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Bloo2daMacs 12-30-2006 07:39 AM

Foster's Short "Badvertisment"
For once I caught one of these shorts! It was shown after last night's airing of Good Wilt Hunting and was followed by "Cranks a Lot"

Okay, so it's Bloo in this giant cowboy hat(which spans twice his head size). Through the whole time he's talking in a monotone voice of sorts, and advertising Foster's, talking about how "WE'VE GOT THE FRIEND FOR YOU".

In one scene, Bloo was talking about how children will love their new friend, and Eduardo and Mac were demonstrating(Mac was the parent and Eduardo was the child). At the end, the television turns off, and Bloo asks every one "What do you think?!". Suddenly there's a knock at the door and Bloo opens it revealing a giant group of people wanting Imaginary Friends. I was cracking up through the whole thing.

Did any one else catch this? (I hope they put it on YouTube soon for all those people that didn't see it)

Imaginary Light 12-30-2006 08:10 AM

Another one that I missed? Oh, snaps, this just isn't fair:(
I hope it ends up on YouTube or something.

Suomynona 12-30-2006 08:15 AM

Yeah, I caught it ^_^ I really liked this one! Bloo was offering a suitcase full of cash (20-dollar bills) and a free "car" (Foster's bus) to anyone who adopted a friend; and everyone was mad that he lied. But that's why his commercial had such a response. Very good commercial, Bloo rocks ^_^

Voxxyn 12-30-2006 08:44 AM


I'm glad that we've gotten enough new Foster's footage to make up a normal episode's runtime when put together--but honestly, Cartoon Network needs to STOP. If they expect me to watch all these new shorts, then they'd better include them all on a future DVD release, because I REFUSE to watch CN 24/7.

This endless bombardment is starting to make me feel annoyed instead of satisfied.

Suomynona 12-30-2006 09:17 AM

I like that they do shorts, even though I almost never watch Cartoon Network @_@ Maybe this is weird for me to suggest, but I think we ought to have a thread for the shorts in general. It would be easier to keep track of which ones I've missed then, and then we could all vent our frustrations in one place rather than spread among all the shorts threads. . .

Cassini90125 12-30-2006 09:35 AM

That's not a bad idea, not bad at all. :)

I have the DVR running even as I type this, but there's no way to know if I'll catch anything until I review the disk. I wish I had some idea of when is the best time of day for this sort of "fishing expedition", but I guess there's no way to know.

One Radical Dude 12-30-2006 12:54 PM

Yay, I missed another one. 8D :P

Sparky 12-30-2006 01:43 PM

I'm officially annoyed too. :terrence: I hope that this explosion of shorts is an indication that they'll be on the DVDs, anyways.

(Ha ha, explosion of shorts. A Bermuda shorts factory blowing up.)

WiltFan 12-30-2006 02:18 PM

YES! I finally caught this one. My favorite one so far. :) They should like...have a day where they show all of those shorts together.

Mr. Marshmallow 12-30-2006 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by WiltFan (Post 25704)
YES! I finally caught this one. My favorite one so far. :) They should like...have a day where they show all of those shorts together.

And if they do that, they would only need to do one more thing to make it perfect: TELL US WHEN THEY WILL BE ON!!!!!!

CG 12-30-2006 04:33 PM

Hey at least you guys in America have a slim chance of catching these. Think of those of us without access to your cable! We are so without it!
This stinks though. -_-

"C" the Dragon 12-30-2006 04:35 PM


taranchula 12-30-2006 08:29 PM

At the rate they are going they'll have enough shorts to fill up an entire DVD on it's own, and that wouldn't be a bad thing in the least. :bloogrin

Carlaz 12-31-2006 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 25768)
At the rate they are going they'll have enough shorts to fill up an entire DVD on it's own, and that wouldn't be a bad thing in the least. :bloogrin

Good point Taranchula! Hope this is the case. :D

kageri 12-31-2006 09:26 AM

I saw this one, but it was, naturally, completely by accident. Grrr. I liked it though, I've been going around saying "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friiiieeeends!" in Bloo's sing-song voice since yesterday.

Xx_BrokenWithASmile_Xx 12-31-2006 01:36 PM

I keep missing these short little things!! The only one I saw was "all zapped up" and thats cause somebody put it on youtube!! Besides that I missed ALL OF THEM!!! They should say when they have the shorts on on's schedule!! That would make it a WHOLE lot easier to catch them on then just playing them at random!!

antgirl1 01-01-2007 10:01 AM

Just saw it. The Mac and Eduardo thing was real funny. Mac with a 'stash.

Yay Uncle Pockets was in it! :D

fosters home fan 01-01-2007 02:44 PM

great short
This short is hilarious! At least Bloo's advertisment got customers.:bloogrin


Bloo2daMacs 01-01-2007 04:59 PM

Man, this really was great, I SO hope that some one puts it on YouTube eventually for all you people that missed it, because let me tell you it was one quality short.

.... uh oh, I think I'm just going to make the people that missed it even more annoyed....

Starsky 06-27-2007 09:27 AM

For anyone in the US who might have missed it, it's now up on Cartoon Network Video.

Cassini90125 06-27-2007 09:32 AM

It's one of the only ones I've seen, unfortunately. From what I have seen it wasn't the best of the lot. :(

basilsunshine 07-14-2007 08:30 PM

This was so funny! The part with Bloo talking fast and mentioning the stuff about if you're pregnant or not pregnant was so funny.

fosters_homey 07-25-2007 09:36 AM

Oh, I love the shorts. You can always whatch them on Cartoonnetwork Video, they update them all the time, they even have some full length shows :bloogrin:

cartman414 07-29-2007 10:45 AM

I'll only be annoyed by the shorts if CN includes them in the show's 65/78 half-hour quota, though that sounds a little unlikely.

ptps 07-29-2007 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 48572)
It's one of the only ones I've seen, unfortunately. From what I have seen it wasn't the best of the lot. :(

Are you serious? XD I caught it on YouTube recently and I just DIED LAUGHING OMG, the bad advertisement references are so true!! XD Bloo blocking the Foster's logo every time it came on, the arial font not being properly resized to fit the screen width, the disclaimers about pregnant women, the free money giveaway omgomg and MAC AND EDUARDO. AS FATHER AND SON. AND THE STILTED TALK. I DIED. XDDDDD This is one of my favorite shorts so far ahahha omg XD I'm still re-watching it.

"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friiiiiiiiiiends~!!!" 8-)

KazooBloo 12-05-2016 12:24 AM

Haha, Bloos tactics to find someone to adopt a friend were great.

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