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Foster's Short - Drawing Bored
So how many FHFIF shorts have aired thus far? They can at least still be seen on cartoonnetwork.com, right? It would save trouble with the ones that aired at (possibly) bad times like this one.
Eduardo is drawing a cutesy story and suddenly Bloo starts drawing his own story, causing Ed and Bloo to fight. Coco joins in trying to draw.....flowers, I think......and then Wilt joins in eventually drawing basketball stuff, making the fight more chaotic. Frankie stops the drawing in anger because it was on the wall. Bloo blames Ed for the drawing even though he was the one who was drawing last. |
Why do I keep on missing these shorts?!
Has ANYONE got this on tape?! because I want to this short episode so bad!!!:(
Instead of Ed crying, it should instead show Bendy doing something nasty and terrible to the idiot CN executives. |
I don't sit around watching CN all day, so I have missed all the shorts except for those that somebody uploaded to YouTube. I checked the CN site, and I don't see this one-or ANY of the Foster's shorts-available there, no matter what kind of computer I've got. I sure with somebody would get this on YouTube, or somewhere so those of us who can't sit around a tv hoping to see it could watch it.
pitbulllady |
8D That was funny. Love the drawings and the interaction of the IFs. Thanks for sharing. :)
LOL, that was a good one! 8D
That was the funniest of the "shorts" yet! I wish I could find a way to show this to my Art students; even those who don't watch Foster's would probably get a kick out of it! I loved how Bloo kept messing up Eduardo's sweet, innocent little ideas, like putting "CONDEMNED" on the building that Ed drew, or drawing long ears on the unicorn to turn it into a donkey, lol! And WHAT was up with those weird green Art Deco flower thingies Coco was drawing? Of course, you would know that Wilt would be the one who gets caught with the "smoking gun" in HIS hand, even though he was the last to join in the uh, mural creation..."hey, you know what y'all need?"
pitbulllady |
Be it Two Minuets, Seven Minuets or Twenty Two Minuets....Foster's never fails to bring the funny. And This short was another shining example of that.
"Whoops, I was wanting that for a parking lot!"
"I'm sorry." "Cococo coco, co!" "Um..that is terrible." "CO CO CO!" "Fly like a bunny!" "No, flying reserved for CAMELS!" "Go for a drive to get a BUCKET OF CHICKEN!" And in the end, they were drawing on the WALLS. How they got Wilt to do so I'll never know. Though I have no clue why Coco keeps drawing flowers. XDD Never the less, Coco's an artist! LOL, the basketball player got hit by a ROCKET SHIP! The camel with Elvis's hair got hit on the head with a basketball. XDD I must admit, I can't get enough of this. |
I wanna learn how to fly like a bunny when I grow up XD.
I loved the way Wilt said "Ya know what ya need?" it was really... smooth *giggles* I can't get enough of his voice XD |
But no, seriously, I loved it. Coco's quite an artist. |
Coco's ability to draw in Edwardian printing flourishes is nothing short of amazing, yet somehow so in character!
It was a cool short. I used to draw on the wall when I was a child, good thing that I don't do it anymore. I like the drawings in this short.
That short was hilarious! Where did Coco learn to be an accomplished artist?
This may be the weirdest sentence I will ever have the opportunity to utter, but... I wish I was as good an artist as Coco.
This is totally my favorite short now. :up:
I really wish I had some way to show this to my Art students at school; not only would they find it funny(even those who don't watch Foster's), but it would be appropriate for the content area, and I think it would grab their interest in their OWN work. Unfortunately, YouTube is blocked at school(same reason as DA-Adult Content).
pitbulllady |
pitbulllady |
Funniest short I have ever seen.8D
Hilarious short! 8D |
any chance you have the full .avi file?
LOL That was so cool.
I was laughing so hard when Bloo is drawing the funny stuff!!8D I LOVE IT!!!!:D
Tonight I'm going to be uploading the downloadable file to YouSendIt. I'll post the place where you can download it here once I do.
Thanks. I'm still trying to collect as many shorts as I can (in full size rather than tiny YouTube size) because I would like to screen cap them someday...
This short was hilarious! 10/10
You can download the short from here, but it is only available for 7 days, or worthy of 100 downloads.
I think this proves that if something is short, it can still be funnier than some long things *coughimposterscough*. This had the wackyness factor of a newgrounds movie. 8D
That was definetly the cutest of the shorts. :D
HAHAHA!!! I loved this one - it's my favorite of all the shorts. I was in my college's librairy whenever I saw it and I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing!!
Woooooot. 6 years ago D':
Since i re-started watching fhfif,i'm looking for all the shorts,only got 7,there is 18,and i really wanted to watch this one called 'Drawing Bored',but all the links are expired/doesn't exist or are blocked 'cause of the country thingy,etc. Baah,shame on me,guess i'll never find out why this short is awesome, cute ... *Sniff* |
I've never seen a single short. I didn't even know they existed. :edmad:
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