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antgirl1 10-22-2007 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Vampyre (Post 60519)
Then the guy I like, those of you who know me on DA and read my journals know him as either Miller-Pants or The Human Wilt, is too worried about what his friends think, so when I come to speak at him at school, he actaully, quite blatantly backs away. He's fine when his friends aren't around, in fact, he doesn't stop talking, but if somebody pops up his interesting side just shuts dwn and he buggers off. I suppose I understand why he's like that; he's bullied. By this kid in his form, Kyle. He cheeses me off as well. A few weeks ago, I had to be the pupil receptionist for the day, and this Kyle kid had hurt his leg at Lunch Time, while playing football or somtehing. So anyway, he's sat next to me at the front desk, with an ice pack on his leg, and on the other side of me is another kid who hurt his foot while playing football, so he was sat with an ice pack as well. So, they to have a conversation over me about how they'd hurt what ever body part, and then Kyle randomly bought up Miller-Pants, and started rambling about how much of a (deleted) he was, and then started boasting about this one time in French Class, how he punched him the face and knocked him out of his chair, and the poor guy and run out of the room into the language office in tears. I could have kicked the guy, really I could. I couldn't say anything though. Stand up for a guy and you'll be picked on for a life time. So, with that on the side, the whole Miller-Pants situation just annoys me.

My sister recently passed her driving test. My sister recently bought a car. My sister recently turned eighteen. My sister recently bought a house. My sister recently started getting on my nerves.

It's ENDLESS! All everybody ever talks about these days is my sister. Her house, her car, her boyfriend. My Mum keeps calling me Charlotte, which is my sister's name, and I just sit there "Heather." "See you later Charlotte!" "HEATHER!" I never see my parents anymore either, because their always up the road at my sister's house doing something, painting the walls or fixing mirrors to the walls. Then they ask me if I'm excited! No I am bloody not!

Miller Pants Situation: Oh god, that poor boy. And he's one of the rare, no, extremely rare boys who are nice and are considerate and...well, match most of Wilt's qualities.

Older Attention Hog Sister Situation: And I used to think the younger siblings got ALL the attention...:P

Zeitgheist 10-22-2007 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Vampyre (Post 60519)
It's ENDLESS! All everybody ever talks about these days is my sister. Her house, her car, her boyfriend. My Mum keeps calling me Charlotte, which is my sister's name, and I just sit there "Heather." "See you later Charlotte!" "HEATHER!" I never see my parents anymore either, because their always up the road at my sister's house doing something, painting the walls or fixing mirrors to the walls. Then they ask me if I'm excited! No I am bloody not!

lol I recognize that :D my mom, my dad, my granma, my aunts, my cousins ALL call me by my older sister Lin's name though my name is Devi. My sister is 12 yars older than me (she's 33) and 9 months pregnant with her 5th child. When I was 7 and she had her first child I was extremely jealous, but that passed away and my oldest niece (14 years old now) is my best friend... my mom would always treat my sister like a grown up and me as a kid, but now that I'm 21 I sort of see WHY she did that... I was a child after all :P

Still gets on my nerve that noone knows my name, of course XD And all everyone talks about is the coming baby

I remember growing up watching Hey Arnold! and I would identify with helga Pataki who was being called by her 12 year older sister Olga's name constantly by her mother and father ... oh, bad/good times :(

Partymember 10-22-2007 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Vampyre (Post 60519)

My sister recently passed her driving test. My sister recently bought a car. My sister recently turned eighteen. My sister recently bought a house. My sister recently started getting on my nerves.

It's ENDLESS! All everybody ever talks about these days is my sister. Her house, her car, her boyfriend. My Mum keeps calling me Charlotte, which is my sister's name, and I just sit there "Heather." "See you later Charlotte!" "HEATHER!" I never see my parents anymore either, because their always up the road at my sister's house doing something, painting the walls or fixing mirrors to the walls. Then they ask me if I'm excited! No I am bloody not!

you're parents are probably just thrilled that they did their job well. They raised a seemingly succesful young lady who's got her stuff together. Thats not easy in today's Western society.

Ub3rD4n 10-22-2007 09:06 PM

Yeah, trust me, once YOU leave home, they'll be thrilled at every little thing YOU do. I got very little attention when I lived with my parents, but as soon as I moved out it kinda hit them that I just wouldn't be there anymore, so they always love it whenever I can manage the trip home.

