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Tonya 12-30-2006 03:59 PM

What ticks you off?
On this thread, let's speak our minds, and voice just what ticks us off! ;).

I hate it when you're standing in the line, you're having a bad day enough as it is, and there's some really old lady taking her sweet old time filling out a check and her and the cashier are carrying on a long conversation :jk:.

Wendi 12-30-2006 04:46 PM

honestly, Stereotyping makes me mad. How someone can like wear Hollister, and automatically be labled as a prep. and just because they like that clothing brand D: I hate lables. :)

:D I think people should pick friends by personality, not clothing label! :cheese:

BlooCheese 12-30-2006 04:54 PM

What ticks me off? Well, a lot of stuff. It really bugs me when people walk way too slow; ask me, "What's the answer to number fifteen?" without even letting me know what number fifteen is; or borrow my lab book, saying they'll give it back in five minutes but end up returning it in half an hour. I also dislike loud laughter, incessant talking, extremely high-pitched voices, and cats that keep following me. I'm not a very agreeable person.

Voxxyn 12-30-2006 06:31 PM

The "beers, girls, guns & drugs" culture. And bullying.

If these two things never existed, I'd be a far more sociable and outgoing person.

Nyo 12-30-2006 06:38 PM

Tons of things.

-Whiny people (*cough*DramaGirl*cough*)

-Spoiled brats


- People who hate me/my personality

- Outgoing people (aka, people who act like SpongeBob. Even though I like him..)

-People who lack patience

-Things that smell bad

- Disney Channel (*runs away from DC lovers*)

...and that's it.

some guy you dont know 12-30-2006 06:54 PM

a million and 72 things. seriously, im VERY EASY to annoy. but the things that crack the top of my list:


*playing a game and never getting past one race or something to that effect(i almost broke my controller last night after losing by only a second or so)

*anything involving politics

and a ton of other stuff like that

One Radical Dude 12-30-2006 07:24 PM

People who are intentionally rude, hypocrites, folks that are always pessimistic about things, being disliked or being personally attacked for what I believe in (politically and faith), elitists, and people who never bathe.

GrimTheLost 12-30-2006 07:32 PM

I hate people who drive horribly. Then they flip people off for their mistake and it's very annoying.

Partymember 12-30-2006 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 25742)
The "beers, girls, guns & drugs" culture.

dude...i don't dislike you...but the chauvinists really make me mad

so, chauvinists, racists, facists, nationalists, terrorists, republicans, democrats, communists, anarchists. That and mean people.

seriously though, stereotypes, war, poverty, heartless jerks, any group of 5 or more people, driving, and social groups like "stoner, skater, jock, prep." COME ON! Why can't we all be one big happy group?

kageri 12-30-2006 09:07 PM

Things That Grind My Gears Tick Me Off
  • the phrase "People person"
  • opening new jars of peanut butter
  • when people say "could of", "should of", etc.
  • hypersensitivity
  • trendy clothing for dogs
  • people who use the word "gay" to describe anything they find unfavorable
  • celebrities who are famous for being famous
  • bad fanfiction/roleplaying
  • when teenage girls let out simultaneous, earsplitting screams for no real reason
  • thesaurus abuse
  • people who abbreviate et cetera "ect."
  • headaches
  • bigots
  • artists who can't take concrit
  • when things don't work and I can't figure out why
  • people with no sense of humor
  • etc., etc., etc.

Partymember 12-30-2006 09:22 PM



Cassini90125 12-30-2006 10:01 PM

Posting threads in Way Off Topic that belong in Spam.

GrimTheLost 12-30-2006 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 25782)
Posting threads in Way Off Topic that belong in Spam.

That made me laugh.

HappyFoppy 12-31-2006 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 25742)
The "beers, girls, guns & drugs" culture. And bullying.

If these two things never existed, I'd be a far more sociable and outgoing person.

Grats, it's your 700th post. :)
  • Annoying people
  • Scare-games on the internet (what's wrong bout this pic? WHAAAa!)
  • People who _try_ to be funny, but aren't
  • People who _think_ they are 1337 but act like complete newbies (:cheese::cheese::cheese:ZOMG!!!:cheesegrin::chees egrin::cheesegrin:x5000)
  • Losing at games
  • Being corrected by other people ALL THE TIME.
Those last two things make me an annoying person in some aspects ;)

koosie 12-31-2006 04:46 AM

Haha too many! I am at least working through the things that tick me off one by one. Another 1000 years of living should do it.

