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Medikor 10-30-2007 03:18 PM

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. A classic game that just screams to be played in the month of October.:D

Subzeroace 10-30-2007 06:07 PM

Grimgrimoire for PS2; a lovely Harry Potter rip off that makes up for it with it's super fun =D

emperor26 10-30-2007 06:08 PM

Last game I played would have to be Okami. Very fun game that was entirely original and innovative, and awe-inspiring to look at.

montitech 10-31-2007 07:54 PM

Last game I played was - Spider
On Windows
Currently I have a 35% win ratio on Medium with over 1100 games played.

Monty :-[

Mayor Adam West 11-01-2007 11:46 AM

Conan on Xbox 360, where it wasn't too good where as God of War is better than that by far.

Test Drive Unlimited on Xbox 360....never try and drive around all of Hawaii, it takes too long! :P
But yeah, that's not a bad game at all.

Mayor Adam West 11-22-2007 11:05 PM

Ha, been playing Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz on the PS2 with my mum and two sisters.
It's not a bad game really....I've won most games....

Shelltoon 11-22-2007 11:28 PM

Been playing quite a lot of Super Mario Galaxy. That is such a fun, and cute little game that can be enjoyed by ANYONE.

some guy you dont know 11-23-2007 05:36 AM

except for people who dont own a wii :P

i myself was playing sonic the hedgehog again. always fun. if only i could get the scrap brain zone without the level select..

Medikor 11-23-2007 05:55 AM

I've been playing Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn for the Wii. As a big fan of Path of Radiance I couldn't be happier with the story. Old faces return along with many interesting new ones.
I think the idea of the first chunk of the game showing the side of the defeated, and now oppressed, Deain nation that served as the evil empire in POR is a great idea. And the FMV cut-scenes are as amazing as ever! Epic, epic stuff.:D

Subzeroace 11-23-2007 12:22 PM

Silent Hill: 0rigin! I beat it in two days! It was only $29 at wall*mart, awesome price for a new release! It was great ^^

I though I'd, ya know... learn something about The Order (the evil cult in it) I didn't already know though :\

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