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Tonya 12-23-2006 04:40 PM

What'd you get for Christmas?
Okay, so it may seem a bit early to start this thread already, but I for one am celebrating Christmas tomorow since C Day isin't as fun as C Eve. That's just how I've allways done it. And I've also decided to start this thread now because I hardley ever am on the comp. in mornings, so... Yep.
I already know one thing I'm getting tommorow, (okay so I peeked), and from some elderly people of my family, it is an almighty colering book with crayons.... Well, it's the thought that counts, right? I am grateful though :).

pitbulllady 12-23-2006 05:35 PM

My family and I have not exchanged gifts yet, as we generally do that on Christmas day. My aunt had to leave early to go visit her daughter who lives in Birmingham, AL, and could not be home for Christmas due to her work, so she went ahead and gave me my present earlier this week-15 pounds of elk meat cut into steaks, burgers, filet mignons, etc., shipped on dry ice from a company out west, and my Cajun "family" down in Louisiana sent me my usual annual 10 pounds of 'gator meat, along with a box of boudin sausages(also shipped on dry ice-my yard looked quite interesting after yesterday's heavy rains), so now I've got a freezer full of meats that you just can't find in the supermarket! My aunt also gave me a sterling silver ring with an amber setting, since we both love amber, and I just now realized that there are two elephants supporting the round amber stone with their tusks!


Subzeroace 12-23-2006 05:44 PM

I open one gift tomorrow night then early in the morning of Christmas we open the rest!

I already know I'm getting these because I had to pick them out for my dad: FMA Vol 1 "The Curse", PoTC II (the special edition) PHP for Teens (a book, I need better web design skills) and my dad has promised me some cash so I can buy two of the Foster's shirts on the Hot Topic online store!

I'll take pictures of my loot once the big day comes :)

some guy you dont know 12-23-2006 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Subzeroace (Post 24419)
I open one gift tomorrow night then early in the morning of Christmas we open the rest!

so do i hooray! oh well, back on topic. all ive gotten so far is 30 bucks by my grandpa. now to figure out what to waste it on..

(ill post again later when i figure out whatelse i get on Xmas Day)

Partymember 12-23-2006 08:52 PM

well, hopefully i'll get CD's and MAYBE a .30-30...i didn't specifically ask for it but i dropped hints like crazy

gator meat is sooooo damn tasty! 10 lbs. OMG i would gorge myself...

GrimTheLost 12-23-2006 10:46 PM

My friends exchange gifts on Yule usually and it was fun this year. I got a necklace; Giardia, Mad Cow, and Syphilis from another (they are microbes from; a Ramones collage; and finally A Venom tee and action figure from my g/f. And I get more from my family.

FostersFriend 12-24-2006 01:39 AM

I think I know what I might get, but I could be wrong. Were opening our presents tonight, and tomorrow we just have like a 'family' time :terrsmile:

SkittleMonkey 12-24-2006 03:11 AM

My Grandma has her Christmas on Christmas Eve(which it today); I got a sketchbook and a book on drawing manga(not one of the crappy ones either! It's a NICE one!) from my friend. Anywayz, I'll post back later today and tomorrow with whatever else I receive.

Invader Bloo 12-24-2006 06:29 AM

I'll post tommorow. Yeah, my Nana does that to SM we dinner tonight. *sobs because of waiting*

I think I got some of those weird SW-Transformer things for my collection, (I saw it in my mom's closet when I was getting her computer...OOPS!:o )

pitbulllady 12-24-2006 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 24444)
well, hopefully i'll get CD's and MAYBE a .30-30...i didn't specifically ask for it but i dropped hints like crazy

gator meat is sooooo damn tasty! 10 lbs. OMG i would gorge myself...

Yep, it is...and I can make a pretty awesome jambalaya myself, using a recipe I learned from the late, great Justin Wilson himself! Good thing about 'gator meat-it's not fattening, which is more than I can say about the rest of the stuff I eat this time of year!

My father usually gives me money for Christmas, which usually goes to pay bills and the property taxes on my home, which are due in January, sadly. I seldom have any left over to buy something I want. That just leaves my sister and my brother, and I haven't even gotten any clues as to what they will get me. My sister usually gets me something to wear, and my brother usually gets me something computer-related, like graphic software or a subscription to an online science magazine. My best friend and I exchange gifts on New Year's, since she usually goes to West Virginia to visit her parents on Christmas. Most of the time, she indulges me with a huge box of sugar-free chocolates, so I can't complain.