As for bullys, well, for the most part, that crap stops after high school. i stopped getting mercilessly bullied around 7th form.

Oh, and parents seem to have some supernatural ability to get their kid's names mixed up. My dad always refers to me and my two brothers by each other's names first, before correcting himself (this despite the fact that we don't look anything like each other, especially me). We've just stopped making fun of it.

Lynnie 10-22-2007 09:25 PM

lol, my mother has even called us by the pets' names. As much as we love our animals, that's pretty insulting. We still joke about it though. My dad still always calls me by my sister's name and my sister by my name. He does it so often, we've joked about legally changing our names so then our dad will FINALLY get our names right! ::) Yeah, it's a parent thing.

Sparky 10-22-2007 09:37 PM

My dad always calls GM by the long version of his name rather than the version he actually, you know, uses. That's because GM was named after my dad's deceased brother, who always used the long version of the name, so I can understand it; but at the same time, it confuses people outside the family. Because usually a parent only uses the long version of a name when they're mad at the kid, you know? 8D So it always sounds like Dad's mad at/doesn't like GM. Oh and he calls me by the short version of my name (I was named after his mom), but he still can't spell it the way I prefer it spelled. :P I don't think he cares that I have a preference though.

Nem 10-22-2007 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 59651)
I've got something that ticks me off but before I say it, I got to explain a few things first. There's a girl that goes to my college who is my friend, I've known her for a while now and anyway we got into this discussion and I mentioned I was lonely and looking for a GF and she told me as a friend what was wrong with me.

Like why I haven't gotten a girlfriend yet, and she said its my clothes, the fact I wear cartoon shirts and that I don't go to bars. She says I need to "live a little" by drinking at bars. And frankly this down right pissed me off. She believes that no one is going to approach me (girls anyway) because I wear shirts like Ghostbusters and Transformers.

I'm sorry but I personally cannot fathom why I have to hide what I like just to impress a girl and not just any girl, a BAR girl. People who drown themselves in alcohol to have fun sounds like a bad idea in the making. I don't see why I have to guzzle booze and dress like someone I am not just to fit into some girl's social acceptance handbook.

Am I insane for thinking it's NOT okay to go off having sex with someone just for the sake of it, and not actually wanting some important moral values with it? Am I insane for being proud to wear shirts that advocate what I like and enjoy to do in my spare time? What the hell kind of view of society is that?

If some girl will not approach me because I wear a Ghostbusters shirt then what's the point in even meeting that person if they have to judge me like that? Furthermore, say I don't wear the shirt, I meet a girl and then I start wearing Ghostbusters. Is that considered okay? I don't see how it should matter.

If a person can't accept what I like simply by looking at me then why should I spend my time and money going to bars and sucking down beer bottles just to meet someone? I know first hand how painful the feeling of loneliness can be but the more I thought about this today, the more I realized that it is just not worth it.

It is not worth meeting someone who has to change what you wear and what you like to accept you in public, I'd rather be alone and proud of who I chose to be then be who society chooses me to be. I don't believe America is set this way, I believe if a single person of good nature can exist then so can another.

I'm not someone who's going to stroll around wearing bland shirts that state my school's name and be ordinary. I like the fact I wear shirts of things I like, I am happy and proud to wear them because I am happy of who I am. I spent my whole childhood not wearing what i liked out of fear of being mocked by kids.

I'm not gonna do that again. As rare as they are, there are people who accept others for who they are and don't think you are "unapproachable" because of what you choose to wear. That person today is still my friend but now I look at her differently sorry to say, like one of those "you think you know someone" things.

I have values about sex and drinking and I just can't bring myself to sinking into a lifestyle that revolves around the two just so I can find a girl. I refuse to believe that is the only means of social and romantic acceptance in this nation. Maybe that's why I find toon girls to be attractive to consider them to be better "people" at times.

It may seem weird and even pathetic but I feel better about my own identity having those drawn feelings to toons then to degrade myself into a life of caring only about sex and having to drink something that never appealed or interested me. I don't believe the world is that shallow or that devoid of any kind of depth.

People CAN be devoid of depth and be that shallow but not all of humanity, and its my faith in humanity that gives me faith in myself and I feel so much better having that faith about myself then wanting to be someone I am not.

