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fosters-fan 12-20-2006 06:56 AM

How old the Friends are
Well, we all know how old Bloo is, since Mac imagined him at three, and that means Bloo is five years old, since Mac is eight in the show.

So how old do you think the other friends are? My younger brother thinks that Nina Valerosa, Eduardo's creator, was six years old when she imagined the big guy. And if she's twenty-six years old in the show, then that must make Eduardo twenty years old.

pitbulllady 12-20-2006 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by fosters-fan (Post 23542)
Well, we all know how old Bloo is, since Mac imagined him at three, and that means Bloo is five years old, since Mac is eight in the show.

So how old do you think the other friends are? My younger brother thinks that Nina Valerosa, Eduardo's creator, was six years old when she imagined the big guy. And if she's twenty-six years old in the show, then that must make Eduardo twenty years old.

We know that Wilt is AT LEAST 30, since it's been that long since his original game against Larry and his creator, during which Wilt was injured. However, we do not know how long Wilt and Jordan had been together prior to that. Wilt said that they'd been unbeatable for a whole year, but he also indicated that Jordan wasn't very good at basketball and lacked confidence as well as skill in the beginning, so I would assume that it would have taken Wilt quite awhile to bring his young protege' to the point where Jordan was good enough to take on the older kids AND beat them. I would therefore assume that at least a few years had passed between Jordan creating Wilt, and that fateful game. The success of that team was NOT due purely to Wilt's abilities, either, as you can see he stands back and lets Jordan take a few "lumps" himself from other kids, because he knows that this is part of life and that his kid will not always be able to depend on a parent or Imaginary Friend to defend him and will have to learn to deal with some issues on his own. I would say, based on that, that Wilt would have to be at least in his mid-thirties.


CG 12-20-2006 03:02 PM

Nina looked to be around Mac's age when she thought of Eduardo, so she was probably around seven or eight when the fateful day of her being chased down by two bullies occurred. Unlike with Wilt, who had street music to suit the year, Eduardo didn't really have a 'theme' or song that matched with the era in which he as created. Therefore to determine Eduardo's age you must take into consideration Nina's by now, plus when Eduardo was given up for adoption.

Frankie started coming to the house the same time that Eduardo first arrived. Just how long has Frankie been at the house is a question given some say she's been in the house for a bit longer given the photos in The Big Picture. But we were given her date of birth in the Bus the Two of Us episode, showing she was born in 1984. So she was at least six or seven when she came to Fosters. 1991.

So, the big question is how long did Eduardo remain with Nina? To me, she seems the type who kept him on a bit longer then most. Who knows, maybe in a way he as handed onto her brother when Nina got a little bit too old for him to be with her all the time. He was created to be nice to him, after all. So whilst Nina would have been 7 when she created Eduardo, I think she kept him for 'herself 'until she would have been around 13 or 14. Time of a young girls life when things begin to change. Then, handed him onto her brother maybe for a little time, but he'd still be 'hers' given she created him. Brother being possibly 10-11 maybe kept Eduardo for just as long, 13 or 14. That's a possible 10 years Eduardo spent with Nina and her family until he was taken to Fosters in the year of 1991.

So, maybe just maybe Eduardo was created in 1981. Making him around twenty five years old, and Nina, having been 6-8 when she created him, now 33.

Hooray for maths and a rambling fangirls opinion! :)

antgirl1 12-20-2006 06:49 PM

Wilt is 31.

Wilt claimed that he and his boy (Jordan) went on for a whole year, undefeated. Then Larry says it's been 30 years since that big showdown, in 1976. So, subtract that "whole year undefeated" thing from that and BINGO! You get 1975.

So yes, he's 31 years old. :D

pitbulllady 12-20-2006 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 23720)
Wilt is 31.

Wilt claimed that he and his boy (Jordan) went on for a whole year, undefeated. Then Larry says it's been 30 years since that big showdown, in 1976. So, subtract that "whole year undefeated" thing from that and BINGO! You get 1975.

