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antgirl1 08-18-2007 03:30 PM

At Home: Practical Magic

floppynoodleson666 08-18-2007 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 53929)
Super bad

Hilarious movie, absolutely hysterical. It was dirty, clever, witty, loaded with sex stuff but a blast never the less. This movie kept the laughs right on coming and it's probably the best comedy of the entire summer.

No matter what anyone says or what you think you feel about this movie, GO SEE IT! It will be money well spent.

I want to see Superbad, I like that kid from Arrested Development. He is a funny jerk. And the two cops in the movie are funny fellows as well. I don't usually go see movies, but maybe I will actually go see this one.

Anyway; the movie I most recently watched from begining to end was Fried Green Tomatoes.

Partymember 08-18-2007 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 53929)
Super bad

Hilarious movie, absolutely hysterical. It was dirty, clever, witty, loaded with sex stuff but a blast never the less. This movie kept the laughs right on coming and it's probably the best comedy of the entire summer.

No matter what anyone says or what you think you feel about this movie, GO SEE IT! It will be money well spent.

i'm seeing it on Wednesday.

The cops remind me of the ones in my town. You knew them all in high school so when they pull you over and they smell that not-quite-right stink they just say, "dude. Don't drive if your gonna do that!" and let you go.

I've had friends fail breathalizers and get let go :bloogrin:

jekylljuice 08-19-2007 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 53973)
Also, this isn't really related to movies I've actually seen, but I can't believe they made an Underdog movie. It's like some elaborate, expensive joke without a punchline. There should be a disclaimer that says "Based off the cartoon (in name only)".

Yeah, I saw the trailer for Underdog before Ratatouille, and you're right, it does all look like one big elaborate borrow a quote from Malcolm in the Middle, "I'm beginning to question the whole talking dog genre."

At the very least, it can't possibly be worse than Cats and Dogs, a movie I found guilty of being grotesque (in the bad way) and mean-spirited as well as sickeningly stupid. It's been six long years and I still haven't quite gotten over the fact that I actually paid money to see that rancid litter box.

Medikor 08-20-2007 12:38 PM

I meant to watch the Karate Kid yesterday but I got side tracked.

Mr. Marshmallow 08-20-2007 02:43 PM

The Descent

One of the very few brilliant horror movies out there from the more modern movie age. Very simple, very well acted and brilliant uses of cinematogrophy, camera shots and stuff like that.

Very cool and effective monsters, and very VIOLENT too.

AerostarMonk 08-21-2007 08:48 AM

Master and Commander: The Far Side Of The World
Harvie Krumpet

I was surprised how much I loved these two movies. Master & Commander is a movie I avoided for years because I thought it might be too boring. Now I wish I could go back in time and watch it on the big screen, which seems to be the only way to truly experience it. The fact that later that night I had a rather vivid dream about being a crewman on the HMS Surprise is a testament to how much I enjoyed watching this film. I say bring on a sequel, from what I hear there's plenty of material.

Harvie Krumpet is a short stop-motion tragicomedy narrated by Geoffrey Rush. This film is practically heartbreaking. It nearly had me in tears. The short films that accompany it are no slouches either. They're all creations of Adam Elliot but they ring with such truth that it makes you wonder if they're based on true stories. I can definitely see why this won the Academy for Best Animated Short in 2003.

Tonight I'll be watching Poseidon and Millions. I happen to love the original Poseidon Adventure ever since watching it in my lighthouse home last year. And I've enjoyed every Boyle film I've seen so far so Millions should be quite enjoyable.

montitech 08-21-2007 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 54070)
At the very least, it can't possibly be worse than Cats and Dogs, a movie I found guilty of being grotesque (in the bad way) and mean-spirited as well as sickeningly stupid. It's been six long years and I still haven't quite gotten over the fact that I actually paid money to see that rancid litter box.

I really liked Cats and Dogs. if it is the movie I am remembering, about the super villian mastermind cat in the tree facory set on making humans hate dogs,

I thunk it would have been better titled "A pup from C.H.U.M.P."


jekylljuice 08-22-2007 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by montitech (Post 54225)
I really liked Cats and Dogs. if it is the movie I am remembering, about the super villian mastermind cat in the tree facory set on making humans hate dogs,

I thunk it would have been better titled "A pup from C.H.U.M.P."


Yeah, that's the one. No offence or anything, but that film just did my head in upon so many levels. :P

I agree wholeheartedly that "A Pup from C.H.U.M.P." would have made a better title - less misleading at any rate. I don't think that Leonard Maltin has ever spoken truer words than in his critique of this particular movie: "Cat lovers beware: top billing isn't everything."

I see no reason why dog people and cat people can't co-exist peacefully...however, I think the film's distortion of ancient Egyptian history to the former's favour really crossed a line. The greatest catharsis? To go home and read every comic strip at hand centred around Garfield kicking Odie off the table. :blooevil:

montitech 08-22-2007 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 54272)
however, I think the film's distortion of ancient Egyptian history to the former's favour really crossed a line.

I assume you are familiar with Bast (daughter of Ra)?
It is said that followers of Bast held cats sacred and at times Bast may be in the form of a cat. thus cats were treated better than the average person.

I could have gotten my mythology/religions mixed up but I think the cat scene yes warped was still based on some shred of truth, although that exact sceen is currently a blurr since its been over a year since I saw that flick last.

Monty :-/

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