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Berry 02-18-2007 08:00 AM

Which Imaginary Friend would you like to be??
If I had to choose one, it would be Berry (of course). This is because I have Berry as my username and avatar. In my opinion, Berry is SOOOO cool!! So, pick one of the choices and vote please!

Subzeroace 02-18-2007 01:40 PM

I've said this before but, personality wise I'm most like Bloo XD

It be cool to be Bloo, and being the "star" of the show is a nice bonus too 8-)

One Radical Dude 02-18-2007 06:01 PM

I dunno. Part me me wants to be Bloo, so I can come up with some really awesome things and be up to no good. :blooevil:

Sparky 02-18-2007 09:28 PM

Just picking one out of that list so I don't have to consider every IF we've ever seen, I'd say Coco. Being insane is fun. Being able to say just one word and have your closest friends understand you is awesome (my brother and I can actually do this). Being able to produce just about anything (nevermind where it comes from!) is just a bonus. ;)

(And I've moved this to the appropriate category. Discussions that aren't about *specific* characters go in general Characters. It's not a huge deal but I try to keep the place consistent.)

kaytea 02-19-2007 12:45 AM

Jackie since I been told by my friends that I sort of act like him XP

HappyFoppy 02-22-2007 04:38 AM

Coco. Insanity for the win.

Carlaz 02-22-2007 05:06 AM

:D Wilt ~ I admire his kind and gentle spirit.

I try to be helpful to other people like Wilt is to his IF.

Howard 02-22-2007 06:53 AM

I would be Cheese, because when I was a child, I was very much like him in the first place! I was obnoxious, and I was the guy that always yelled "do it again, do it again, do it again!" Cheese knows how to push people's buttons, and look cute doing it.:cheese:

Vampyre 02-22-2007 08:20 AM

I recently did this personality Foster's quiz once before (not an official one, it was made by a friend on DA). You know the ones that are ALWAYS entitled 'Which Charcater are YOU most like?'. Well I took that test and I came out as Wilt. It kind of makes sense as well, seeing as I apologize for everything! I apologized to a door earlier for walking into it because I was to fasinated with my tennis racket. I'm a bit of a push over as well, and hate letting anyone down, even if what they wanted me to do wasn't right.

jekylljuice 02-22-2007 09:04 AM

Oh yeah, I can completely relate to Wilt on the compulsive apologising thing. It drives my friends and family crazy, but I usually can’t help it. It doesn’t take a great deal to make me feel anxious or guilty, partly as a result of having OCD, and apologising tends to be my instinctive way of dealing with it, even when I know it isn’t really necessary. It’s one of the reasons why Wilt is my favourite character - his neurosis reminds me so much of my own. Plus, bottling up resentment over a period of time until it finally explodes (a la Bus the two of us) is something I’ve been through a lot in the past.

I hope to be able to cut the constant apologising out eventually (because really, it doesn‘t do much good for me in the long run), but Wilt will always remain a great role model nonetheless, for his kind and altruistic nature. Even if his emotional wounds eventually heal, let’s hope he never loses that wonderful quality.:D

Still, there is a part of me that seriously envies Coco. If I could have her free spirit and Wilt's kind heart, that would be ideal.;)

cocojoyce 02-25-2007 10:45 AM

Coco because she's so hyper and I love the 'cococococococo' ^.^

"C" the Dragon 02-26-2007 04:29 PM

Wilt, nothing more.:D

scary_dream 02-28-2007 09:58 PM

Well.... if I had to choose one to BE, it'd be Bloo because he hasn't got to care about anything pretty much. I love Wilt the most, but he's had his fair share of tragedy, and I don't think I'd be nearly as strong as he's been.

However, in all reality I'm most like Wilt personality-wise.

pitbulllady 03-01-2007 04:19 AM

IF I was going to be an Imaginary Friend, which does not seem to be as good a deal as being a human, due to the fact that they aren't(sadly)considered as important as humans, I'd prefer to be Coco. Coco is smart-smart enough to convince everyone else that she is insane(or close to it), so she can sorta get by with doing things that others can't. She's also very creative and artistic, like me, and kinda marches to her own beat, rather than staying in lock-step with everyone else. Best of all, she can lay those amazing eggs, so she does not have to go wanting for anything, and she can always be counted on in a pinch.