Here's something that occurred to me today whilst out and about. There are suddenly these posters everywhere advertising some new US show called 'ugly betty' or something. Now if the title is refering to the lassie on the poster then your culture's view of beauty is seriously skewed. She's better looking than all the girlfriends I ever had and I thought they were all really beautiful. Now obviously I'm an oddball and I think spectacles look fantastic but really! A lot of self-esteem gets needlessly damaged by this sort of crap. Or maybe I'm missing some vital information somewhere...

Cassini90125 12-31-2006 06:56 AM

I don't watch the show but I'm in complete agreement with you, the lady is very attractive and our culture's view of beauty is warped.

Sumshine 904 12-31-2006 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by koosie (Post 25794)
Haha too many! I am at least working through the things that tick me off one by one. Another 1000 years of living should do it.

Here's something that occurred to me today whilst out and about. There are suddenly these posters everywhere advertising some new US show called 'ugly betty' or something. Now if the title is refering to the lassie on the poster then your culture's view of beauty is seriously skewed. She's better looking than all the girlfriends I ever had and I thought they were all really beautiful. Now obviously I'm an oddball and I think spectacles look fantastic but really! A lot of self-esteem gets needlessly damaged by this sort of crap. Or maybe I'm missing some vital information somewhere...

ZOMG YOU'RE SO RIGHT! The country's sence of beauty is officially screwed.

fosters home fan 12-31-2006 07:41 AM

stupid billboards/commercials


people who love one type of tv series one year,then changes to loving some other stupid show AND what they say about the previous show: meh it's "last month"(this keeps going on for a while)AKA my sister.




people who type like th!$ on purpose!

idiots racists etc.

toon disney(it didn't always tick me off,but recently since 2004 IT HAS)

the 6-11 years old audience.

insipid abbreviations like cn dq mcd's(even though I like the food) bk,etc

soap operas

abd that's all I can think of for now.

Voxxyn 12-31-2006 08:42 AM

I'm not the kind who dismisses something as "sucking" or "hate it" unless it's caused me serious grief. But as a Puerto Rican teenager, I have to say this now:

I hate Reggaeton. HATE IT. It is the absolute worst form of music in the world--in fact, I don't think it should be considered 'music' at all.

Bloo2daMacs 12-31-2006 09:28 AM

Hmmm, what ticks me off?

-Channels for cartoons that play live-action films.

-people refusing to share or let you touch ANY of their belongings

-rude people

-evil people

-bad graphics


-insults and swearing



-when things break

-when people break your things

-when people break the things you just fixed from being broken

-when people try to change my ways of life

-when people don't apreciate my attitude/creativity/personality

-incorrect uses of grammar


Partymember 01-01-2007 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 25816)

I hate Reggaeton. HATE IT. It is the absolute worst form of music in the world--in fact, I don't think it should be considered 'music' at all.

is that different from raggae (spelling?) if not...dude give it up for Buffalo Soldiers by Bob Marley.

megaman490 01-01-2007 10:03 AM

when people "borrow" my video games and end up stealing them :terrence: (I know that at least one person did because once my sister went to his house)

I need to stop being so kind.:(

Voxxyn 01-01-2007 10:25 AM


Reggaeton is almost completely different from reggae. Basically, reggaeton music consists of a bunch of 'street cred' latino teenage males partying with skanky latino females in very revealing clothes, singing lyrics with outrageously blatant sexual innuendo, set to a drum track that gets old after ten seconds but is re-used for literally every song in that 'genre'. It's more like a Spanish-language version of mainstream hip-hop.

I wasn't trying to disrespect real reggae, which is no doubt infinitely better. If that's the feeling you got, I sincerely apologize.

Mr. Marshmallow 01-01-2007 10:45 AM

Things that tick/piss me off:

1. When someone verbally or CONSTANTLY bashes the crap out of some TV show, movie, or comic book, or music band that have not seen or heard and are just bashing it because they think it's stupid.

2. People bashing TV or music bands or movies and stating their dislikes as a FACT and not an opinion. I understand to each his own, but it really burns me up when someone just dumps on a show I might like and make it sound like it is a piece of crap like it's official.

3. People criticizing you for not doing something "the right way".

4. People who push and pressure you into doing something and ask you to do something you feel uncomfortable with.

5. People who state certain people can't be fans of programs or shows or music bands unless you follow their standards of fandom.

