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emperor26 12-22-2006 07:17 PM

Mac and Terrence's Father and Frankie's Parents
Does anyone think that the father of Mac and Terrence, as well as Frankie's parents, be shown on Foster's?

Mr. Marshmallow 12-23-2006 07:03 PM

How does that make any sense though, we see lots of adult faces. The people at the mall, the agent who kidnapped Bloo (Kip I think it was), that blonde kid's older brother in "Sight for sore eyes", Mac's teacher from the classroom.

The only person who has ever applied to this rule is Mac's mom, and there is always the distinct possibility that Mac's father is either dead, divorced, or walked out on Mac. He could be gone for any number of possible reasons.

Now as far as Frankie goes, I've asked this question before like 50 times and never get an answer. I don't think anyone knows outside of the creators. I REALLY wanna know who her parents are and if she has any siblings.

And if she does are they and/or her parents dead, moved away, do they have bad blood with Frankie?

Nyo 12-27-2006 07:38 PM

For some reason I always think that Mac's dad either died or divorced him mom prior to his birth.

Invader Bloo 12-27-2006 08:47 PM

I bet Frankie's parents are dead & she dosen't have siblings because 1. she lived at Foster's 90% of her life & 2. Her sibling wasn't at Fosters.

I have a feeling Mac's dad is divorced.

Mr. Marshmallow 12-27-2006 09:29 PM

I doubt Mac's father died because it just doesn't seem to fit in with all of the other suggestions floating around. We have this impression so far:

-Mac's mom is rarely home
-Mac's apartment has had problems before
-Mac's mom tries hard to be supportive to Mac
-Mac's mom works hard and as Wilt said doesn't have time to clean

The way I see it, Mac's mom works either a very difficult or time consuming job, or works more then one job and is trying to support Mac all by herself. The way she acts towards Mac seems to me that she is trying hard to be a good single parent.

She's aware of how Terrance acts towards him and despite her feelings towards getting rid of Bloo, seems very considerate and concerned for Mac and him having a good life. I suspect their father walked out on them. Something about that just sounds more accurate then divorce.

Other reason I say that is because, this may explain why Terrance is such a jack ass. Consider this: Mac looks just like his mom, Terrance looks like NEITHER, Terrance also acts totally different far as attitudes and facially in comparison to his family.

Now that may make him a black sheep, but I think it's more likely that Terrance looks more like his father and that his bad attitude may came from the father as well. Frankie's is hard to say because aside from Madame Foster and Frankie graduating from college, we know JACK about Frankie's past.

My theory is that Frankie was either abandoned by her parents, or they died. Something tells me she's been raised by Madame Foster for a LOOOONG time now, and I think that shows in her relationship with Madame Foster. They seem to know each other better then the average mom/daughter relationship.

I also think that if Frankie's parents are dead or gone, they might have put her in a foster home or maybe she's been in an orphanage or something before. That would make sense and kind of tie in to her dedication to Foster's, perhaps feeling a sense of "Hey, i've been where you are".

Anyways, those are my theories and ideas behind the mysterious parent figures of Fosters......actually now that you think about it, cartoons have never been good at explaining parents. Duck Tales, Darkwing Duck, Ben 10, Sailor Moon, they BARELY explain anything relating to their parents.

Invader Bloo 12-27-2006 09:39 PM

Ben 10 is during summer & they're on vacation with Grandpa, but yeah nothing much on Ben's or Gwen's parents as of yet.

Mr. Marshmallow 12-27-2006 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Invader Bloo (Post 25129)
Ben 10 is during summer & they're on vacation with Grandpa, but yeah nothing much on Ben's or Gwen's parents as of yet.

That's what I meant. Ben and Gwen are merely cousins, yet their eyes are exactaly alike and aside from the fact they are cousins and Max is their grandfather, nothing is said about who there parents are, what they do.

Or if either one has a mom and a dad or if one just has one parent. Even anime had a problem doing this. Dragon ball Z for example has this strange habit of not revealing the mothers identities to practically 90% of the show's cast.

Foster's is no different, at least with Mac we have somewhat of an understanding. But the fact that his father has never been seen, heard, mentioned, or even NAMED, leads me to think he isn't around at all.

Howard 12-28-2006 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 25122)
My theory is that Frankie was either abandoned by her parents, or they died. Something tells me she's been raised by Madame Foster for a LOOOONG time now, and I think that shows in her relationship with Madame Foster. They seem to know each other better then the average mom/daughter relationship.

I also think that if Frankie's parents are dead or gone, they might have put her in a foster home or maybe she's been in an orphanage or something before. That would make sense and kind of tie in to her dedication to Foster's, perhaps feeling a sense of "Hey, i've been where you are".

These are interesting points, but in the episode "Who Let the Dogs In" Frankie quoted a saying her parents told her (I cannot remember the quote). If the parents really abandoned her, would they have given her that anecdote (which eludes me at the moment)?:frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 12-28-2006 08:41 AM

As I recall, her parents told her there's no such thing as ghosts.

Howard 12-28-2006 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 25205)
As I recall, her parents told her there's no such thing as ghosts.

Why is it I can retain the most difficult quotes, but the easy ones elude me?:frankiesmile:

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