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Nathander 05-04-2008 03:16 PM

Hey Guys, Guess Who's Getting Published?
I am! Well, kind of sorta.

Basically, awhile back I did a small essay for a possible scholarship. Thing I didn' t know while making this is that there was the possibility of being published. Turns out that my essay ranked in the top three percent of the 4100 essays submitted, and will be published in some upcoming book with the other essays that had been submitted, as well as be put into the possibility of receiving a $1000 scholarship. I think the book is titled "Voices of the Future" or some such thing, but I'll need to go over the papers again. Even if I don't get the scholarship, it'll be nice to say in my resume that I've been published.

It does bother me a bit, though, in that I made the essay in this fairly quickly. Seriously, it couldn't have taken me more than twenty-thirty minutes, and yet I somehow still ranked. Either this demonstrates how great my capabilities as a writer are, or the other submissions really, really stank. Most likely, it was the latter.

Anyhow, just thought I'd let you guys know. :bloogrin:

Sparky 05-04-2008 03:27 PM

Sweet. :D Congrats. :w00t:

Yeah I got into college with an essay that took me about 20 minutes to whip out. It was about how much I hated writing essays if I recall correctly. 8D

One Radical Dude 05-04-2008 04:32 PM

I never liked writing essays, either. :P

Anyways, nice work, Nath. 8-)

Medikor 05-04-2008 05:45 PM

Congratulations bud!:appl: Here's hoping that you also become a thousand bucks richer too.;)

Cassini90125 05-04-2008 06:15 PM

Most excellent, dude! Congratulations! :frankiesmile:

taranchula 05-04-2008 08:34 PM

Awesome news, man!

Lynnie 05-04-2008 08:38 PM

That's fantastic Nath, congrats! And good luck winning that scholarship, that would be beyond awesome. :yeah:

jekylljuice 05-05-2008 02:31 AM

Excellent news, Nathander! You've achieved something which has long been a dream of my own too. Oh well, one of these days. :)

Imaginary Light 05-05-2008 07:52 AM

Whoa, that's great news! Congratulations!:bloogrin:

xxxClaire 05-05-2008 01:28 PM

That's awesome! Congrats! :smed:

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