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Favourite TV Theme Songs
I'm sure there are people who enjoy listening to those theme songs for those great TV shows of yesteryear and today! What are your favourites?
Mine are too many to mention, so I'll list my top 5 5. Married... with Children (even though I don't watch it) 4. Monk (Randy Newman's 'It's A Jungle Out There') 3. Curb Your Enthusiasm 2. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (you saw that coming, didn't you?) 1. Whose Line is it Anyway? (UK) |
Fosters and Invader ZIM! They're might be others but I'll have to think a bit;)
Here's my favorite TV theme songs:
1. Ben 10 2. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends 3. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (That's all for now) |
My top four:
1. Both of the Monk theme songs... I liked the original best, but I can still respect "It's a Jungle Out There." 2. The American Dad! theme song. It's just so peppy, happy, and... come on. It's impossible to not love. 3. FOSTER'SSSs... I wrote a piano arrangement of it... wow I'm a dork. 4. The original digimon theme songs are amazing, but not the dub's... ok I know I'm sounding like an elitist anime prick, but don't judge me if you've only seen the dub. The repetitive "change into digital champions!!" thing that they insist on playing seven times an episode makes my ears bleed, too. |
Inspector Gadget! When I was younger me and my Dad could do a rather good impression.
In no particular order:
Foster's Sailor Moon Doctor Who (7th Doctor) The Dead Zone Law & Order: Trial By Jury Kim Possible That's about it. |
Foster's Ben 10 Full Metal Alchemist (altough I'm not familiar with the show) ...Zomg, it's all I can think of? Lame. Edit: Shouldn't this be in Spam? It's pretty much of a 'list' topic. |
The short list:
Foster's The Simpsons The A-Team The Twilight Zone (old-school) |
Red Dwarf
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends |
Theme from Hawaii Five O
Theme from Bonanza Theme from Star Trek (The Original Series) FHfIF Theme from Baretta Theme from Barney Miller (I like the bass line) :frankiesmile: |
Well I'm obligated to say Fosters is one, ofcourse.;) But I do love many of the themesongs from the 80's. Voltron, Transformers, Thundercats, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and so on.
Whene it comes to modern ones, I am partial to most of the ones from Inuyasha and Full Metal Alchemist. |
Mighty Morphin Power rangers had one of the BEST Tv theme songs ever, one of THE BEST! I absolutely love it, it's super catchy and the updated movie version of it was even better. Ben 10 also has a very addictive opening theme song.
I like Foster's but, I honestly have found others I liked more. I also love these TV theme songs: Buffy the vampire slayer Big Bad Beetleborgs Darkwing Duck Sonic X Sonic the hedgehog (SATam) Smallville Godzilla: The series The Animorphs (KICK ASS theme song) |
Ben 10 (Even though I hate that show)
Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends (of course) Recess (it's so catchy) Drake and Josh Neds Declassified School survival guide (that is an awesome theme tune) And I think thats about it. When Ever Ben 10 comes on I sit and watch until the theme tune is over and then run off XD |
I always loved the Gargoyles theme song. And the Earth Worm Jim theme song was always fun!
The Simpsons
Invader Zim Foster's Malcolm In The Middle |
Of course Foster's. And why hasn't anyone mentioned the South Park theme yet? :macwor:
Two words equal one of the greatest TV theme songs ever!
:cheese: Inspector Gadget. |
This is both for shows I like and shows I don't care for (and some shows I never saw):
The A-Team Battlestar Galactica (the original series) Danger Mouse Dr. Who The Flash (awful series, awesome theme) Futurama Get Smart The Green Hornet Hawaii Five-O Hill Street Blues Johnny Quest (original) Mission Impossible The Muppet Show Peter Gunn Secret Agent Star Blazers Star Trek: The Next Generation Twilight Zone (original) The X-Files Sorry there's nothing current in there. I don't watch much TV anymore. |
The Office, Foster's, Rugrats
Wild Wild West Pepper Ann Reading Rainbow The CBS NCAA basketball theme Funky Cops Bill Nye the Science Guy All in the Family Sanford and Son |
Oh man, I LOVE zazzy theme songs. I know that's corny, but I have them allllll over my iPod!
