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Mr. Marshmallow 01-04-2008 10:32 AM

I'm not going to pick this apart because 90% of everything you just listed we settled and clarified in a conversation on an IM Nathander. Especially the make up on the Joker thing, since that as I told you in the IM, was not my real reason for anxiety involving the Dark Knight movie.

And the reason I brought up the "height" thing is because truth be told, everything I have told you about people who do that I have MET. You can't make up people that insanely stupid and uptight even if i tried. I have met those people, talked to them, and felt stupider for doing either of those things.

For the record, the difference between me and the person who mocks Jackman's height in X-men, I actually SEE the movie regardless. My feelings towards the new Joker, make up or otherwise will not and will NEVER prevent me from seeing the movie. I have every intention of seeing the movie no matter what any trailer shows me.

Nothing will change that.

Sparky 01-11-2008 01:07 PM

I'm not so much ticked off as hurt but...last night I was invited to a group dinner thing downtown on a foodies board I joined recently. I mentioned that I don't drive downtown alone after dark because I always get lost (seriously, once I was driving around down there for hours after 2 am because I honestly couldn't find the freeway - never again) so the board admin offered to pick me up. She said quote, "we'd pick you up". So I gave her my address and directions to my apartment. She replies saying she really didn't want to pick me up at home, could I meet them somewhere else? I was a tad confused, I always took "pick you up" meaning to pick you up at home, unless otherwise specified, so I said I didn't really want to walk anywhere after dark, nor did I want to leave my car in some parking lot. I wasn't impolite about it. I just checked my email and found one from her calling me "inflexible" and "ungrateful" (!) so I won't be making this dinner.

If she's the admin, I guess I'm not going to ANY of their dinners now. :( Jeez.

Partymember 01-11-2008 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 69046)
I'm not so much ticked off as hurt but...last night I was invited to a group dinner thing downtown on a foodies board I joined recently. I mentioned that I don't drive downtown alone after dark because I always get lost (seriously, once I was driving around down there for hours after 2 am because I honestly couldn't find the freeway - never again) so the board admin offered to pick me up. She said quote, "we'd pick you up". So I gave her my address and directions to my apartment. She replies saying she really didn't want to pick me up at home, could I meet them somewhere else? I was a tad confused, I always took "pick you up" meaning to pick you up at home, unless otherwise specified, so I said I didn't really want to walk anywhere after dark, nor did I want to leave my car in some parking lot. I wasn't impolite about it. I just checked my email and found one from her calling me "inflexible" and "ungrateful" (!) so I won't be making this dinner.

If she's the admin, I guess I'm not going to ANY of their dinners now. :( Jeez.

wow...REAL lame! What a b@!$%, "pick you up" means just that. :terrconf: what did she mean, then?

Cassini90125 01-11-2008 03:01 PM

Sounds like one of those offers people make only because they don't think you'll take them up on it. I hate that. >:(

Sparky 01-11-2008 03:04 PM

Hm...I wonder. This is the same person who invited me to her home on Thanksgiving after I stated in the forum that I needed to cook for my family...

Cassini90125 01-11-2008 03:11 PM

If that's the case I'd find another board. This one, at least the admin, doesn't sound worth the effort.

Sparky 01-11-2008 03:29 PM

Well, there *isn't* another local foodies group though, so that's that.

There goes another effort to make local friends. :P

koosie 01-12-2008 05:12 AM

Aw I'm really sorry, Sparky. At least you got lots of non-local friends and I'm sure we can all whip up something tasty for you. For example I make really, really good pancakes. However since you're thousands of miles away and over an ocean, it's pretty improbable you'll ever get to consume them so that's not much consolation is it?


Anyway, what ticks me off is those walking machines in gyms on which you go nowhere on a conveyer belt. Surely if you're going to do an impression of a hamster you should be generating electricity, not using it. Anyway I wouldn't set foot in one of those sweaty, steroid-infested places. Maybe if it was too cold to go out or something but even then you can run up and down some stairs if getting fit is that important to you.

Partymember 01-12-2008 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by koosie (Post 69102)
Anyway, what ticks me off is those walking machines in gyms on which you go nowhere on a conveyer belt. Surely if you're going to do an impression of a hamster you should be generating electricity, not using it. Anyway I wouldn't set foot in one of those sweaty, steroid-infested places. Maybe if it was too cold to go out or something but even then you can run up and down some stairs if getting fit is that important to you.


"Ve are going to pump YOU up!"

Sparky 01-19-2008 10:01 PM

People who are outright, blatantly RUDE when you mention owning or being interested in tarantulas, and everyone thinking THEY are being funny and witty when they INSULT you. Because hey, its just ugly gross disgusting creatures no one in their right mind would appreciate, right? -_-

My so-called "friend" just made such a comment on another forum because I had to turn down a local event with that group because I already had plans to go to the local tarantula society meeting, and she's so insanely popular and sexy over there that calling her on her rudeness would only get ME in trouble. So I have to hold my tongue. She made me out to be a freak in front of everyone. That pisses me off.

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