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Ivader Zim... yeah...
I love this show and wish it would still play on Nick. Unfortunately all I got to see of it was the first episode and clips of the show on youtube. Ha ha, "that's a government pig!" ohhh... I do beleive that there are DVDs with episodes on them, and I plan on purchasing them if I can find them. I know other people here like this show, so I opened this thread for discussing it. WOO HOO!! :bloocross: Let's get this discussion started!! WHOOO!!!
This one of my favorite shows, period. I have nearly all of the figures, and between my brother and I we have I think most of the t-shirts, and my purse is a GIR messenger bag. I really think I want to go ahead and be Gaz this year for Halloween, which means my brother will want to be Dib more likely than not. Unfortunately we have noplace to go, and we know from experience we get zero trick-or-treaters here. :P I hate waiting all year for Halloween only for nothing good to happen. :( Well I can wear the Gaz costume to Comic-Con next year or something.
Oh yes, Invader Zim is indeed high on my list of my favorite animated programs. I wonder if I should bring that cardboard DVD carrying case in the shape of Zim's house to comic con next year? Just in case if I get to meet Jhonen Vasquez or Richard Horvitz, I can get them to sign it.
I could try my hand at cosplaying Dib, but I fear my head's not large enough to make a convincing doppelganger. 8D |
If you like Zim you should read some of JVs comics, "Squee!" is my personal fave. But back to Zim, it's kind of sad that they cancelled it in favor of Sponge Bob.
Yeah Nick really dropped the ball with Zim, they should have given up the rights to the show and let Cartoon Network run with it. CN could pair it up with Billy and Mandy and then we could have the "Richard Horvitz Power-Hour" ahh but such is life.
Yay! An Invader Zim thread!
Anyway, I remember religiously taping every new episode during that miserable, once-a-week Friday night slot back when IZ still aired. As far as favorite episodes go, Tak: the Hideous New Girl and Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars win, hands down. I was never a fan of the deformed character plushies, but I was buying shirts, pins, keychains, and patches left and right. The Hot Topic employees knew me by name, and I had to travel to either Phoenix or San Diego to shop because there was no HT in my town. Of course, by the time I grew out of it, we had a Hot Topic built at our mall. Go figure. I still love Invader Zim, though not to the unhealthy extent that I used to 3 or 4 years ago. The avatar I have is a sketch of Almighty Tallest Miyuki, a former Irken leader that was to appear in The Trial, one of the canned episodes that was already in script form. Yeah, it was NOT okay when they cancelled it. Quote:
true, I really miss invader Zim. I think I'll go searching for the DVDs later, any time other than today. I'd do it today but I still feel sick. having the flu sucks, especially when you have it longer than 24 hours. uuuhh... but, at lest I don't have to go to work! :P
Zim was doomed to the start, they killed the show on purpose. The put it in the 9:00 time slot, which was an attempt to kill it. It worked. NICK WILL RUE THE DAY THEY CANCELLED ZIM!!!!!!
I LOVE this show! Of course I didn't get into it until five years AFTER it aired. I had no idea what the huge obsession was with it when it first aired back in '01. I kept seeing people walking around with IZ t-shirts and key chains and even book bags. The goth chicks in my school had the pencils and notebooks and stuff even. I was thinking it was a fad, it was, but then I watched the show in late '05 and I realized that I would have been one of those groupies had I watched it back then. I was a groupie for about three months. Then the repeating shows got hella old and I couldn't take it anymore. I still swear my Gir t-shirt proudly though.
A group of friends I knew were obsessed with JTHM back in High School. I didn't care for it at all becaues I wasn't into that morbid stuff back then. Now I can't get enough. I've been searching all over the net for a preview of those comic books but I can't even seem to find a website dedicated to him.
