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jekylljuice 06-12-2007 01:58 PM

The Son?s Room

A very powerful and poignant drama from Nanni Moretti, an Italian director I?ve gotten really into of late. He has a very beautiful writing and directing style - tranquil, understated but incredibly potent - and a charming onscreen presence as an actor. Unfortunately, his films don?t seem to be that widely available (I had to import a copy of Caro Diario from as far as Down Under), but they?re well worth hunting down, if you can. I can safely say that the final moments of this one are going to haunt me for days.

scary_dream 06-12-2007 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 46792)
how is it a horror movie, then?

Heh, SOME of the nudity and gore. It was still there, except this time it wasn't just "Kill kill here, splash splash there, and a couple of tra-la-las", you got to see it from the rich people's point of view as well. Like I said, not great, but an improvement.

Last movie I watched: Child's Play 2

Partymember 06-12-2007 03:48 PM

LOL, well good then!

jekylljuice 06-13-2007 03:00 PM


How?s this for avante-garde - a film where the visuals consist entirely of a bright blue screen from beginning to end, accompanied by a haunting soundtrack in which the speaker reflects upon his deteriorating eyesight and imminent death from illness. The point of the blue screen, I presume, is to allow the viewer to experience a sightless perspective, and I found it rather difficult to keep my eyes on it for the duration. Otherwise, it was a lot more like listening to a radio play than watching a film, and a deeply stirring and unsettling one at that.

Mr. Marshmallow 06-13-2007 04:24 PM

Ghostbusters 2

After watching the first one it was only natural I would get around to watching this one as well :P. Watching movies like these really takes me back to when sequels were really, really, GOOD! Ghostbusters, Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles. They all had solid, very kick ass #2 sequels that really blew me away. Especially after giving them a second look now that I am older.

The music, the clever and unique named ghosts, all done just as smoothly as the first film. I loved the Scholari Brother ghosts and Vigo, MAN that guy was cool! I loved him as the new villain, I think he was even neater then Ghozer. That actor and that name just stuck with me for so long, I just loved his character. I'm really upset Bill Murray never did a 3rd.

I think Ghostbusters is a timeless movie series that will always be loved and supported by people no matter what day and age it comes out of.

AerostarMonk 06-13-2007 09:26 PM

A third CGI film is on the way. It's based on the old Hellbound script Ramis and Ackroyd put together in the 90s. It was the only way they could get Bill back. They would have no problem getting money with remake and 80s fever running rampant these days.

Even if it's horrible, I'll probably love it. This is the guy who nearly lost it when he saw the Shandor building and the church from the first film.

Mr. Marshmallow 06-14-2007 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by AerostarMonk (Post 47072)
A third CGI film is on the way. It's based on the old Hellbound script Ramis and Ackroyd put together in the 90s. It was the only way they could get Bill back. They would have no problem getting money with remake and 80s fever running rampant these days.

Even if it's horrible, I'll probably love it. This is the guy who nearly lost it when he saw the Shandor building and the church from the first film.

Yeah, I heard about this too but still, I still felt this is a series that could have made a fantastic 3rd live action film. But it would have to have been made back then, now a live one wouldn't work as well and it bugs me that Murray won't commit to a 3rd Ghostbusters yet he'll lend his voice to something like the Garfield movies.

I know voice acting is much simpler but come on, movies like that for someone like Murray just seems out of place to me. I personally would like to see an Extreme Ghostbusters movie. It would be a great way to bring back Ghostbusters for old fans and make new ones, plus the characters in that show were loads of fun. They were all interesting diverse choices.

Btw, what do you mean by lost it during the Shandor and church thing?

frankie_fan 06-14-2007 07:39 PM

The Money Pit on DVD.

One of Tom Hanks' funniest roles. The best part would have to be the scaffolding destruction. :frankiesmile:

Mr. Marshmallow 06-14-2007 09:59 PM


One of my absolute favorite movies of all time. Killer suspense, amazing drama, and my god what an AWESOME finale.

Kurt Russell is such a bad ass, I love him in almost everything I see him in. A really good quality suspense/action movie that alot of people SHOULD be seeing.

jekylljuice 06-17-2007 03:32 PM

Event Horizon

I saw this gruesome film in a cinema surrounded by people who seemed to find the entire experience to be absolutely hilarious. Maybe I was in the wrong frame of mind because it just left me feeling incredibly nauseous and fatigued (although the acknowledgement that the Human Torch from the Fantastic Four appeared to show up every now and then did tickle me a little).

Not exactly scary, just very deeply unpleasant (but then, I doubt that the makers really cared to distinguish). Now I?m in desperate need of something innocent and light-hearted to take my mind off it?where did I put that My Little Pony video?

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