I always give people decorative wall calenders for Christmas, since a calender is something everyone needs, to keep up with appointments and whatnot, and something they can use all year-long, literally. I pick them based on something that the person is interested in, like my aunt, for instance. She has a Jack Russell Terrier she's crazy about, so I get her a JRT calender. My sister is into horses, so I get her a horse calender. My dad is interested in weather phenomenon, so I got him an "Extreme Weather" calender, which has really cool pics of bizarre lightning strikes and tornadoes and such. Thought I'd toss that out there in case some of you might be "stuck" on what to give someone next year.


Jabberwocky 12-24-2006 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Subzeroace (Post 24419)
I open one gift tomorrow night then early in the morning of Christmas we open the rest!

I'll take pictures of my loot once the big day comes :)

Same here! I'm trying to decide which one I wanna open today. I'm thinkin the CD-shaped one. Please be Oingo Boingo!

That, or my turn table. Which I know I got because my brother told me. ;)

Partymember 12-24-2006 10:35 AM

i haven't had gator in 2 or 3 years...i miss it

Wocky is that Ziggy Stardust avatar? LOL +1

Jabberwocky 12-24-2006 10:41 AM

The red hot mullet! It persuades you!

CG 12-24-2006 02:20 PM

Lots of chocolate, Pirates of the Carribean 2 dvd, booze, pj's, money which got paid on vegetables, new speakers and more chocolate. OH. And the Wonderful Wizard of Oz animation dvd set. And I guess Eduardo.

Wendi 12-24-2006 03:15 PM

I got to open one right now, and it was a Faber-Castell marker set :] I love it lots! expect marker Fanart xDD

Jabberwocky 12-24-2006 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Wendi (Post 24591)
I got to open one right now, and it was a Faber-Castell marker set :] I love it lots! expect marker Fanart xDD

So word on the street is you SUCK. XD I had a set of prismacolors years ago. They got lost, one by one. :'(

Btw I opened my one present. It was SPAAACEEE ODDITYYYYY on CCCDDDD. :bloocross: I love this album so much.

Partymember 12-24-2006 05:37 PM


I think Ziggy Stardust is one of my favorite songs BTW.

Tonya 12-24-2006 05:43 PM

I opened all my presents!

From these people my mom knows, I got a nice new coat. New boots. A pocketbook that that was 60 dollars :o! A bunch of bath&body wash, a manicure set, a sweater, and some other nice stuff. From other folks in my family I got clothes, a Peanuts colering pad (not the colering book I mentioned earlier. I love Peanuts!) A new tape recorder, more bath&body wash, paint by numbers kit, AND THREE ADORABLE FURRY KITTENS!!!-they're not real guys. Only fake, but they are soooooooooo cute! And some other stuff.

InsaneFan 12-24-2006 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Subzeroace (Post 24419)
FMA Vol 1 "The Curse",

I just got the FMA movie Conqueror of Shamballa from my cousin. ^^ He's the one who actually got me into watching it. Thing is...I can't watch it until I've finished watching the rest of the series. D= I'm up to episode 37...Can't find it on google video or youtube. Planning to download it from this site I found tomorrow maybe...

I got $25 from my Dad's side secret santa.

...And I got Grandma coupons. =3 My Grandma got creative a few years back, and now instead of giving us grandkids presents, we get 6 coupons each, redeemable as trips to the mall, movies, spending the night at her house...And this is a sweet deal 'cause our Gramma's KEWL. :D

Tomorrow, I know I'm gettin' $225 from my parents. Heh, I never decided on want I wanted for my birthday, so they added $100 on top of the $125 they decided to spend each on us kids. I like to go shopping myself, so I just asked for cash.
I know what I'm getting from my sisters too. Sara got me a Cyborg 'Super-D' toy(Em can't keep her mouth shut! xD), and Em's gonna get me an Alphonse ski cap. =3 I told her I could wait to get my present from her if she just ordered that.
From one of my friends, I got a little clay Bloo that she made herself(shall I post a pic?), some Fill-Ins puzzle books and some chocolate-covered pretzels. ^^
Dunno what my other friends are getting/have gotten for me.

Subzeroace 12-24-2006 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Wendi (Post 24591)
I got to open one right now, and it was a Faber-Castell marker set :] I love it lots! expect marker Fanart xDD

Ha :D I just opened my X-Mas eve pressies and it was a marker set as well! But Mine are Prismacolor :D

Bloofanatic 12-25-2006 12:32 AM

I opened my pressies a couple of hours ago. My sister got me a pikachu plushie wearing a christmas hat aww and my dad got me some batteries with a battery charger and I also got a nintendo DS and two games to go with it pokemon link and Spyro a new beginning.

