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Sparky 01-05-2007 12:11 PM

I remember reading a lot of complaints from different people on different messageboards that Boomerang (which was originally intended for showing classic cartoons) had started showing newer cartoons instead.

And now today I go to CN's website and see a banner ad for "Boomerang: the new channel for kids".

:o Is that the same Boomerang? They're trying to say that it's new? Will they show *any* classic cartoons anymore? Does there NEED to be another channel for kids?

Anyone know anything about this?

One Radical Dude 01-05-2007 12:30 PM

Does the Boomerang logo look any different? I haven't seen this banner ad, yet.

Sparky 01-05-2007 12:34 PM

Yeah I think so but I haven't seen the old logo in ages. Here's the banner ad:

One Radical Dude 01-05-2007 12:40 PM

If this was seen on the Cartoon Network US site, then it looks like Boomerang MIGHT be going the same route as its Latin American counterparts. Right now, Boomerang is still the same Boomerang we know.

Mr. Marshmallow 01-05-2007 12:45 PM

Boomerang actually is showing newer cartoons, I used to watch alot of them late at night during their "action hour" thing. But this was back when I had Boomerang when my cable service was Dish network, now it's under Comcast.

I sadly don't get Boomerang anymore but the last I had of it, I do know they were showing recent toons at around 10 o'clock at night. The thing is, the recent toons was all DC super hero shows. Batman, Superman, and Justice League.

They would air them back to back, sometimes randomzing the episode order for each show. But they showed Batman and Superman: animated series, and they just added Justice League before my cable service switched over to Comcast.

If this continued, i have no doubt Justice League: Unlimited would have been brought over to there too. But I think Cartoon Network was getting pissy about that because I noticed Teen Titans wasn't on this Boomerang block.

The shows Boomerang were airing were DC toons CN were not playing anymore, so CN started airing Teen Titan reruns again to avoid them going over to Boomerbang, or so I think. I have no idea what Boomerang's airing now.

One Radical Dude 01-05-2007 12:48 PM

Believe me, what Boomerang Latin America has now is much worse than what the US has now. They have a lot of live-action shows on there.

Mr. Marshmallow 01-05-2007 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 26873)
Believe me, what Boomerang Latin America has now is much worse than what the US has now. They have a lot of live-action shows on there.

I'm kinda not surprised. Sooner or later, most networks get tired or fed up with the same old programs even if their channel is designed for a specific program. look at TechTv/G4 TV. Originally it was just computer and video game shows.

Now they got Arrested Development, Star Trek, Cops, Cheaters, The Man Show, and a bunch of other shows that really have little to do with the "Tech" message. Or want a better example, 3 letters: MTV. Talk about a turn coat.

"Music television" my ass, MTV has almost NOTHING music related on their channel anymore, it's all reality series and contest crap that's totally devoid of anything remotely tied to music or the music industry.

Voxxyn 01-05-2007 01:34 PM

Let's see:

-Cartoon Network airing live-action programming
-Boomerang possibly airing new shows over classics
-MTV no longer having much to do with actual music
-G4/TechTV airing programming unrelated to either technology or video gaming
-Sci-Fi airing professional wrestling

What's next? Steven Seagal movies on Lifetime? :wiltshock:

Sparky 01-05-2007 02:03 PM

Well if it means anything, this banner ad was on, whatever country that is. Might not be the US.

some guy you dont know 01-05-2007 02:42 PM

yeah, alot of newer cartoons. that annoys me. at least they dont do it 24/7 in the US......yet..

taranchula 01-05-2007 04:50 PM

Man the kid in that banner ad freaks me out but good. 8D

some guy you dont know 01-05-2007 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 26947)
Man the kid in that banner ad freaks me out but good. 8D

same here.

One Radical Dude 01-05-2007 06:52 PM

Yeah, me, too. :P

Invader Bloo 01-06-2007 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 26892)
Let's see:

-Cartoon Network airing live-action programming
-Boomerang possibly airing new shows over classics
-MTV no longer having much to do with actual music
-G4/TechTV airing programming unrelated to either technology or video gaming
-Sci-Fi airing professional wrestling

What's next? Steven Seagal movies on Lifetime? :wiltshock:

Nick or Disney buying Foster's. :-X
Comcast dosen't have Boomerang but we get pointless chanels like FoxRC or Nick2.:jk:

HappyFoppy 01-07-2007 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by Invader Bloo (Post 27105)
Nick or Disney buying Foster's. :-X

*pukes* "Hey look Bloo! It's... Mickey!" = :(

So practically Boomerang might get a change. If the classics dissapear, that's sad, but if it's just new shows it'll be fine. 2 years ago, CN Europe used to mix both: shows like The PowerPuff Girls, Ed Edd 'n' Eddy, Dexter etc. in daytime, and when it's getting a tad later, they started showing Wacky Racers, Top Cat, Hong Kong Phooey etc. Boomerang might become just that... Or I missed something. I don't know a lot about CN/Boomerang in the USA. ;D

Howard 01-08-2007 07:23 AM

I remember when Cartoon Network started as the classic toon station; I wonder if Boomerang is going to evolve the same way as CN did?:wiltshock:

billytheskink 01-10-2007 12:12 PM

CN is still running those Boomerang ads with Shaggy and Scooby-Doo and Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble highlighting classic cartoons that the network shows....

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