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Crash-N-Cortex 01-06-2007 07:46 PM

Ben 10
I not sure there's a thread about this, but I'm sure you know about Ben 10 that shows on Cartoon Network.

Ben 10 is one of my other favorite cartoon shows. I like Ben Tennyson and how he has a watch that transforms him into different aliens. I like to watch this show mostly to find out which aliens he'll use.

Currently Ben can transform into Four Arms, Grey Matter, Upgrade, Wildmutt, Heat Blast, Stinkfly, Diamond Head, XLR8, Ripjaws, Cannonbolt, and Wildvine.

The show is already in it's third season and Ben is going get new aliens. I'm currently waiting for the next Ben 10 to air.

some guy you dont know 01-06-2007 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Crash-N-Cortex
I not sure there's a thread about this, but I'm sure you know about Ben 10 that shows on Cartoon Network.

well, if your sure theres a thread about this, why make another?


Originally Posted by Crash-N-Cortex
Ben 10 is one of my other favorite cartoon shows. I like Ben Tennyson and how he has a watch that transforms him into different aliens. I like to watch this show mostly to find out which aliens he'll use.

yeah, thats a cool part of the show


Originally Posted by Crash-N-Cortex
Currently Ben can transform into Four Arms, Grey Matter, Upgrade, Wildmutt, Heat Blast, Stinkfly, Diamond Head, XLR8, Ripjaws, Cannonbolt, and Wildvine.

thats 12. i see an error there. 10 aliens is how they it, yet theres 12.. oh well shouldnt complain


Originally Posted by Crash-N-Cortex
The show is already in it's third season and Ben is going get new aliens. I'm currently waiting for the next Ben 10 to air.

well, have fun with that

One Radical Dude 01-06-2007 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by some guy you dont know (Post 27214)
well, if your sure theres a thread about this, why make another?

Um, he never said he was sure, and I don't remember anyone else doing a Ben 10 topic. From what I've seen, it's not a bad series. I'll admit that I haven't really followed it lately.

Crash-N-Cortex 01-06-2007 08:12 PM

Currently Ben has 11 forms now. Ghostfreak managed to escape from the Omintrix in the Ben10 episode "Ghostfreaked Out".

Mr. Marshmallow 01-06-2007 08:27 PM

I actually really enjoy this show and I'm glad because despite the fact it ultimately became Teen Titans replacement and IS a super hero show anyway, I think it's one of the most original plots and stories I've heard in a while on TV.

The concept of the alien watch is brilliant and the show's aliens are certainly far from bland. There unique, there powerful, and they keep evolving as the show does. Ben 10 started out sloppy for me in the beginning of the first season.

It was suffering from poor dialouge and cliche situations, but they've evolved with impressive episodes in season 2 and seriously stepped up the "creativity" bar by keeping new ideas freshly mixed in with old returning characters.

I really hope the show continues to do well, and regardless of the fact I'm 22 and watch a kids super hero show, I still enjoy it every chance I can watch it. :terrence: Just wish the show would lay off the male bashing (Ben) once in a while.

Invader Bloo 01-06-2007 09:49 PM

I watch, if it has Richard Horvitz in it (the voice of Grey, if that's the small alien's name), I'll watch it! The show's much better than that Toonami, Miguzi or Classof300 crap.

Crash-N-Cortex 01-10-2007 09:27 PM

I watch Ben 10 whenever it's comes on. Heat Blast, Four Arms, Grey Matter, XLR8, Wildmutt, and Upgrade are my favorite aliens. The villains I like in the show are Kevin 11 and Vilgax. What I like about this show is Ben using four or more alien forms, also I like the fact that whenever Ben tries to turn into an alien he wants the Omnitrix malfunctions causing Ben to change into a different alien rather than the one he wants(For example: Ben wants to turn into Four Arms, but the Omnitrix malfunctions causing Ben to turn into Grey Matter). Grey Matter is often the alien Ben becomes due to an Omnitrix malfunction. The Omnitrix doesn't malfunction all the time, Ben can still become the alien he wants to be, he just doesn't know when the Omnitrix is going to malfunction since it was prototype.

frankie_fan 06-07-2007 10:20 PM

I do enjoy the show.

Although I hate to 'bash' Mr. M (and I really don't want to! :(), Gwen is my favourite on the show (Ben's my second-favourite). As for aliens, Diamondhead and Heatblast are my favourites.

emperor26 06-08-2007 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Crash-N-Cortex (Post 27220)
Currently Ben has 11 forms now. Ghostfreak managed to escape from the Omintrix in the Ben10 episode "Ghostfreaked Out".

About that...

Spoiler Below
Ben re-obtain Ghostfreak in the season 3 episode "Be Afraid Of The Dark".

Also, Ben actually has 16 forms as of season 3.

Mr. Marshmallow 06-08-2007 09:34 AM

I'm actually really looking forward to more episodes of Ben 10 ESPECIALLY after "Be afraid of the dark". Ben's got loads of new aliens, and with that new ability to obtain any DNA from any alien that touches the omnitrix, I have a feeling were going to see him start obtaining a hell of a lot more.

I just wonder how the creators are going to keep use with using all of these new alien forms. I assumed the original reason that Ghostfreak exited the watch and was killed was because they needed to make room for the newer aliens Cannonbolt and Wild Vine in order to keep the watch's alien count close to 10.

But now they got Benwolf, Boltneck, Astro Mummy, Upchuck etc. This is alot of aliens to take in, plus don't forget in "Ben 10,000" Ben has even MORE alien forms and I bet you anything the newer ones that appeared in that episode are going to show up as well. I just wish they'd explain more things bout the watch.

And now that Gwen and Max are becoming more "team go" like, I'm seriously concerned the shows level of "Ben bashing" will increase which is my biggest complaint about the show :(. Even if Ben wasn't my favorite character, it really bothers me when a shows running gag is just finding new ways to make one character suffer and become the butt of everyone else's joke.

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