Now, I guess some of you will wonder why I didn't put Wilt down as my choice. I love Wilt to pieces, but I would SOOOO not want to BE him! Wilt has just been through way too much pain, physical and emotional, and I honestly don't think I'm strong enough to handle it myself. I'm quite different from Wilt, personality-wise, too; I'm afraid I'm nowhere near as altruistic or apologetic as he is, but then, I haven't survived what he has, either. I can greatly admire Wilt for his personality and courage and strength, while at the same time breathing a sigh of relief that I don't have to walk in those size-48 Chuck Taylors!


Jabberwocky 03-01-2007 02:24 PM

I would want to be Coco. Cause of those eggs! I wish I could lay anything eggs. I would lay eggs with pokemon inside them! Argh that would be so cool. And plus she's like the only one who I know for sure can draw. C:

AprilDawn 03-03-2007 09:23 PM

Id be Goofball John Magee!
xDD JK! I dont want people to kill me... but he should have been an option.

Yea...Id be Bloo for sure. Im actually a pretty big jerk in real life. :/

One Radical Dude 03-04-2007 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by AprilDawn (Post 35688)
Id be Goofball John Magee!
xDD JK! I dont want people to kill me... but he should have been an option.

Yea...Id be Bloo for sure. Im actually a pretty big jerk in real life. :/

I wouldn't have killed you, even if you were serious about selecting Goofball McGee. :P

don Jaime 03-06-2007 07:47 PM

Bloo, because he has a lot of fun.

Foster's Geek 287 03-07-2007 02:51 PM

I'm most like Wilt... :D
But I'd rather be Coco. :(

Wilt's Sorry 03-09-2007 12:09 AM

As much as I love dear Wilt, I don't think I could be him. He's to caring of others:bloocross:

I think I'd be Bloo, simply because we're the same kind of harmless evil.

Ub3rD4n 04-28-2007 10:30 PM

Wilt because...........he's...............taaaallllll.. ...........

Aly23 05-04-2007 10:09 AM

Coco because she only says "coco" and that would be fun and also laying surprise eggs!

xxxClaire 05-04-2007 05:07 PM

I'd probably be Bloo. I'm a lot like him. I'm sarcastic, funny, and I plot evil schemes. :blooevil: And I'm short! :P

I'm also kind of like Jackie. :jk:

fosters-fan 05-07-2007 12:54 PM

Huh. I'm surprised no one's picked Eduardo. So...... yeah. I'd love to be him! ^_^

And if you're wondering why, it's because I think he rocks! He's hilarious, strong, scary yet kind-hearted, and super-awesome! Plus, like Eduardo, I kinda do get dangerous when my feelings are hurt. XD

Robert 05-09-2007 04:51 PM

I would like to be Bloo because he's funny and adventurous! :bloosmirk:

Chaos Wielder 05-22-2007 08:41 PM

Hmm...this is kind of hard, but I'm toggling between Eduardo and Wilt since Ed has such a gentle heart and Wilt is so helpful and kind! Either one would be great to be, in my opinion.

But I DO know one thing...and that is that I'd never want to be "CherryLarryHeather" ahem...I mean Berry. :P

raptor252 05-31-2007 07:51 AM

i pick other, cuz i would be the kool-aid man!:cheesegrin:

pitbulllady 05-31-2007 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by raptor252 (Post 45691)
i pick other, cuz i would be the kool-aid man!:cheesegrin:

I have to wonder if you're on the right forum. "Kool-Aid Man" is NOT a character on Foster's, just in case you have not noticed that. I don't know why you're trying to bring your obsession with that advertizing campaign here, but this is for discussing "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends", OK?


Mac-a-lacka 05-22-2008 09:31 PM

I would like to be Coco, even though she only says "coco", laying giant plastic eggs with something inside would be extremely helpful for survival.;)

Amritama 05-26-2008 12:21 PM

You know, I voted for Eduardo when I meant to vote for Coco. Go figure.

Anyhow, Coco's ability to hatch eggs with items in them would be really useful. Although she is not articulate per se, I think she has a pretty unique character design and background (which I wish the creators would flesh out in the future). Plus, she's one of the few but very awesome main female characters in the show!

Frankie_4_Prez 05-27-2008 04:25 PM

Herriman! I'd get to boss Frankie around... or give her a good vacation like she deserves!

kaytea 06-01-2008 07:23 PM

I would want to be Berry I would be cute but I would give off that "don't mess with me" vibe

Sparx 06-10-2008 03:23 AM

I dunno :P I guess I'll have to go with Bloo, because he's fun and free-spirited.

KazooBloo 12-01-2016 01:56 PM

Probably Wilt, but Bloo would be a good choice too. :)

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