"C" the Dragon 12-25-2006 05:09 AM

I got comic books, "Garfield: The Tail of Two Kitties" DVD, The "Sailor Moon" movie collecor set uncut version, "Pokemon Rangers" DS game and book, The "Anastacia" soundtrack, and something I didn't expect: The "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends" Game!:wiltshock: I wasn't planning to get that, but I got it anyways. And Truffles for me!:D :D :D I have more, but I don't feel like listing the rest.

InsaneFan 12-25-2006 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by "C" the Dragon (Post 24653)
...and something I didn't expect: The "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends" Game!:wiltshock: I wasn't planning to get that, but I got it anyways.

I got that for my sister. ^^ Since I don't have a GBA. It was the perfect present for me---I mean, her. 8D J/k.

Nyo 12-25-2006 08:36 AM

What I got:

2 Disney Faries books (I <3 Tinker Bell)

2 jogging suits (white and black)

1 set of pajamas


1 White video iPod

Don't any of you dare try to steal it. :terrence:

some guy you dont know 12-25-2006 10:02 AM

lets see:

a sonic game for the ps2 (not sonic riders though :( )
some yugioh cards
some action figures
ton of candy
a bobblehead
a dartboard
some other stuff i forget
a cd player
a greenday cd
and most importantly, A NEW PS2!!!

Jabberwocky 12-25-2006 10:26 AM

O-kay! I got:

Space Oddity on CD
Diamond Dogs on CD
The I <3 Bloo shirt and the group one
Bright orange corduroy pants
Inspector Gadget on DVD
Pink and the Brain volumes 1 & 2 on DVD
Best of Bowie DVD <3
Beatles picture book
Pink and purple lava lamp
Dr. Seuss books

And blah blah blah a bunch of other stuff... but mostly importantly...

A turntable and A BUNCH OF QUEEN ALBUMS ON VINYL ALONG WITH MY GRAMPA'S BOX OF AWESOME VINYL CRAP. There was everything from the Styx to Yes to Frank Zappa to the Grateful Dead and I was so happy I was shaking for like an hour afterward. I had no idea he had all that stuff, I thought it'd all gone when my mom had a garage sale and sold all my albums for a quarter a piece. :jk:

Partymember 12-25-2006 10:33 AM


I got 10+ classic rock albums on CD, including Beggars Banquet, Quadrophenia, and Demons & Wizards...and speaking of vinyl steals, about a year ago i found Woodstock on vinyl, part 1 and 2 for $1 a piece at a garage sale! I listened to the whole thing (5+ hours) in one sitting. OMG rocked my world!

Merry X-Mas all!

One Radical Dude 12-25-2006 12:34 PM

All righty, I'm going to list everything that I've received from everyone. I was definitely surprised with what I received. We did NOT open gifts until 3 PM, and I woke up around 8-9 AM (we had to wait for my older brother to show up).

- $25 gift certificate from
- A 2-disc audio CD with 72 hymns.
- $15 iTunes Card
- $25 Starbucks Card
- $25 Best Buy Card
- $75 Cash
- A round-trip voucher to fly anywhere in the US.

That last one made me feel emotional (in a good sense), though I liked everything I've received. It was awesome. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. ;) :)

Mr. Marshmallow 12-25-2006 12:40 PM

Here's what I got, I got most of what I wanted and a few surprises too:

30$ for BestBuy
Flamezilla (Godzilla fire mouth) light up statue
Dragon Ballk Z: Budokai Tenkaji 2 (Wii)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Wii)
Foster's home t-shirt :D!
Transformers t-shirt
Buffy the vampire slayer season 5
Aqua Teen hunger forcr season 2

And the biggest shocker of all, tickets for a vacation cruise to Mexico in january.

pitbulllady 12-25-2006 01:00 PM

My brother got me software, as I predicted, Corel Draw Professional Suite, which I can't wait to try out!

My dad gave me money, which will at least mean I hopefully won't have to take out a loan to pay this month's bills.

My sister gave me pajamas and some perfume.

I still won't know what my friend Barbara gave me until New Year's Day, but that's it as far as family is concerned. Most family members naturally concentrated on buying stuff for my nieces, who are aged three(almost four)and 18 months, respectively. I have never seen so much "Dora the Explorer" stuff in my entire life! I have GOT to get those kids into Foster's, before it's too late!


taranchula 12-25-2006 01:10 PM

I might as well jump on the bandwagon too, and tell y'all what I got for Christmas.

Here is the rundown and I must say, it was a mixture of expected and unexpected gifts to say the least.

