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You nearly gave me a heart attack earlier when I saw you first bring it up. :macwor: I know you live for the Con! And what would I do without you if you didn't go? :'( Sorry your day was a bummer since it was full of worry. I empathize, trust me. Glad to hear everything's ok now. :)
I got new spark plugs and spark plug wires for my car today. Not sure it needing new ones was connected to my timing belt breaking back in April, but my car works again and this makes me happy. ;) |
My favourite internet celebrity replied to something I posted on his wall on Facebook. I'm happy! :bloosmirk:
Picked up Scott Pilgrim #1 today. Greater than I heard it was. Pretty much the high point of the week, actually. Definitely worth the 12 dollars.
You know what totally made my day yesterday? Riding rollercoasters all day and then enjoying Paramore and No Doubt in concert at night. Like, I can't even explain just how much it made my
I have videos up on my youtube account and pictures on my facebook account (both linked in my siggy) if anyone is interested.:) It was just...awesome!:scribble: |
I commented on some of your pics over at FB, that looked amazing! Gwen still looks great for having.. how many kids does she have now? I haven't heard anything new from No Doubt in years, I'm glad to see they're still performing. :clap:
And yeah, when she had the tube top on, I was like, damn, I hope after having a couple of kids I can still get my abs looking like that.:P |
Ah, she has two kids, I was thinking either two or three. And she just had one not even a year ago too, didn't she? Yeah, Gwen looks great.
I had to work today, but it was a good day. :D A thunderstorm roared through, bringing with it very heavy rain that turned the parking lot into a lake for about 15 minutes, and even some hail! :w00t: Then it cleared up and the sun came back out. And thus were the next few hours. But then a SECOND one came roaring through, this time a lightning bolt struck only meters away, we heard a fizzlling sound, the lights flickered, and then BOOM! And all was black! http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos..._7778452_n.jpg Taken by my phone as I was leaving. Sadly for me, the blackout happened only 20 minutes before I was due to leave for the day. We have a generator, but as it's not the stormy season up here (that would be fall/winter), we didn't have it ready. So no electricity at all. It was awesome! :clap: |
Sounds like what happened here a couple of weeks ago. Stars, I love a good loud thunderstorm, and the more lightning, the better. ;D
As I have said in another thread, I am rehearsing again with my music - that is a good day indeed!:)
This happened just twenty minutes ago. Outside my porch there's a fair-sized puddle, formed from tire tracks and filled by rainwater. Just beyond is a garbage barge, brought in for some major cleaning at the synagogue next door. I was in the kitchen, I saw movement, and went out to the porch for a look. There was a family of no less than seven raccoons playing in the puddle, six big kits and an even bigger mother. I've never seen that many at once, not even on TV. I just stood there and watched, fascinated, for at least fifteen minutes before they finished and wandered off. It was really amazing. :)
Aw, that sounds sweet! I haven't seen a wild raccoon in years. Not alive anyway. :macwor: It sounds like your new place is on the edge of wilderness, thus all the wildlife. I'm very glad to hear it's turned out so well, and I hope it stays that way. :frankiesmile:
Getting out of work for about four hours due to a massive power outage. That was fun. :up:
My day started out with me forgetting to turn my alarm on last night. I set it, but forgot I also had to turn it on. ::) I got a call at 4:45 from work, asking me if I was coming in. I felt embarrassed about that, because I'm never late. But I had a great day! Mr. Ditsy is on vacation, and should be gone until I start mine next week. Ms. Moody came in right as I was leaving. And today was D.D.'s day off. So only the cool people were there today. And next week I should be getting a raise! And the week after that, I'm on vacation until the end of July, so Yay!
Oh, and one of my best friends had a baby early this morning. It was a long 19 hours of labor, and both took it rough, but mommy and baby are both doing fine now. I'm an Auntie again! :bloogrin: |
I'm a big Ed Grimley fan, and run a fansite for the character. So I was sitting here just about to log off and go to bed, when a new Martin Short special started on TV...and there was Ed! Some quick fiddling with my TiVo remote and I snagged it. This is the first Ed appearance in years, and I got it. :bloogrin:
Gig tonite, gig tonite, gig tonite - WOO-HOO! I will jam anywhere! Which guitars should I bring tonite? Hmmmm...:bloogrin:
Saw the first Ice Age movie for the first time today...an entertaining hour and a half indeed.