So yes, he's 31 years old. :D

Wilt said that he and his boy were UNDEFEATED for a whole year, BUT, as I pointed out in my post above, it would have taken time after he was created to teach Jordan how to play basketball AND to build up his confidence to the point where the two of them could even START winning in the first place. We do not know how long that learning period was before they became good enough to actually start taking on rival teams and hit upon that year-long winning streak, but it would not have happened overnight. Jordan not only lacked the skills, but he didn't believe in himself, and Wilt would have had his work cut out for him. Wilt would not have simply done all the work in the competition himself, although he was certainly capable of beating probably any two-man team on the block, without Jordan. He'd been created to help make Jordan a better player, and the only way to do that would have been to let Jordan get out there and experience competition himself and score points on his own merits. To even bring him to that point would have taken a lot of time and effort on Wilt's part, though. I think that the two of them would have had to have spent more than a year together before Jordan was even ready to take on competitors.


antgirl1 12-21-2006 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 23734)
Wilt said that he and his boy were UNDEFEATED for a whole year, BUT, as I pointed out in my post above, it would have taken time after he was created to teach Jordan how to play basketball AND to build up his confidence to the point where the two of them could even START winning in the first place. We do not know how long that learning period was before they became good enough to actually start taking on rival teams and hit upon that year-long winning streak, but it would not have happened overnight. Jordan not only lacked the skills, but he didn't believe in himself, and Wilt would have had his work cut out for him. Wilt would not have simply done all the work in the competition himself, although he was certainly capable of beating probably any two-man team on the block, without Jordan. He'd been created to help make Jordan a better player, and the only way to do that would have been to let Jordan get out there and experience competition himself and score points on his own merits. To even bring him to that point would have taken a lot of time and effort on Wilt's part, though. I think that the two of them would have had to have spent more than a year together before Jordan was even ready to take on competitors.


Ok, ok, so he could be 32 as well. (ten years older than Frankie XD)

He's either 31 or 32 years old. Done deal. Since older than that would mean that he WOULDN'T have been created in the mid 70's. The earliest you can go is 1974, when the mid 70's "kicked" in. Wilt couldn't be any older than that unless it's after 2006. OR, he could still be 31 years old, regardless of years, if his birthdate was late in the year, like, a few days before Christmas. You never know until it's revealed. It could be on ANY day of the 365 1/4 days on the yearly calender. Why, my cousin just grew into another age yesterday!

You never know until it's revealed. :D

montitech 12-21-2006 01:00 PM

I am not so sure if the timing and aging of the friends at fosters completly symetric and the same for all firends.
For instance, maybe most friends do not age, Like the Scribbles and the Baby friends in the nursury.

Also I found it curious that Frankie had neve met NINA before. I should rewatch GWH, but it appears from the dialog and both caracters reactions and interactions that frankie did not know who Nina was until after Ed came out.

According to the Photo album both ED and Frankie were there on Year 4 and there are 34 photos, not including the last, nor the one that everyone is missing in. We also know there is never more than one photo in a single year, Nomater WHat, and there is never a retake if the photo fails Nomater what . thus Frankie would easily 34-36ish but since we know frankie is not this old we must assume that the fosters House does not possess the same time/space that we are use to. Therefor all the IF are an arbitrary age, and they all age at a arbitrary rate (If they age at all). Big Baby seems to be quite mature for his looks, while The Nursury IF may never age.

At least my spelling is a bit better in this post.
monty :-/

Sparky 12-21-2006 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by montitech (Post 23851)
Also I found it curious that Frankie had neve met NINA before. I should rewatch GWH, but it appears from the dialog and both caracters reactions and interactions that frankie did not know who Nina was until after Ed came out.

I got the opposite impression: that they HAD met before.

montitech 12-21-2006 03:56 PM

My first impresion from the begining of the episode was they never Met before.

However later on in the episode when they were on the chase to find Wilt,
Their interaction was as thought they have known each-other for a while.

so I do not know, its kind of confusing, I have to go back and rewatch this episode when I get some time. and maybe my opinion will change.

maybe the writers changed things while writing the storyboard. similar to how ED had pants while chaseing Cheese when everyone was locked out of the House.

Monty :-/

CG 12-22-2006 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by montitech (Post 23851)
Also I found it curious that Frankie had neve met NINA before. I should rewatch GWH, but it appears from the dialog and both caracters reactions and interactions that frankie did not know who Nina was until after Ed came out.

Not really; Frankie knew who Nina was, full name and everything. Eduardo's been at Fosters as long as Frankie's been there, so every 5 years Nina has been visiting so of course the two know each other. Frankie even brings it up in her failed attempt of getting out of a ticket that is was their "ticket routine". Which sadly turned into a real routine throughout the movie.

LaBloo 01-06-2007 05:09 AM

how Is Bloo Again?

Oh Yeah 8 years.
Do You Imagine How old is Wilt and Coco?

pitbulllady 01-06-2007 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by LaBloo (Post 27043)
how Is Bloo Again?