6. People who abuse their authority ANYWHERE. (Cops, website mods, forum mods etc).

Partymember 01-01-2007 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 26058)

Reggaeton is almost completely different from reggae. Basically, reggaeton music consists of a bunch of 'street cred' latino teenage males partying with skanky latino females in very revealing clothes, singing lyrics with outrageously blatant sexual innuendo, set to a drum track that gets old after ten seconds but is re-used for literally every song in that 'genre'. It's more like a Spanish-language version of mainstream hip-hop.

I wasn't trying to disrespect real reggae, which is no doubt infinitely better. If that's the feeling you got, I sincerely apologize.

no i didn't take it personal i just wondered if they were one in the same, i thought perhaps reggae was an abbreviation. Glad you don't hate the reggae, its great music. Sort of like jamaican country LOL.

some guy you dont know 01-01-2007 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 26060)
Things that tick/piss me off:

1. When someone verbally or CONSTANTLY bashes the crap out of some TV show, movie, or comic book, or music band that have not seen or heard and are just bashing it because they think it's stupid.

2. People bashing TV or music bands or movies and stating their dislikes as a FACT and not an opinion. I understand to each his own, but it really burns me up when someone just dumps on a show I might like and make it sound like it is a piece of crap like it's official.

3. People criticizing you for not doing something "the right way".

4. People who push and pressure you into doing something and ask you to do something you feel uncomfortable with.

5. People who state certain people can't be fans of programs or shows or music bands unless you follow their standards of fandom.

6. People who abuse their authority ANYWHERE. (Cops, website mods, forum mods etc).

oh yeah, forgot those. gotta add all that stuff you said to my list of stuff that annoys me. so excluding that stuff, my revised list:

* people that act like theyre ceaser and can get away with anything.

*people who constantly will tell me that something is stupid or something sucks just because i like it. i know people like that, and it really gets under what few nerves i have.

*racing games. long story, dont feel like spilling it all out.

*cocky people who think they are better than you after only one race, fight, etc.

*people who hate green day that have never listened to them and constantly tell me that they suck or something to that effect(seriously, this gets under my skin so much it has its own category. that says something)

Jabberwocky 01-01-2007 03:31 PM

1. People who like crappy music/TV shows/books/whatever.

2. People who disagree with me in general.

3. People who have bad breath but talk in your face anyway and you ask them, hey want some gum but they're like, no I'm good and you're like well, hey want a mint, and they're like no I'm good, and you're all like WELL HEY WANT MY TOOTHBRUSH CAUSE IT'S IN MY PURSE CAUSE DIRTY TEETH ARE GROSS. D:< That is my biggest pet peeve EVER. BRUSH. YOUR. TEETH.

4. People who don't hit clear on the microwave.

5. Artists/writers who can't take criticism.

6. Drugs.

7. American Dad.

8. Slipknot. They get their own special number, because they have NINE people. You'd think with NINE people they could create SLIGHTLY complex music.


10. Math.


Partymember 01-01-2007 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jabberwocky (Post 26092)
1. People who like crappy music/TV shows/books/whatever.

3. People who have bad breath but talk in your face anyway and you ask them, hey want some gum but they're like, no I'm good and you're like well, hey want a mint, and they're like no I'm good, and you're all like WELL HEY WANT MY TOOTHBRUSH CAUSE IT'S IN MY PURSE CAUSE DIRTY TEETH ARE GROSS. D:< That is my biggest pet peeve EVER. BRUSH. YOUR. TEETH.

4. People who don't hit clear on the microwave.

5. Artists/writers who can't take criticism.

7. American Dad.

8. Slipknot. They get their own special number, because they have NINE people. You'd think with NINE people they could create SLIGHTLY complex music.

10. Math.


i'm down with most of that but...Levis babe!

Jabberwocky 01-01-2007 03:47 PM

I don't mind jeans, I'm wearing some right now... but they match the shade of the kitty on my shirt's eyes and the denim clips in my hair. MUST MATCH DFJHDFDSFSD

Partymember 01-01-2007 03:53 PM

haha thats cool. Jeans are so great, they last so much longer than cargos or whatever. When they're too grundy, you turn them into shorts!

Jabberwocky 01-01-2007 03:56 PM

I like jeans cause you can buy them tight (not as in three sizes too small, as in they fit your leg all the way down, lol@grandmas). All my other pants are corduroy and straight-legged, except one pair, and those are bellbottoms, and I'm too lazy to tailor them myself. Plus knowing my dexterity I'd probably stitch my fingers into the fabric. Ooh there's another thing.