There aren't any previews of JV's comics. He's touchy about those kinda things. Most you'll be able to find are snippets here or there with one quote. I wasn't particularly fond of Johnny myself, but I loved reading those shorts. Annie Guish couldn't have taken a better stab at the goth subculture. ;D I Feel Sick is slightly less morbid than JTHM, which is why I had an easier time reading it. It's really good. Go try it.
I loved it when it was on TV, but not having cable made it so I only saw very little. After it was cancelled, I forgot all about it. Then, as I was browsing the roleplaying board on neopets, I saw a IZ RP and remembered. 'OH YEAH, I LOVED THAT SHOW!' So I asked the roleplayers and they told me where I could buy the DVDs, then did. After that, it was the 100+ Invader Zim merchandise. Yep.
I wore my homemade Gaz shirt today and the pet store guy loved it. :) Guess she's more popular than Cheese... ;)
OMG, I love this show and GIR. Lucky for me I have a Hot Topic in my mall.
I got a Gir shirt today! It has Gir and the squirrel and says "Me and the squirrel are friends!"
I love Invader Zim! It first aired when I was 11 years old, and I swear, I was the only 11 year old girl I knew who like it.
I've also gotten into Jhonen's other creations such as JtHM and Squee! They're great:D |
If I ever got my hands on one of JV's comics, I'd be happy.
If I did, my mom would flip out.
You could just go to a local Hot Topic and see is they have them there. That's where I've bought all of mine, and they're only like $3.
I wasn't really intrested in JV's ccomics anyway. :D
His comics scare me. o.o Squee was a bit better than JtHM, but still...
My bro and I are officially doing Dib and Gaz for Halloween this year. :D I already had a dress that will work, and today I picked up the purple wig. I had to order the tights online because I need plus size, but I'll have them by the end of the week. I have to find the grey/black striped top, and I have some shoes that will work. I'm going to make the skull pendant out of fabric, as a pouch to hold my glasses so I can have them off (when I don't *need* them). I have to make Jim's coat, and paint the "face" design onto a blue shirt...oh and we found some great frames for the glasses, though they were sunglasses and I had to pop the lenses out (I might try to make new lenses with clear plexiglass). I'll show you guys pictures as soon as there's something to show.
That's so awesome! I love making my own costumes, too (I'm being a cenobyte this year!) I just wish I had more time to do it.
Back on subject... I absolutely love Invader ZIM and JV comics. I think one of my favorite things, though, is how JV portrays civilains to be drooling, meat-eating, perpetually happy idiots. :D |
And Zim was awesome. My five favorite episodes, in order, are: 1. Mysterious Mysteries 2. Megadoomer 3. Attack of the Saucer Morons 4. Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom 5. Room with a Moose |
I love the one where Zim just eats pancakes.
But yeah the point remains, the same that episode did rock, and it was in fact the very first episode of Zim I ever watched, after five minuets the show just clicked with me and I was kicking myself for not giving it a chance sooner. |
I remember seeing that AGES ago! Brings back so many memories... I was actually a little peeved at the fact that Zim would be so bothered by this 'Spongebob', ha ha. Quote:
EDIT: edited for spelling error. *gets stoned to death* |
I also agree about the Squee! thing. |
Here are some preliminary photos of my brother and I as Dib and Gaz. No his glasses don't have lenses. No my skull pendant thingie isn't done yet. Yes the wig looks lumpy because I just stuffed my past-waist-length hair under it, I'll do a better job on Halloween. And yes, I am fat. :D I don't care, either.
http://www.fosters-home.com/forum/myimages/jimdib1.jpg http://www.fosters-home.com/forum/myimages/megaz1.jpg |
OMFG Sparky! Those rule!
I don't think your fat. You're cute. |
I think those costumes look pretty darn good. (Though, I can't wait to see the finshed product come All Hallows Eve.)
And I third what Cassini and Nyo have already said. |
How I love this shwo, my favorite show ever! I love Richard Horvitz's work.
Hey, these are pretty good. What's in 'em? There's waffles in 'em! YOU LIE! These gots peanuts & soap in 'em! |
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