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Lynnie 11-24-2007 11:36 PM

Jobs, wow, I'd love to post what ticks me off about this subject. As long as I can get my thoughts organized.

I've been with my company for 9 years now. I've been offered manager positions many times because of my experience, but I always turn them down because managers work 60 hour weeks instead of 40, and at Christmas time, being retail, that's raised even MORE, and, well, I've just never been the best at handling customer complaints and insults when they want to "speak to a manager". So I've settled for being just a supervisor. I'm the one who's most familiar with all the computers/printers/fax machines/copiers in the building, even more so than most the managers, so I know how to use the electronic equipment. I've called in maybe four times total in the last 9 years, all due to illness. I've been late no more than 8 times, and it's usually due to something that I couldn't help like a traffic jam. I'm always in uniform, always have my name tag on, make sure the girls (and one guy) under me do what they're suppose to, do my own share of the work and then some, etc, etc, etc. Not to toot my own horn or anything but yes, I'm one of the oldest, most responsible and experienced people there. But some new people come in, kiss up to my manager to the extent that even though they call in constantly, don't follow the instruction of their supervisor, are commonly out of uniform, and goof off half the day they're given more privileges than I am, and even "trusted" more than I am. Like, I'll give the manager some advise or suggestion about how to make everyone's work easier or make the customers happier, and they'll brush it off like "I don't think so". But some of the new people (ok, there's only one I'm really thinking of) give them advise and suggestions and the manager comes around all like "Isn't she the greatest! Why didn't anyone else think of that?" Seriously, this happens. :terrence:

Or I'll be in the middle of doing something, and as we all know, there is more than one way to do a lot of things. So I'll be in the middle of doing something and the manager will come around and thinks I'm up to no good because she doesn't recognize what it is I'm doing (because she'd do the same thing in a different way). It's like I actually have to explain to her in every tiny nit picking little detail what I'm doing and why, because if I don't, she doesn't understand what I'm doing, thinks I'm just goofing off, and I lose even more of her trust for no reason whatsoever. Except that she's egotistic and only trusts herself and her "pets", like this new girl.

And last but far from least, I use to be an important member of the team, as I was the one who handled all the marketing and advertising signage and pricing. I was on the computer a LOT making and ordering tags and signs, to make sure our branch looked professional and clean and bright, and all the price tags stated the right price. It was fun, I enjoyed it. And I worked the same days every week, and went in and got off at the same time every day. Once I got use to the hours, it was great. My inner clock liked it too, as I was sleeping great, I felt healthy and I was happy. Then this stupid idiotic new scheduling system took over where each branch's schedule is done by our corporate offices in Phoenix, and they expected us to be all excited and happy about this new change. But it's been nothing but a nightmare for everyone. Corporate doesn't care a thing about a daily routine, and they don't know us, much less the people who love us, or our personal and financial situations. We're suddenly going in at all hours of the day, eating at different times, and have different days off every week. We no longer know what days we'll be off the following week until the Saturday before. And I've noticed a difference because I'm not sleeping as well, I have less energy, I just don't feel as healthy and happy as I once was because my inner clock is all messed up. Corporate says that it's only fair, but the truth is they just don't care about the health and happiness of the employees to even try to keep them in some type of routine. And to top it off, the new scheduling system got rid of my former position, so I've been literally demoted. No pay change thankfully (if there had been, I would have quit), but it's still very humiliating to have once been someone important and unique for the company, and now I'm just a regular old run-of-the-mill employee, and I now watch random other people do what use to be my job. The job I enjoyed so much. And now? I'm usually at the register for 8 hours every day since the new scheduling system doesn't schedule nearly enough cashiers to cover the flow of customers since they seem to think our branch is way out in the boondocks or something. When actually we're in the middle of a very big and busy shopping district.

Yes, very humiliating, humbling, frustrating, irritating, enraging, stressing..... Blech! I need to get out of retail very badly! :scaryberry:


Whew, and now I'm done.

Partymember 11-25-2007 09:14 AM

shower curtains

i hate shower curtains.

They never stop clinging to you. Ever. It is like an epic struggle just to keep them from sticking to you.

Cassini90125 11-25-2007 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 65213)
shower curtains

i hate shower curtains.

They never stop clinging to you. Ever. It is like an epic struggle just to keep them from sticking to you.