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (Nintendo DS)
Megaman ZX (Nintendo DS)
24: Fifth Season (DVD)
Dilbert: The Complete Animated Series (DVD)
Popeye: The 75?Th Anniversary Collection (DVD)
Assorted Socks and Boxer Shorts
An Ottawa Senators T-Shirt
A Virgin Mobile Phone Card
Assorted candies and other junk food type stuff.
Assorted toiletries (Shampoo, tooth brush, shaving cream, etc...)

And last but not least....

Cash Monies. :bloogrin

Voxxyn 12-25-2006 01:25 PM

-1GB MP3 Player
-Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Nintendo GameCube (*)
-The Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
-Lots of da cash monies

* = I was originally going to get a Wii with it's version of the new Zelda, but the Wii was 100% sold out everywhere I went... so I decided to get the Cube version. So I'll most likely be Wii-less until next Christmas.

scary_dream 12-25-2006 01:31 PM

Ok whoa I got quite a bit of stuff this year... I got some much-wanted awesome t-shirts (my two favorites are a Dethklok one and a Skinned Deep one with Surgeon General on it!), and I got a lot of stuff for whenever I move out of the house. I've always wanted spider web curtains, and I got a set of them! They're so delicate and lacy and... spider webby. I also got a matching spider web tablecloth. I got a toaster oven and an electric griddle :D so we're having eggs and toast on the first morning that my boyfriend and I move in together! I also got two Living Dead Dolls and for my viewing pleasure the final Gregory Horror Show, Vol 3: The Nightmare Train.

Yay... it was a good Christmas!

Partymember 12-25-2006 01:50 PM

[quote=scary_dream;24684]I've always wanted spider web curtains, and I got a set of them! They're so delicate and lacy and... spider webby. I also got a matching spider web tablecloth.QUOTE]

Sweet! Post pics! I've listened to 5 albums i got today, 8 more to go.

Subzeroace 12-25-2006 03:29 PM

Photo's of my stuff can be seen here

But here's pretty much the highlights:

$60 CND (That I just bought the Eduardo shirt from with (they didn't have the one with the group of chars and the house!!))
$25 Future Shop gift card
PHP for Teens (I make a pretty webby now, kay thankz)
Prismacolor Marker Set (24)
Naruto 2007 calender
NMBC poster
Cars (DVD)
FMA Vol1 (DVD)
A gum ball machine :O
ASoUE books 10-13
NMBC lip balm
Candy/chocolate (giant Mr Big bar and Squidward PEZ for the win)
Some shirts
Home made scarf from my grandma <3

"C" the Dragon 12-25-2006 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Subzeroace (Post 24697)
Photo's of my stuff can be seen here

But here's pretty much the highlights:

$60 CND (That I just bought the Eduardo shirt from with (they didn't have the one with the group of chars and the house!!))
$25 Future Shop gift card
PHP for Teens (I make a pretty webby now, kay thankz)
Prismacolor Marker Set (24)
Naruto 2007 calender
NMBC poster
Cars (DVD)
FMA Vol1 (DVD)
A gum ball machine :O
ASoUE books 10-13
NMBC lip balm
Candy/chocolate (giant Mr Big bar and Squidward PEZ for the win)
Some shirts
Home made scarf from my grandma <3

That's alot of candy that I can see!

frankie_fan 12-25-2006 05:26 PM

I might as well join too!

Goldeneye DVD (my all-time favourite James Bond film)
The Matrix Revolutions DVD (to complete my Matrix DVDs)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest DVD (Johnny Depp's performace was brilliant, but I also loved the new Walt Disney Pictures logo at the beginning! :D )
The Da Vinci Code DVD (unfortunately not the 2-disc edition, but better than nothing!)
$50 Gift Card
USB Charger for my iPod (came with plugs for US, UK, Australia and other countries)

I'm waiting for what my sister got me, cause she lives in WA (Australian state), when I'm from NSW (another Australian state).

emperor26 12-25-2006 05:57 PM

For Christmas, I got:

-Playstation 3
-4 clothes (1 t-shirt, 2 sweaters (one of them has a hood) and 1 coat)
-A PS2 game (Capcom Classic Collection Volume 2)
-Wii (along with some games, such as Zelda)

Sparky 12-25-2006 06:17 PM

I got:

Aladdin (special edition), Ice Age, and the Muppet Movie (yay!!) on DVD
A...wooden fish that hangs on the wall (I *really* don't know why)
A scarf/hat/gloves set
A hummingbird calendar
This book
No cash monies :(

I think that was it. It was more than I expected, though. :terrsmile:

Jabberwocky 12-25-2006 07:14 PM


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