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coleman360 04-09-2008 06:49 AM

Foster's (obviously) and The X Files

Nathander 04-09-2008 10:20 PM

Does anyone else remember the WB cartoon "Detention"? I loved that cartoon, and I personally believe it had a great theme song.

As for anime television shows, some of my favorites include:

The opening for the original Hellsing anime. While the OVA series is superior to the original anime in most regards, the one thing it lacks is the fantastic soundtrack of the original effort.

Another fantastic opening is that for GetBackers, or rather, the second opening them, "Rose Colored World".

Another is the opening for Princess Tutu, which I consider to be the BEST magical girl series ever made.

I've added links to the actual opening videos where I could, as I think it helps to here them and see the images associated with them. I've refrained from posting the one for Hellsing, as it probably would brake the forum's rules for the content that can be posted, as it easily exceeds a PG rating in its imagery.

Mr_Bloo_Veins 04-10-2008 05:24 PM

I forgot about another great one, CLONE HIGH.

I found a full episode of this show on Google Video, and it reminded me of how awesome that show was. Any show that features Marilyn Manson performing Schoolhouse Rock-esque musical numbers about the food pyramid is amazing in my book.

and the theme song is awesome.

some guy you dont know 04-10-2008 05:37 PM

home movies. that song is really catchy. and the show is also pretty awsome.

malcom in the middle. i love they might be giants. and this song is cool.

futurama. i love the way it sounds.

and about a million others that i just cant think of right now.

also, that clone high show looks pretty cool. im going to go look it up.

Mr_Bloo_Veins 04-11-2008 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by some guy you dont know (Post 76042)
home movies. that song is really catchy. and the show is also pretty awsome.

Right on! :bloogrin:

Coach McGuirk is my idol.

Lynnie 06-30-2008 07:51 PM

Heh, just an itty bitty bit of a bump. :cheesegrin:

I really like the theme song for "Ben Ten: Alien Force". It's basically a remake of sorts of the original "Ben Ten" theme, but the instrumental pieces sound so great, and even beautiful. It's great at gearing the watcher up for some excitement.

And PBS's "Masterpiece Theatre". Such a timeless classical piece. It's no secret, I love classical music, so much of it is an ageless piece of world history, going back hundreds of years, and Mouret's Rondeau is certainly one of my favorites. :frankiesmile:

Jackie Khones 07-16-2008 06:32 PM

Barney Miller, old 70's show.
Sweet bass line emerges into a good song.

L.G. 07-19-2008 11:49 AM

The Heathcliff Intro: Music sounds so 80's like

creamz06 08-01-2008 12:38 AM

I love NBC's Fear Itself's theme... obviously:

Mr. Marshmallow 08-02-2008 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by creamz06 (Post 84509)
I love NBC's Fear Itself's theme... obviously:

I totally agree, that's a great opening theme song. I'm not too big of a fan on the show though. Saw two episodes. One was pretty good, other turned out to be kind of bleh so I kind of lost interest.

Even though the show ended up getting sucky, I LOVED the "Animorphs" theme song. Its probably my personal favorite TV theme of all time.

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