11. Sewing machines. XD

Tonya 01-01-2007 04:13 PM

I just thought of a whole bunch of other stuff that ticks me off.

1: People who get real loud and scream and cuss and break your stuff when angry WHILE living in your home because they're too lazy to get up off their butts and get a job and place to live for theirselfs.

2: When you're about to fall asleep, or already asleep, when all of the suddon the "This is just a test" thing comes blaring out of the tv.

3: When the T"This is just a test" thing blares TWICE in a row.

4: Infomercials.

5: Comercials they show over and over and over and over and over and over get my drift.

6: People who bash other peoples' race, faiths, beliefs, gender, ect...

7: Those little preppy girls who think they're "all that".

8: Those guys who think they "own" their women.

9: When you're watching a cute little show and they have to use some unessecary cuss word or action just to ruin the whole thing. (Mrs. Doubtfire flipped off that one guy. Was that called for?)

10: Cussing. I really don't like it when people say bad words.


I'll type some more later.

Partymember 01-01-2007 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tonya (Post 26108)
6: People who bash other peoples' race, faiths, beliefs, gender, ect...

7: Those little preppy girls who think they're "all that".

8: Those guys who think they "own" their women.

oh yeah...that stuff ain't cool.

Wocky: do you dig the clean cut jeans or the ripped grundy ones? I like both, the really dark blue crisp ones and the completely gnarly 5 year old shredded faded bleach-stained pairs.

Jabberwocky 01-01-2007 04:53 PM

13. Lables like "preppy."

14. Women who think they "own" their men.

15. Women who think they own ficticious men. LOL INUYASHA IS MINE ALL MINE DON'T TOUCH HIM

16. The way my brother gets out of the shower and tracks wet footprints through the house. D:<

@Party: Clean ones. :P I don't go for the "oops I washed my clothes with knives instead of soap" look. I only have two pairs though, the bright blue kind (which I bought because bright blue jeans are mentioned in Lady Stardust XD) and a pair of darker ones with glitter all over them. Because I like glitter. /girly

Tonya 01-01-2007 06:08 PM

I'd like to wear ripped jeans but you know how moms can be....*rolls eyes*

scary_dream 01-01-2007 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jabberwocky (Post 26127)
15. Women who think they own ficticious men. LOL INUYASHA IS MINE ALL MINE DON'T TOUCH HIM


If I ever say that, it's always out of a total joke and parody of those insanely protective females... for pete's sake it's pen and ink they're getting jealous over.

I've got a relatively long list of what makes me mad...

1. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE mean, gripey customers at the restaurant that I work at. SERIOUSLY, what can posess a person to be THAT rude to a total stranger? I mean, I just want to say to them "I'm sorry, forgive me for being freaking HUMAN, but DON'T THROW STUFF AT ME!!!!!!"

(I actually have had plates shoved in my stomach and napkins thrown at me!)

2. I also dislike people who think the more they spent on their vehicle, the more they can break traffic rules, tailgate other cars, flip you off, and otherwise be a total jerk on the road.

3. I get mad whenever the car in front of you is doing something other than driving and they wait so long at a red light turned green that whenever they finally go, it's turning yellow again and you have to wait through TWO cycles.

4. People who drive through parking lots with their windows rolled down and their music so loud your heart beats to it. I wish they'd just understand that they're making themselves look stupid and we could give a ... about their souped-up system/crappy music.

5. People who insist on ruining Twilight Princess for me.

6. Larry the Cable guy REALLY ticks me off. Sorry if there are any fans here... but he just gets under my skin. Maybe it's because I live in the south and I see people exactly like him every single day... yes, there really are people that gross.

7. The word "actually", just because most of the time, whenever people use it, they're using it to tell you that you're wrong about something unimportant and trivial and not even paying attention to the big picture of what you're saying.

8. People who tell BAD, OBVIOUS lies. Do they REALLY think I'm THAT stupid?? I once had a guy look me seriously in the eyes and tell me "The only thing I'm afraid of is penguins... I'm afraid they're going to steal my stash." I was thinking "You idiot... you got that off of a t-shirt that one of our friends owns." Also in this group are the folks that change their stories after you catch them in a lie.

9. I live in an A-frame house, so you'd think after 19 years of living here, I'd not smack my head on the rafters anymore. Nope, still do, and it makes me angry every single time.

10. People who see me on myspace and think I'm going to be all about them after they tell me I have pretty pictures and that they think we're soulmates.

