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Ub3rD4n 02-06-2008 12:16 AM


Animals have no rights. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is, in my mind, according to science. As a higher order of being in the evolutionary chain, humans pretty much have the right to do to animals that they own as they please, and this would be the case if there were ever a species higher than humanity.
Oh, and BTW, you may not wanna throw around the words "higher on the evolutionary chain" if you wanna be taken seriously. Just FYI.

And I hate to think what it'd be like in your world where there's a "higher up" animal than humans.

jekylljuice 02-06-2008 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by Nathander (Post 71009)
However, animals are still lesser than humans, and thus humans technically have the right to do as they wish with them. Plus, I think it's horrid that there are people more willing to look out for the rights of animals then they are for their fellow man, though I guess it makes sense since it's inbreed within the human psyche to say "to hell with other humans, I'm looking out simply for me and what I want."

Seems to me that you're contradicting yourself a bit there, sir. I don't really like to argue, but it is my opinion that humans are under no obligation whatsoever to view their species as inherently purer and more deserving than anything else around them. There are certainly some individual humans I've met whom I'm compelled to view as the lesser of many individual animals I've met. Why should I be expected to view a human being who has treated me with nothing but contempt in higher regard than my cat, who has given me nothing but companionship and happiness throughout my life? Sorry if that troubles you, but there it is.

Nathander 02-06-2008 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125
It may not matter to you but for some people, myself included, there are real feelings involved, and such feelings can be very strong. In my case I happen to think Frankie is worth fighting for whether she's real or not, and I resent having my feelings on the subject belittled or told that they don't matter. Is it based on logic or reason? No. Do I care? No. I fell what I feel, and in some cases reason has to go out the window. It's part of being human.

Hey, there's no problem with that, and I'm sorry if I offended you. But I'm tired of being constantly torn into for disagreeing with someone about the thoughts on a fictional character, as if my opinion on some character somehow makes me a lesser person.

I know I'm an easily hateable person, but I don't feel one of the reasons for me to be hated is that I don't like a fictional character others love. THere are plenty of more valid reasons to hate me.


Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n
And I hate to think what it'd be like in your world where there's a "higher up" animal than humans.

I never said that I thought such a species existed; I said that the possibility exists. We know, scientifically, that a more advanced species could have evolved on another planet; likewise, through evolution, we know that humanity will eventually evolve into something different and more complex than mankind after several thousand years. I'm just stating what I believe to be possibly true from a scientific perspective.


Originally Posted by jekylljuice
Seems to me that you're contradicting yourself a bit there, sir. I don't really like to argue, but it is my opinion that humans are under no obligation whatsoever to view their species as inherently purer and more deserving than anything else around them. There are certainly some individual humans I've met whom I'm compelled to view as the lesser of many individual animals I've met. Why should I be expected to view a human being who has treated me with nothing but contempt in higher regard than my cat, who has given me nothing but companionship and happiness throughout my life? Sorry if that troubles you, but there it is.

Point well made. However, from a scientific viewpoint, we do know that mankind is the most complex/highly developed species, as far as we can tell. However, your point about companionship with an animal is well made, and I can't argue with such.

Also, I hope no one is thinking that I'm asserting what I'm saying as indisputable fact; even scientific facts that are established as such can be subject to change. I'm merely throwing out my opinion; I don't expect people to treat what I say as gospel truth.


Not Having Enough Free Time -

I really haven't had the time to do much other than work recently, or really for the past year. I haven't even be able to see any of the fifth season of Foster's, which really grinds my axe.

koosie 02-06-2008 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Nathander (Post 71009)
Animals have no rights. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is, in my mind, according to science.

Well I do like to argue and you've set yourself for one here, old pal. According to 'Science', you and I have no rights either. Rights are not intrinsic, they don't exist in nature. Rights are conferred on us by higher authorities who appoint these 'rights' ultimately on the basis of vastly superior power. Normally this is a government who's power derives from a combination of collective consent and the threat of coercion. This means if they decide they no longer need your consent and you're no longer entitled to your rights, there's nothing you can do about it.