Just think of it as a very friendly shower curtain. :cheesegrin:

antgirl1 11-25-2007 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 65219)
Just think of it as a very friendly shower curtain. :cheesegrin:


Partymember 11-26-2007 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 65219)
Just think of it as a very friendly shower curtain. :cheesegrin:

i'll try that 8D

Imaginary Light 11-26-2007 12:46 PM

Okay, my Lit class really ticked me off today.

Disclaimer: Yes, I know I am in college. I know I have to take responsibility and keep up with my assignments. I know I am technically an adult and should act as such.

That being said...

Okay. I always make a point to do all the required reading for my Lit class. But my Thansgiving vacation...wasn't really all that much of a vacation. I was writing research papers, setting up my schedule for next semester, and working. So, time just got ahead of me and I didn't even think to look at the syllabus for Lit to see if we had any reading to do. Then I find out today that we did. Now, this isn't really the part that ticks me off. The part that really gets to me is that when I actually do the reading (which is 99% of the time), we never have to take a quiz on it or anything. But today. Ooooh, today! Today we get a pop quiz on what we read. Um, yeah. Picture me sitting there staring at my paper just waiting for an answer to miraculously appear out of nowhere. Ha, very funny. Then my professor says, "These will just give me look to see who is actually doing the reading." Oh, how sweet! So now she's going to think I don't do the readings. Why couldn't a quiz have been given when we were asked to read Equus, hmm? Or the 10,000 other readings we've done this semester? Why this one time? Then we move on to discussing it. Understandable, whatever. But this proves that half the class has not done the reading either. So she asks us all to leave.

I'm sorry, but how embarassing. It really grinds my gears that now she thinks I'm a lazy student. But one can't be perfect all the time.

Which leads me to another thing that ticks me off. All those students who put on an act and ask 10 trillion (stupid) questions in class to make themselves seem dedicated or something. Okay, if you don't get the subject, fine, whatever, ask your stupid questions. But some people just ask the simplest questions how can you not get this? It's been stated, bluntly, in black and white print :jk: And then they try and act all mature and awesome because they're a college student. I don't know. Maybe this just comes from my dislike of fake people.

Cassini90125 11-26-2007 12:53 PM

Sounds like what I call the "Fire Alarm" principle. If I leave the building when the alarm goes off, it will be a false alarm, like it always is, but if I say the hell with it and stay here, it will turn out to be my stupid neighbor playing with gasoline and matches. :P

Sparky 11-27-2007 09:47 PM

I got a new one.

So I was at Starbucks recently and saw that they had what I *thought* was the greatest thing ever: a reloadable card you could customise with your own picture! I HAD to have one, I figured I'd draw my own original artwork for it. Wrong. :jk: I went to their site just now and looked into it, and you have to build your own "custom" image using different elements THEY provide. All of which are kinda ugly except maybe the one that just looks like the boxes on the side of a Starbucks cup that you can fill out, but I don't order the same thing every time I go or anything. Now I'm all bummed out. :P I guess it's still marginally cooler than the Valentine's reloadable card I'm using now but not by that much. I really thought you could send in your own art/photos or whatever. I was thinking about sending in a photo of Kiwi drinking coffee if I couldn't think of anything to draw. Now I'm all bummed out. :sadbendy:

Mac_Attack 11-28-2007 05:34 PM

Things that tick me off? Where to begin :P?

I have two bosses; neither of which can agree on anything. That equates to one of them telling me to do one thing, and the other walking in just as I'm finishing up and telling me to do the exact opposite. :jk:

I despise when people who I am meant to be in charge of ignore my authority and treat me like dirt :(

It really gets to me when I spend an entire night cleaning up my work area, only to come in the next day and find it in a cluster where people have gone through my stuff and left it everywhere.

But most importantly, I hate when I'm at a fast food resteraunt, and my change is WET. Why is it wet?! Who washes money?? :madwilt:

vinny 11-28-2007 10:51 PM

well i was working at for a while. they paid really good so i bought a 1992 turbo DSM sports car. a few weeks ago i got fired. the things i got fired for where the most stupid things iv ever herd of. anyways, they asked me to leave, turn in your badge blah blah blah then i walk out to my car, go to start it up and the engine blows. i couldnt help but laugh.

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