11. Girls in general. I'm a girl, and I still don't like girls. Almost every girl here will agree that it's almost impossible for us to not be competitive, jealous, and mean at least some of the time.

12. On that note, girls who KNOW my boyfriend and I have been together for going on 5 years, but still insist on flirting with him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the crazy jealous girlfriend or anything, and I have no problem with hugs or anything like that, but there was this one girl that straddled him against his will while he was laying down and she tried to give him a back rub. That was WAY too much for me.

13. When you're already running late and EVERYTHING possible that could slow you down happens.

14. "He said she said"... I'm too old to have put up with that crap.

15. My computer. It freezes constantly, usually when I'm in the middle of something important or interesting.

15. When you're trying to take a nap and the phone WILL NOT stop ringing.

16. When you're in the middle of a really good TV show that's almost over and it's at the best part, and then someone comes in and insists on asking you questions that require more than a yes/no answer.

17. PDA. A considerable amount is ok and sweet, but completely sucking face in public = not cool.

That's all for now...

One Radical Dude 01-01-2007 06:45 PM

Another thing that doesn't do it for me is hearing people say GD (Gosh Darn it, not gonna type it out). Am I alone?

Jabberwocky 01-01-2007 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 26154)
Another thing that doesn't do it for me is hearing people say GD (Gosh Darn it, not gonna type it out). Am I alone?

No, but for a reason I can't say because it's probably offensive, and also because I write children-friendly lit and have trained myself to curse in fun rhyming expletives like "great googly moogly" or "what the hickory dickory," and it makes me sad to hear real swear words. XD

creamz06 01-01-2007 07:35 PM

These are all true.

The 31 Things that tick me off:

1. Being stared at is the biggest one.

2. Getting yelled at for no reason [happened in 4th grade].

3. That This is a Test/Amber Alert/Weather Alert sound that comes on. It freaks me out... a lot.

4. HeadOn. Be glad that they redid it.

5. Special Information Tones.

6. Operators, the not-a-real-person-talking ones, on the phone.

7. Girls who think that they're so popular.

8. The Weather Channel's Local On the 8's music.

9. The dog that barks at me thinking that I'm in it's yard.

10. Someone asks to borrow my CD case and never brings it back.

11. People who whine for something from me.

12. Being alone at school.

13. Some of my friends think their taller than me. And then they're only somewhat around 5"3.

14. The 'Physical Memory Dumped' screen that appears on my computer.

15. Windows Movie Maker 2 and Media Player 11 freezing up a lot.

16. Tall jokes.

17. Weight Loss commercials. Results Not Typical. Look at me, I'm in a size 2... she looks more like a size 6.

18. Headphones that have only one side working.

19. People who think I live at a ranch/farm.

20. Bumping my foot on something.

21. My computer freezes up and I can't do anything about it.

22. Country music.

23. Not getting the word 'sorry' out of my mouth when I need to say it.

24. Being challenged to shoot a basketball to the hoop from far away.

25. Having to run 3+ laps.

26. People who think they can dance and then they can't.

27. That feeling that I'm going to throw up.

28. Getting hurt for no reason/on purpose. I was hit in the face with a basketball once.

29. People saying I'm obese.

30. Misprint. I have pizza rolls that say there are 15 in the box. There is 16 pizza rolls in the box!

31. Me having to type 'actually' a lot. I need synonyms of that word.

...Sorry for having so many things. :D

Tonya 01-01-2007 07:40 PM

12: People who won't let their kids watch certain cartoons cause they think the toon's gonna kill their kid or something. Sure, I could understand some parents not wanting their kids to watch adult oriented cartoons, but, I know this guy who wouldn't let his little girl (she's about 3) watch Foster's because he'd think it'd be too "unhealthy" for her.

13: When your bf purpously does annoying things to to impress you, REGARDLESS how many times you told him to stop doing that. And then he thinks it funny when you're mad at him.

14: When the cat meows and won't shut up.

15: You you wanna go somewhere, but your parents don't "feel" like going anywhere, so you don't go nowhere.

16: When you crave something, like chocolate for instance, and you don't have any.

17: Boys who make rude comments.

18: When someone ticks you off and you can't find a come back.

19: When someone ticks you off and your come back turns out really lame.

20: Re-runs.

21: Will Smith's short and fat jokes.

22: NewYears. Any new year.

23: The 21st century.

24: Getting in trouble for reasons you didin't think were wrong.

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