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The movie was intended to be freaky and besides, it comes from the guy who directed Total Recall and Robocop, gore is to be expected. As regards to your final statement, it is true man hates to admit it can become evil but the truth keyword of that statement is CAN be evil. Mankind wasn't evil, A MAN was evil here. The reason Bacon's character Sebastian Caine did those horrible things was not because man is inherently evil or because "everyone would do stuff like that if they were invisible", it's because of several other factors that were clearly stated in the movie: 1. Caine was an egotistical, arrogant, ass who did this experiment to himself to satisfy his own ego. 2. The movie states quite a few times the invisible serum causes aggression and starts affecting the subjects minds. They had a gorilla they tested it on who was just as berzerk and crazed as Caine. 3. The fact the formula caused aggression and rage mixed with a personality like Caine's is what caused him to turn and kill the others. They state it's possible the power itself corrupted him, but even if it did, his bizarre reaction to the "cure formula" and the way his body started to reappear again after being electrocuted showed the formula DEFINITELY effected Caine's genetics. |
You know I actually wanted Sebastian to succeed in the end. After my favorite character, played by Joey Slotnick, was killed off, I was hoping he would finish them all. Then just turn him loose on the world.
No sequels with Christian Slater here. |
You know it's kind of funny, my dad and I watched the movie and we remember vividly the "rape scene" that is edited out (or partially) when Sebastian rapes his next door apartment neighbor girl. They don't actually show it but if you look at the deleted scenes they show it and explain that is what happened.
They removed it because they felt Sebastian went too evil too quickly for test audiences. Anyway, my dad actually told me a sequel idea he would like to see and after hearing about the stupid Slater sequel, I have to say his idea doesn't sound so bad anymore. He thought it would be cool if that assaulted woman became pregnant and gave birth to Sebastian's child mixed with the invisibility formula being half visible and half not or maybe a mix of the power or something. I know it sounds weird but like I said, it can't really turn out any worse then what they did with the Slater sequel now can it? Btw, last movie i saw was The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Say what you will of Disney, but back then they were GODS at creating animated movies. I had forgotten about incredibly beautiful and dark Hunchback was. Frollo was by far the coldest villain ever, and the music was absolutely perfect. Granted it had some comic cartoonery, goofyness, and cutesy Disney characters. But if you actually listen to the lyrics of the songs and see them as they are, songs they elevate the story and aren't used for cheapie sing-a-longs, you'll realize there's a whole world of beauty in this movie. |
I was flipping through the channels last night and came across the last half of something called "Mad Max 2". I couldn't make heads or tails of what I was supposed to be watching! 8D
Thats pecular, since that movie is normally titled as "The Road Warrior", In fact I used to know many people that never knew that movie was the second installment of the Mad Max series. to help clear up the confussion, it is a post appocolyps world where Gas is the most valuable. The majority (99%) of the movie is a flashback as told by an elder of the villiage. This narator is the Wildchild boy that looks like a mute girl. (the kid with the boomerang) the last 30 min of the movie is a great chase sceen, where the bad dudes just would not die, and Max was praying his shotgun shells were not duds. Mad Max the first movie actually happens before the Nukes, in a world a lot like our own, The first max movie is where he gets the cool car. in his job as a highway cop. IT was a good movie, but it was close to a B movie with the special effects. Mad Max 3 was Beyond the Thunderdome, and had Tinna Turner in it. I enjoyed each of these films, but the are action and not everyones cup of tea. Monty :-/ |
That cleared some things up. Thanks Montitech! I probably wouldn't watch that movie under normal circumstances but I was under the weather in the early hours of the morning with nothing to watch. The big chase scene at the end was rather impressive, though. :D
I am watching "Summer of Sam". John Leguisamo and Adrien Brody are awesome.
The Blues Brothers
Best damned musical ever. I can watch this film repeatedly and laugh myself sick every time. 8D And the songs and dance routines are really something. I also went to see the Bourne Ultimatum on the big screen a couple of days ago, and while I've generally had a hard time getting into the post-Bourne Identity flicks in the series (probably not helped by the rather erratic camera work), I still found it to be a perfectly enjoyable and pulse-racing thriller. Those final moments were superb. |
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