I've gotta disagree with your friend there. I can't speak for anyone else (and neither should she, really...), but I can say that I don't judge people on what they wear.

I like guys who are able to at least be honest and are comfortable with wearing whatever they choose. I know plenty of guys older then you who I've seen where cartoon shirts, for examples, my co-workers are mostly male, and a few of them are over 25 years old, and I've seen them wear Disney shirts, Naruto shirts, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirts, etc.

There is nothing wrong with wearing those kinds of shirts, and if someone were to judge me based on that tiny aspect, then I wouldn't want to date them anyways.

As for bars, a lot of my friends drink, and invite me along (despite me being 20), and I've always declined. I prefer not to drink, and I'd prefer to have a guy who isn't looking to go out and bar hop each night.

So yea, I guess what I am trying to say is that I wouldn't turn down a possible boyfriend based on the clothing he wears, especially cartoon shirts, since I've found most guys who wear shirts featuring cartoons, etc, usually have a similar personality to myself, and we usually hit it off right away.

Besides, I wear shirts that have cartoon characters on them too. However, about the sex thing, I won't go into too much detail, but like you, I also value my morals with that, and have vowed since I first learned about sex to not have it until I was married, and thus I still am a virgin =)

So no, you're not insane, not at all =)

And this is all coming from a 20 year old female =)

Though I do hope I didn't say anything insulting, because that wasn't my intent at all D: I'm just speaking my mind =P

jekylljuice 10-23-2007 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Vampyre (Post 60519)
My sister recently passed her driving test. My sister recently bought a car. My sister recently turned eighteen. My sister recently bought a house. My sister recently started getting on my nerves.

It's ENDLESS! All everybody ever talks about these days is my sister. Her house, her car, her boyfriend. My Mum keeps calling me Charlotte, which is my sister's name, and I just sit there "Heather." "See you later Charlotte!" "HEATHER!" I never see my parents anymore either, because their always up the road at my sister's house doing something, painting the walls or fixing mirrors to the walls. Then they ask me if I'm excited! No I am bloody not!

I understand how you feel, Vampyre. When I was your age (yeesh, do I feel old saying that), I felt as though the world always saw me as inferior to my older brother. He was at a point in his life in which he was achieving things...passing exams, winning awards and the like, whilst all I seemed capable of doing was making a mess of things. I was convinced that he was my parents' preferred kid, out of the two of us (matters certainly weren't helped by the fact that I presently had a teacher who actually taught us that parents with multiple children invariably like one child better than the others...I don't know why I listened to her with hindsight), and that I was somehow the black sheep of the family. It's hard watching an older sibling go through all the standard rites of passage before you, and having to deal with the sinking feeling that you'll never be able to live up to the expectations they've set. I know it sounds trite, but hang in there and your time will eventually come. Nowadays, I have a very close relationship with my parents, and there seems to be much more of a distance between them and my brother, now that he's moved away and is determined to set up his own life.

Also, once you've finished school and move closer toward entering the real-world, you'll see that there are many different options available to you from then on, and you'll no longer feel that it's a matter of having to follow in your sibling's footsteps. Because you're a totally different person altogether. The age distance between my brother and I isn't nearly as great as you might think, considering our present situations - he's moved away from home, is engaged and currently half-way through the lengthy process of training to be an accountant, whilst I'm still a University student with no long-term job or driving lisence living with my parents outside of term-time - but we've just chosen to take our lives at different paces and in different directions. Being in the top set of everything, Vampyre, I'm sure you'll find a wealth of fresh options available to you in the future. Stuff which your sister never even considered.

fosters home fan 11-02-2007 08:51 AM

CHRISTMAS! Hole-e Cr@p on a stick! There's Christmas trees out on the stores..... As early as BEFORE HALLOWEEN! AAAAAAAUGHSCH! :edmad:

Cassini90125 11-02-2007 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by fosters home fan (Post 62279)
CHRISTMAS! Hole-e Cr@p on a stick! There's Christmas trees out on the stores..... As early as BEFORE HALLOWEEN! AAAAAAAUGHSCH! :edmad:

You have my sympathy. A lot of the stores around here were starting their Xmas displays last week and increasing the number of toys for sale. Wrapping paper has popped up everywhere; so have plug-in lawn items like reindeer and snowmen. Sheesh, can't we at least wait until after Thanksgiving before starting this crap!?!? :terrence:

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