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Sparky 12-21-2007 05:27 PM

I remember getting hoarse when I worked in retail too. :P I've been reading a lot of Customers Suck lately because this time of year always has the "best" stories...

Anyways, it ticks me off when someone tells me I will change my mind about something after I've stated my opinion (accompanied by a reason why I feel that way). It undermines my intelligence, seriously. Yeah, it IS possible I will change my mind someday, something COULD happen to change it. But you just TELLING me I will change it...isn't the reason why it might. :P Don't act so frikkin' smug. -_- I am capable of having an opinion different than yours. It's also like when I tell someone I watched say, a TV show they like and didn't like it for this reason and that reason (note that I HAVE my reasons, I'm not just being single-minded), and they tell me to "give it another look" and that I'll "love it" if I do. Guess what, we're not the same person, and I *told* you I watched it and didn't like it. OMG, the hell? (Maybe I'm alone here but I appreciate when people, I dunno, allow me to form my OWN opinion even if it's different from theirs.)

antgirl1 12-23-2007 12:16 PM

High school rumors. Seriously. Someone spread a rumor about me where I had a significant other. Preppy girls believed, and spread it like wildfire. The sad truth is: No. I do not have a significant other. Do you ever see the "other" with me when I go to and from classes? Do you ever see him holding my hand on the way to lunch? Ask me on a date? At all? No. So why do you [preps girls at school] believe that? The person who spread probably made it up to get unneeded attention.

BTW, I know who spread it, and its a guy who "thinks" he loves me. Yeah right. If he does truely, he'll get over it, eventually. Or just find someone actually ATTRACTIVE. (I don't have large breasts, or wear make-up, and am not supermodel skinny - but not overweight either. I appear a bit fatter than my weight leads me to be - 91 IBs, while there's this other girl at school who is stick-thin and weights 5 pounds more)

While on the subject of weight...

I'm also ticked off by girls who are stick-thin but think they are still fat. I think their idea of skinny is, simply, more bone, less muscle. These type of girls are also the kind who think I'm crazy and retarded because I need to GAIN weight (Like I said before, 91 pounds, and 4'11'' 3/4 in.) My BMI (Body Mass Index) says for me to have healthy body weight, I must weight a bit more than 100 IBs. Underweight IS a problem, just like overweight. Worse is, my metabolism is high enough that I say "Its as hard for me to gain weight as it is hard for other people to lose it".

Girly girls don't seem to get that.

And one last rant before I take off - stereotypes.

In high school as a girl, there are only two choices.

Girly, or Gothic. Not Jock, not Tomboy, not Honor-Roll, not "Just Yourself". GIRLY, or GOTHIC. OMG YOU MUST CHOOSE NOW. MUST BE PREP OR EMO.

I wish to not become either. My closest match is a Tomboy, even as a small girl I preferred my big bro's toys over my girly ones. But every so often I would force my bro to play tea party with me...Lol. If I ever act girly now, it's painting my nails. Usually just for the holidays or whatever. I have found some Barbie dolls (from the 90's) that, when I get older or old enough to have an e-Bay account, put them all together, Jeep (If I can find the remote for it) and extra clothes included, and sell the whole thing for at least $60. Let me know if the price should be higher. XDD


I have never found anyone attractive in my life. Never did I have a childhood crush. I only said I had one to be normal. But I truly didn't. Preps think there's something wrong with me. I don't qualify for Prep.

I don't have much of a miserable life, except for the lack of real friends. Therefore, my life isn't sad and pathetic enough (and I'm not overweight) to go around wearing black, cutting myself, and mouthing off authority figures like they do. I don't qualify for Emo.

Uuuh, yeah. Also people who think Foster's is for little kids simply because there is the existence of imaginary friends. Umm....if Foster's was for little kids, it would've been put in PBS Kids or Nick Jr. or whatever. And all the adult humor would be removed, or the script would change entirely for real youngsters. People who think that are people MY age, teenagers, who commonly think imaginary friends mean nothing to them, because they are "too old to believe in that junk". What are parents teaching these kids today? :(

Partymember 12-23-2007 07:08 PM

at least they didn't say you had Hepatitis C or something

some guy you dont know 12-25-2007 06:01 PM

people who complain about what they get for the holidays. like this one person somewhere else, who was whining about getting something for his guitar that was more expensive than the DS he wanted. isnt that what ebay's for?

Partymember 12-25-2007 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by some guy you dont know (Post 67762)
people who complain about what they get for the holidays. like this one person somewhere else, who was whining about getting something for his guitar that was more expensive than the DS he wanted. isnt that what ebay's for?

not to mention its just rude, i mean its free stuff, don't like it? Tough! It was free, you lose nothing by getting crappy free stuff, so get over it!

i hate bratty kids 8D

koosie 12-28-2007 03:32 PM

According to the small print on my vehicle insurance I'm not covered against 'Loss or damage directly occasioned by pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speed'.


some guy you dont know 12-28-2007 04:52 PM

my dad :(

Lynnie 12-28-2007 06:29 PM

Ugh, student loans. And then paycheck garnishes to pay it off since I wasn't paying enough on my own. Starting today, I am now even more broke than I already was. :'(

But I'm counting my blessings. I have a nice apartment when so many people have crappy ones, or no where to live at all, or have to depend on charitable friends/family to house them. I can still afford cable, so I won't have to miss my favorite show. I might have to take the On Demand feature off, but I don't use it much any way. I might end up eating less, but I could use to lose a few pounds so no biggie. My car is still running. Gas prices are going down. And my first paycheck from my new second job is due at the end of next month, and it might make up the difference. I have a family nearby who loves me. I still have a LOT to be thankful for. :)

Partymember 12-28-2007 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 67936)
Gas prices are going down.

what are they where you are? We're at $3.24, it'll go up to $4.25+ this summer, no doubt.

I got a buddy who runs a '72 Caddie on Premium only 8D he'll be hurting this summer 8D

Lynnie 12-28-2007 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 67960)
what are they where you are? We're at $3.24, it'll go up to $4.25+ this summer, no doubt.

I got a buddy who runs a '72 Caddie on Premium only 8D he'll be hurting this summer 8D

Ouch, yeah, he'll be hurting. Might be worth it if he loves his "classic" car, though. ;)

Prices right now in the Seattle area are running about $3.15 for regular unleaded. They were up to about $3.80 not too long ago though. Going down.... Yeah, we might top out over $4 this summer, too.

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