Oh Yeah 8 years.
Do You Imagine How old is Wilt and Coco?

With Coco, we have no idea, since we don't know how long ago she was created and how long she'd been on that island before Douglas and Adam found her, but the style of plane upon which her body is based, and in which her creator arrived on that island, is a cargo plane from the late 1940's. That doesn't mean that much, though, since surpringly, quite a few of those are still in service today(when they made cars and planes back then, they meant for 'em to LAST).

With Wilt, though, we know that he's in his mid-thirties. He was created in the mid-Seventies, and we know that at least 30 years have passed since he got hurt, and can presume that he had to have been with Jordan for a few years to really help him "polish" his game to become good enough to beat everyone in the 'hood at basketball.


antgirl1 01-06-2007 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 27084)
With Wilt, though, we know that he's in his mid-thirties. He was created in the mid-Seventies, and we know that at least 30 years have passed since he got hurt, and can presume that he had to have been with Jordan for a few years to really help him "polish" his game to become good enough to beat everyone in the 'hood at basketball.


The important game took place in 1976, 31 years before now. It might've taken a year for training his creator for basketball. And that went on for a whole year. His birth year can be either 1974 or even 1975, if possible. Anywhere before that wouldn't be mid 70's.

If he was created in 1974, he'd be either 32 or 33, if possible. But if it was 1975, he'd be either 31 or 32 now. It really depends on what date he was created in the first place. In order to be hinted at at least the month of his creation, we'll have to stay tuned. :D

BlooCheese 01-06-2007 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by LaBloo (Post 27043)
how Is Bloo Again?

Oh Yeah 8 years.
Do You Imagine How old is Wilt and Coco?

I believe Bloo was five years old and Mac was eight.

LaBloo 01-06-2007 10:54 AM

How About Wilt? Or Coco?

pitbulllady 01-06-2007 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by LaBloo (Post 27113)
How About Wilt? Or Coco?

Did you read my post?



Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 27099)
The important game took place in 1976, 31 years before now. It might've taken a year for training his creator for basketball. And that went on for a whole year. His birth year can be either 1974 or even 1975, if possible. Anywhere before that wouldn't be mid 70's.

If he was created in 1974, he'd be either 32 or 33, if possible. But if it was 1975, he'd be either 31 or 32 now. It really depends on what date he was created in the first place. In order to be hinted at at least the month of his creation, we'll have to stay tuned. :D

It depends on what you call "mid-70's". Technically, since there's an even number of years in a decade, no one year can be the middle. I generally consider the first three years of a given decade to be "early-whatever", which in this case, would be 1970, '71, and '72, and the next four years to be the "mid-whatever", which would be 1973, '74, '75, and '76, with the final years making up "late-whatever", but that's just how *I* tend to see decades. Pretty much anyone aged 34-36 is in their "mid-thirties", though they themselves might tend to call it "EARLY thirties" until they're like, 39. We don't know, of course, what month Wilt was "born" in(hopefully we'll find this out at some point on the show), though, so if he was created in 1973 at the very beginning of what I consider "mid-70's", he'd either be 33 or just turning 34, so he'd be pretty darn close to being in his mid-thirties. We CAN safely say he's "THIRTY-SOMETHING", in any case, until further information is revealed.


"C" the Dragon 01-07-2007 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 27150)
We CAN safely say he's "THIRTY-SOMETHING", in any case, until further information is revealed.


Smart move. We can never know if we got it right or wrong, especially on fan-fics.

ptps 07-10-2007 07:40 AM

lol then again, it's not like every fanfic made after GWH is going to start off with:

"A tall, red, lanky imaginary friend walked into view. His name was Wilt, and he was thirty-something years old, according to the clues given in the movie Good Wilt Hunting, where it stated that Foul Larry had not 'whooped his behind' for thirty years..."


No, seriously. *ahem*

I did a rough gauge, though. Madame Foster is clearly the oldest, followed by Mr. Herriman, since he was created by her. Next would be Wilt, who was the first to appear in the house photos seen in "The Big Picture", then surprisingly, Coco, then Eduardo (each a year after the other). Frankie appeared as a little girl some time after, and seeing as she's 22 ("Frankie My Dear"), she probably came to the house when she was eight like Mac or something. Then, followed by Mac and Bloo, whom we already know are 8 and 5 respectively. (Followed by Red, then Cheese. :D )

So technically Mac and Bloo hang out with a bunch of IFs who are several decades their age yet they all act the same. :cheese:

KazooBloo 12-02-2016 09:26 PM

As young as their innocence! :P

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