Generally most civilised nations give rights to animals in the form of laws that prohibit needless harm to them. Given that they possess instruments of perception, meaning they are experiencing the world just like we are, it seems reasonable to me to treat animals, even very basic ones, as if they're people and thefore deserving of respect.

As for your view of evolution, that's all mixed up. It's not a ladder, its a series of niches on an equal plane. A bat may look at you as inferior, for example, because you've failed to develop sonar yet. In their terms, we've got a lot of catching up to do.

Nathander 02-06-2008 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by koosie (Post 71020)
Well I do like to argue and you've set yourself for one here, old pal. According to 'Science', you and I have no rights either. Rights are not intrinsic, they don't exist in nature. Rights are conferred on us by higher authorities who appoint these 'rights' ultimately on the basis of vastly superior power. Normally this is a government who's power derives from a combination of collective consent and the threat of coercion. This means if they decide they no longer need your consent and you're no longer entitled to your rights, there's nothing you can do about it.

I agree completely, as well as that humans have no rights either, according to science.


Generally most civilised nations give rights to animals in the form of laws that prohibit needless harm to them. Given that they possess instruments of perception, meaning they are experiencing the world just like we are, it seems reasonable to me to treat animals, even very basic ones, as if they're people and thefore deserving of respect.
I can understand that. However, I feel it's more important to look after the wellbeing of humanity, as a whole, rather than the welfare of animals. That's all I'm saying.


As for your view of evolution, that's all mixed up. It's not a ladder, its a series of niches on an equal plane. A bat may look at you as inferior, for example, because you've failed to develop sonar yet. In their terms, we've got a lot of catching up to do.
Then I admit to being wrong and concede to you, if that is the case.

Diabetes -

My mother was recently diagnosed as being pre-diabetic. Technically, it's not expected to be too bad, but that doesn't stop me from worrying about her, as weak as that makes me sound.

Partymember 02-06-2008 01:12 PM

Well, we're talking survival of the fittest here. I can do anything i want, if i happen to get killed by somebody else because they don't like me harshing their mellow, then it happens.

Really the only thing which holds true is who has enough power to secure the things they want. Thats all. Feel-good ideals get you nowhere. In fact, they may just get you killed. A man without a sword can still die upon one.

Anyway, apathetic people bother me. They really shouldn't, seeing as how they make me look good by comparison, but they still aggrivate me.

koosie 02-06-2008 01:39 PM

This Internet explorer won't download a flash player or at least can't use one. So no Youtube and even worse, no Flashchat which seriously grieves me.
Tried enabling javascript in internet options but no dice. Any ideas?

Cassini90125 02-06-2008 02:22 PM

After a miserable morning I went out to clear my head, regroup. prepare myself mentally for a huge argument with my accountant, and shop. Lo and behold, Richard the perv was out and about as well. I was requested to hang around the register at Walgreens until he left, as usual. Normally that speeds him along quite nicely but today was even quicker than usual; he made his purchases and left without a word. Part of it was no doubt my expression; I presumably had something like "Go ahead, make my day" written all over my face, which was pretty much the mood I was in, and he knows I don't like him to begin with. There's also the fact that since he's banned from CVS (for now), he can't afford to get kicked out of Walgreens as well. Either way he's behaving better, or at least keeping his mouth shut, which is good for everyone. Except him, maybe, but that part I don't care about.

Nathander 02-06-2008 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 71051)
Really the only thing which holds true is who has enough power to secure the things they want. Thats all. Feel-good ideals get you nowhere. In fact, they may just get you killed. A man without a sword can still die upon one.

Just a hunch, but I'm assuming your copies of Beyond Good and Evil and Thus Spoke Zarathustra have arrived by now, as that sounds a LOT like Nietzsche's idea of "the will to power".

One Radical Dude 02-06-2008 07:38 PM

Being asked repeatedly who I voted for on Tuesday? Maybe, I prefer NOT to respond, thank you.

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