1. Foster's 2. Fullmetal Alchemist (the older one by L'Arc~en~Ciel) 3. Metalocalypse 4. Sealab 2021 (hehe I sing it in the shower!) 5. I looooooove the old X-men cartoon theme! 6. CSI: Las Vegas (I hum it constantly) 7. Tales from the Crypt 8. Inspector Gadget 9. Invader ZIM (oh JEEZ I love that one) 10. Six Feet Under 11. Golden Years (I never watched the show but David Bowie always makes my day) The list goes on... |
Sadly, though Reading Rainbow is still on the air on some PBS stations, the theme sequence has been changed.
The song has been slowed down, sung by a different person, and they replaced the animated sequences with Lavar Burton and some kids walking around a CGI background. It's still "Butterfly in the sky... I can go twice as high!" but not half as enjoyable. |
Tales from the Crypt had a very kick ass theme song, it's almost a Halloween trademark song now. And I don't care what anyone says, whether they love or hate the show, Ben 10 has a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY catchy theme song.
Other good TV theme songs: Angel Extreme Ghostbusters Jackass Kim Possible W.I.T.C.H. Sailor Moon Batman Beyond The Batman (first opening theme, not the crappy 2nd one they use now) |
Here are more of my favourites:
Six Feet Under (it won Best TV Theme and Best TV Title Design at the 2002 Emmys! :bloogrin:) Inspector Gadget House, MD Who Wants To Be A Millionare? Robot Chicken Family Guy Spicks and Specks Whose Line is it Anyway? (US) Goodnight Sweetheart Diagnosis Murder Mr Bean Arrested Development Gunsmith Cats Steel Angel Kurumi MacGyver Hogan's Heroes Get Smart Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi Doctor Who (1980) Thank God You're Here Drew Carey's Green Screen Show The Zeta Project Huff Two and a Half Men Masters of Horror One Piece Told you that mine was too many to mention! :bloogrin: |
Some more of my faves are Space Ghost Coast to Coast, The Brak Show, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law and The Colbert Report.:D
Invader Zim (it's my ringtone)
Sailor Moon Bleach (all of them) Foster's Home Jake Long Kim Possible Family Guy FLCL Aqua Teen Hunger Force AOTS |
Wow so many good theam songs already mentioned.
My favorite are: Little Rascals Ben Ten Fosters Rawhide Dr Who Hawai 5-0 nana' Lan Munsters Mighty Mouse Magilla Gorrila Inspector Gaget and FLying Circus were fun tunes as well. Edit: I Forgot SMURFS and Shirt Tails. Monty :-/ |
-The A-Team
-Foster's theme -Magnum P.I. -Hellsing -King of Queens -American Chopper -Navy CIS -X-Files -Spongebob :D -Ghostbusters (that cartoon series) -Emergency Room -Stargate commando SG-1 -CSI Miami -Celebrity Deathmatch -American Dad -Family Guy -the Simpsons -Futurama -Rawhide :D |
Saber Rider! Gotta love that theme song.:D
psych house danny phantom |
It's funny sometimes but even if it's not, the opening song is very catchy. I'm not even that much of a fan of heavy death metal anyway. Of course that probably explains why I'm not that drawn to the show. |
- Fosters
- Futurama - Fullmetal Alchemist (the Riraito opening) - Drake and Josh - Ouran Host Club - South Park - Pokemon Advanced Battle -gets shot- - Only Fools and Horses They're all so catchy. My parents hate Fosters, but everynow and again I hear my dad whistling the theme! I always catch him and he always denies it :P |
Freakazoid theme a-durrrh.
Beetlejuice. Tiny Toons. House. The Animaniacs. There's bologna in our slacks! Cromartie High School had really cool music. And I like the first opening of One Piece. And Don't Make Me a Shrew yeaahhhhhhh yappappa yappappa! *headbang* |
I know this thread hasn't been updated for SO long, but I just like to mention a theme tune that's been in my head lately...
Dexter It's such a great theme and, when watched with the opening titles, very well done. Composed by Rolfe Kent, here's the link: http://www.rolfekent.com/music/dexter/ You can also see the titles here: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=ej8-Rqo-VT4 |
Old topic, but must add min e in no specific order
Jimmy Neutron My Life as a Teenage Robot Kim Possible Ben 10 Teen Titans Samurai Jack Kappa Mikey |
Foster's, Teen Titans, Kappa Mikey, 6Teen, Total Drama Island, season 1 of Pokemon.
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