21-2006 07:05 PM

not me yet... hopefully i will soon.

taranchula 08-21-2006 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ecwcwwe (Post 1513)
[*]Appears to be no new imaginary friends

Really, I found several new NCP imaginaries that weren't in the game before,
Fluffernutter (AKA Pink Squirrel Friend) George Mucus, That Green Bird friend (You know the one that was hanging around with Coco in Partying is Such Sweet Soirée) and Cyrus from "Seeing Red" in fact one of your random daily jobs requires you to feed Cyrus (and I won't spoil it for any one who hasn't came across it yet, but needless to say this is one job you don't want to skip.)

Ecwcwwe 08-22-2006 05:33 AM

k, updated it a bit
Something I just figured out. Not sure if it means anything.
I talked to go about 20 times in the lobby. I left the lobby to do a few things, and she was no longer in the lobby. I looked around the house, and she ended up being at the side of the house!
SO, my idea is that you need to talk to goo over and over again, until she moves into a new location, lather rince repeat :P. Maybe after some time, she will give you a new friend

Here is a picture of her new location on my game:

The problem though, is that once I logged off, she moved back into the lobby.

Sparky 08-22-2006 04:20 PM

Interesting info Ec!!! Yeah I tried talking to her several times last night but nothing near twenty, lol, and she didn't change location while I was playing.

Super Sonic X 08-22-2006 04:32 PM


Maybe buddies can be won in minigames!

taranchula 08-22-2006 04:47 PM

Or maybe you have to do an adventure first before you can unlock the buddies... much in the same way you have do an adventure to get the elevator working.

Ecwcwwe 08-22-2006 06:01 PM

Im thinking they may need to impliment it into the game still. The first few hours after the new update, there were no new imaginary friends. The next day the new friends were everywhere.
I have noticed that the other friends/main character talk about Goo quite frequently. Hopefully after a few days we will find out more about the new friends

Thornwhistle 08-22-2006 10:08 PM

I signed up on this game last month and recieved a old bed. I wonder when I'll get a new piece of furniture.

antgirl1 08-22-2006 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Thornwhistle (Post 1916)
I signed up on this game last month and recieved a old bed. I wonder when I'll get a new piece of furniture.

You can win them from minigames. :D

buyamerican159 08-23-2006 08:14 AM

one of my chores today was "feed the extremeosaur(sp?)" this is what the inside of the cage out back looks like:

Super Sonic X 08-23-2006 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by buyamerican159 (Post 1967)
one of my chores today was "feed the extremeosaur(sp?)" this is what the inside of the cage out back looks like:

I think I have an Extremeasaur chore(no rhyme intended), too!

EDIT: Hmm, I guess not.

buyamerican159 08-23-2006 09:32 AM

Its not that special, i just thought some people would like to know what the cage looks like on the inside.

Im just lucky he wasnt awake! AAACK!

taranchula 08-23-2006 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by buyamerican159 (Post 1967)
one of my chores today was "feed the extremeosaur(sp?)" this is what the inside of the cage out back looks like:

Hey thanks, I was going to take a screen shot of that myself, but I had accidentally left the pen after doing the job and couldn't get back inside to take the screen shot on my computer.

Great to see that old Chompies "tentacles of doom" had grown back after what happened to them in the pilot. ;)

Super Sonic X 08-23-2006 11:58 AM

I have a new idea! Maybe you have to do a favor for Goo!

buyamerican159 08-23-2006 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 2015)
Hey thanks, I was going to take a screen shot of that myself, but I had accidentally left the pen after doing the job and couldn't get back inside to take the screen shot on my computer.

Great to see that old Chompies "tentacles of doom" had grown back after what happened to them in the pilot. ;)

Yup! :D At first i thought we would have to avoid him if he was awake or something... but luckily i didnt.

Shany 08-24-2006 01:44 AM

Just found out - Buddies are won through playing the games in the arcade. I just won a Fuzzball after getting a high score on the second part of the fishing game.

RedboXen 08-24-2006 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ecwcwwe (Post 1744)
k, updated it a bit
Something I just figured out. Not sure if it means anything.
I talked to go about 20 times in the lobby. I left the lobby to do a few things, and she was no longer in the lobby. I looked around the house, and she ended up being at the side of the house!
SO, my idea is that you need to talk to goo over and over again, until she moves into a new location, lather rince repeat :P. Maybe after some time, she will give you a new friend

The problem though, is that once I logged off, she moved back into the lobby.

I've been looking at the game for a project im working on, having seen the code, Goo moves around the house based on what time of day it is. And thats the time from your local computer rather than on the server.

Sparky 08-24-2006 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Shany (Post 2135)
Just found out - Buddies are won through playing the games in the arcade. I just won a Fuzzball after getting a high score on the second part of the fishing game.

Thank you for telling us!


Originally Posted by RedboXen (Post 2139)
I've been looking at the game for a project im working on, having seen the code, Goo moves around the house based on what time of day it is. And thats the time from your local computer rather than on the server.

That's interesting! I pretty much only ever play the game at about midnight here, so she's always been in the lobby.

Sparky 08-24-2006 10:27 AM

Well crud. To mix things up I decided to play right after making that post, so more 11 am-ish. Goo was still in the lobby, but anyways I only needed to do one more favor to unlock a mini-game...and I forgot to *use* a favor first, so since my favor icons were all full I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow now to unlock a mini-game. :P

But I got to feed Cyrus. :) Unfortunately though as you can see from the picture on my webpage I didn't get a good shot of it.

Ecwcwwe 08-24-2006 09:25 PM

Well, the buddies you get look like Goo's little butterfly. They will float above your head

buyamerican159 08-26-2006 08:56 AM

I got to feed cyrus. I accidentally pushed the prt. scr. key twice but i got a picture of him spitting out something.

Sparky 08-28-2006 12:13 PM

Well I just had a glitch happen to me. Yesterday I did the "get-rich-quick" adventure with Bloo. Today when I got on one of my three chores was completed already for some reason. So...I did a favor for Mac and when I finished my chores all of a sudden I was eligible for *another* adventure. So I went to Bloo and had to go through the get-rich-quick advanture all over again. :P That was annoying. That better not happen again tomorrow, or I'll never be able to unlock another mini-game.

Frankie Fan 08-31-2006 01:02 PM

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but after doing a task or another activity, such as using the levator or turning off showers, the background music stops playing. Once I did something, I think I compteted an adventure with Bloo it cam eback on by itself. But if it doesnt come back you have to open Notey with the N key, select Sounds, and then turn off the msuci and turn it back on again.

Pantsy Nancy 09-01-2006 02:03 PM

Does Anybody Think That In Future Updates, They Will Open The Gates, Besides Being Used For And Adventure?

Thornwhistle 09-01-2006 08:05 PM

And install their basment,I seen the basement door by the left side of the stairs and those wooden doors inside the left side yard.

I got to level 34 on that picture arcade game and won a picture,some furniture, and a butterfly buddy from Goo. I love butterflies. :D

I won that stuff from the second level of the game.

TraverseTown 09-03-2006 05:55 AM

Hey! New Buddy Alert! And It's a BIG ONE! Don't click the links if you don't want to be spoiled!


That's Bag to the Future, My friend George Mucous, and the newest, BIGGEST Buddy yet, whose name is Ptero (offically). I got him for getting 5500 pts. on LV.3 of Shutterbug which also allowed me to complete my "Old West Theme" Room.


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