I got a raise at work! Nothing major, just the little one I'm due every year after being a loyal employee for 10 or so years. But every little bit counts, and I know it will help. :up:
And I'm on vacation for the next four weeks! Whoopeee!! I plan to sleep a lot, maybe clean some, and watch a lot of Foster's. I feel very Foster's deprived right now. :P |
I got a letter in the mail today stating that I passed that 8 hour FE exam. Joy! Now I'm one step closer to becoming a professional civil engineer.
That's awesome! Congrats LG! I know the feeling of relief that comes with those letters. :D
That's excellent! Well done, dude! :up:
On a completely unrelated note, coming home from a 12 hour day without dealing with the evening rush hour traffic made my day today. |
I finally found a DVD of the movie "Nicholas and Alexandra." I have it on VHS, but I now have nothing but DVD players. Now I hope I can get "Rasputin" starring Allan Rickman (HBO movie).:D
I loved that movie! Anything about the Romanovs I found fascinating. Such a normal yet glamorous life they lived, with such a tragic end. :'(
We're getting more little t-storms today. Nothing major, no heavy rainfall, but every now and then I'll hear a distant rumble of thunder. And when yesterday I was panting and drinking iced beverages, today I'm wearing sweats and drinking hot cocoa. Seattle weather is weird, but I like it. :D |
As for something which made my own day, well, yesterday I went hiking around a local coast with my two housemates, and we saw a whole family of one of my favourite animals - that is, weasels (or possibly stoats - they moved a bit fast for me to properly identify them). They just happened to run out in front of us while we were walking, and disappear into some long grasses, and there must have been at least eight of them. I wasn't able to get any pictures, since it was all over so quickly, but I feel really privileged just to have seen it. Definitely something you had to be in exactly the right place at the right time for. |
This didn't happen today, but on Friday just gone I booked a hotel room down in Portsmouth for 3 days at the end of the month, it got confirmed on Saturday, so roll on the 27th.:D
I got a letter from my health insurance provider on Saturday. I didn't bother reading it until a half-hour ago; it's the weekend, so whatever they wanted I couldn't do anything about until Monday. Anyway, I did open it, and I have just now discovered that my monthly premium went down. How rare - and cool - is that? ;D
It's over!!! =D
Some of you may remember this from December of '07, in the "What Ticks You Off" thread-
They're finally paid off! The garnishment is over! I have money again!!!!! Whooo hoooooo!!! And just in time for the Con. :) I was expecting it to end last month, but I still tallied the end pretty close I guess. But now I know it's official. Oh. My. WORD! You have no idea what a breath of fresh air this is. :w00t: |
I graduated in 1997 and I'm still paying loans. :P
The thought that knowing I was at ComiCon 2009! The best!:frankiesmile:
:) |
After being away from it since Monday PM, I got my camcorder back. Rid sent it via Priority/USPS, after I lost it on a northbound Amtrak ride to Anaheim from San Diego (it was returned in LA). :)
*frantically searches for the "like" button*
Glad to hear you got it back safe and sound, Ord. :) It's much cooler today than it's been most of the week. This makes me very happy. :D The freezer was even having a hard time keeping everything frozen. I hope that was the only heat wave we'll be getting this summer. |
Glad you got your camcorder back, ORD, and that everyone made it back from the Con safely.:)
I've just spent the best part of the last week down in Portsmouth on the south coast of England, stayed in a small but cheap and comfy hotel, went up the Spinnaker Tower for some awesome views of the Solent, took a dip on the beach, and saw some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen over on the Isle of Wight (which is across the sea from Portsmouth). Went over by hovercraft, too. :D |
We got a baby pink toe tarantula in at the pet store I work at! As soon as I found out, I said, "I'm buying it! it's mine!"
So now I have another tarantula. Yay!:P |
I'm just glad that I've worked my last day (at least for a while) having to wake up at 6am and go in at 7am (may finally get to sleep during the weekdays :P). It's back to working at 10am on Monday, and eventually, I may do 3pm-12am (that may not happen until the fall, though)
I can beat that. 95 I graduated and I'm still paying it off. Of course I did disappear for a couple of years so that didn't help. |
One of the Powerball tickets I bought Wednesday was a winner; I'm $7.00 richer. ;D
Belated congrats, Cass! :D
Just got mobile broadband today, I can now go online anywhere, anytime, pretty much. Late night webchats here we come.:) |
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