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Mr. Marshmallow 07-16-2007 06:46 PM

I think Frankie feels more free and accepted at Foster's because she knows she doesn't have to impress or follow any standards by anyone. When Frankie dated, I think she had an insecure feeling she wasn't pretty (which is NUTS :bloocross:) and dressed like she did during her dates with Dylan.

She never felt worried about how she dressed when she went out in public to the mall, to the swap market, or how Mac and everyone else saw her. I think this is also why she loves what she does and where she is because despite the fact she's not very appreciated, she knows she is valued.

Foster's would fall apart in minutes without her, neither Madame Foster nor Mr. Herriman could run a stable anything by themselves and Frankie's love for caring for others is what makes her character truly special. I think Frankie should be more confident in accepting where she works and what she does for a living.

She's definitely brave enough to stand up for herself and her friends, I agree with her shyness in school theory and I think that may contribute to why she acts the way she does now around others.

Medikor 07-17-2007 08:01 AM

I never even went to my prom. I just couldn't be bothered. But agree that Frankie probably saw it as a defining moment for her relations outside of imaginary friends and an opportunity to enjoy the company of "normal" people.
I really would like to learn more about Kathy and see how she and Frankie met. Maybe she befriended her in school or maybe she went to Fosters as a little girl to get an imaginary friend of her own but met Frankie instead. Some history on Kathy would certainly shed some light on Frankie's past.

Cassini90125 07-17-2007 10:53 AM

Could be. I've occasionally thought a "Girl's night out" episode with Frankie, Kathy, and a few of her other friends might give us some insight into Frankie's past, as well as being major fun for her fans. I've always assumed that she has at least a few friends outside of the House; I'd like to meet them, learn about what kind of people they are and how they all met. :frankiesmile:

kageri 07-17-2007 03:47 PM

Well, her current outfit may not be a leopard spotted tube top or anything, but it is midriff baring.... but I agree that she was probably not concerned with being popular at school and was probably well-liked by others who weren't either. I doubt she associated with the ~*~cool~*~ crowd but she's so charismatic it would be impossible for her not to have had some friends.

Howard 07-17-2007 05:03 PM

I do not think Frankie belonged to any one group - but she probably got along with all of them; I think she did not delve into her life with anyone, but was outwardly genuine with whoever she would associate with.:frankiesmile:

Invader Bloo 07-23-2007 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 51004)
Could be. I've occasionally thought a "Girl's night out" episode with Frankie, Kathy, and a few of her other friends might give us some insight into Frankie's past, as well as being major fun for her fans. I've always assumed that she has at least a few friends outside of the House; I'd like to meet them, learn about what kind of people they are and how they all met. :frankiesmile:

I'm pretty sure more than a couple. But not a lot, because of her dedication to foster's & the friends.

Mr. Marshmallow 08-03-2007 09:00 PM

Not sure if anyone really realizes this but I was watching "Setting a president" recently and I noticed something kind of surprising about Frankie after she became president and something crucial about Mr. Herriman. Herriman has always been president and he actually never did ANYTHING.

Other then yelling at people to follow the rules and making the rules, Herriman didn't do anything since he was president and thus wasn't required to do so. When Frankie became president she did BOTH jobs. She still took care of the friends, tucked them in, gave them chores, and fed them and etc.

It was not her job to be care taker anymore, she could have easily assigned it to someone else or given it to Mr. Herriman like she suggested at the grocery store. However she did both jobs, and took care of everyone just like she did before while still remaining president of the house hold.

It's a true credit to such a fine young lady to going the extra mile and STILL helping out by doing her old job as well as running the house as president. Actually, this makes a lot of sense concerning the whole "payment" issue Frankie found out at the end of the episode. It makes a lot of sense really.

Frankie gets paid more because she DOES more, she received less as president because Mr. Herriman did jack squat as president so I finally get why she got less money as president then in her old job. You guys probably figured that out WAY before I did and if so then feel free to ignore me.

Either way, I thought it was something interesting to point out.

Cassini90125 08-03-2007 09:13 PM

Very true, too, I hadn't thought much about it. I would guess part of the reason is force of habit; it's what she'd been doing for a long time, it's part of her routine. Another part is her caretaker mentality; she takes care of the residents because that's who she is and what she does. It just comes naturally to her; it's instinctive, maybe even compulsive on some level. Another, simpler explanation might be that she just didn't have time to hire a new caretaker. I'm sure it was on her list of things to do but she didn't get to it before she got her paycheck and used the low pay as an excuse to give Mr. Herriman his old job back.

kageri 08-04-2007 10:54 AM

I may have mentioned this before, but I agree with Cass; for some reason I get the feeling that if Frankie wasn't caretaker anymore, while she'd enjoy her freedom at first, she'd get bored of it eventually and want to do her job again, frustrating as it can be. She doesn't have to go through that, she obviously does it because she believes very strongly in her job. So yeah, I think yelling at people and giving orders like a Vogon isn't Frankie's thing anyway. Her caretaker mentality is probably ingrained in her by now.

Ub3rD4n 08-04-2007 01:57 PM

I think she's pretty much stuck in the position of caretaker for now, because to quote someone else on this forum (don't remember who, sorry) Madame Foster and Mr Herriman couldn't run a stable anything. Frankie just cares too much about Fosters (not to mention her grandma and Mr Herriman) to just let it go. I guess she could find someone reliable to take care of Fosters for her, but since none of us forum members exist in the Fostersverse, that'd be hard going.

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