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Nyo 06-06-2007 06:34 PM

Is there a link to the Berry shirt? Must see it!

Sparky 06-06-2007 06:44 PM

No, currently Coco is the only one of those new babydolls I saw which is on on the HT site. Like I said, once they show up on the site I can try to order them in XXL.

One Radical Dude 06-06-2007 06:52 PM

Yeah, I'll pass on the "I Pooted" shirt, also, even though I don't dislike Cheese. Still, it's nice to know that the men aren't being ignored. :P

Invader Bloo 06-06-2007 06:58 PM

I am too. They need a funnier Cheese quote for me to buy it.

Pawbah 06-07-2007 12:56 AM

I was disapointed with the Cheese men's shirt. I hope they get even more.

Here's a link to the berry one: BERRY

jekylljuice 06-07-2007 02:30 AM

This pleases me. :D

I hope that my fellow Wilt fangirls will forgive me when I say that I'm even more excited about the Berry shirt than his own. It looks absolutely gorgeous (though the "more views" link doesn't currently appear to be working, so I have no idea what the :scaryberry: side looks like. I'll check back a little later).

I am sorry that you guys had to get stuck with "I pooted", though. I never did like that slogan. It always struck me as really beneath Foster's.

bloonuggets 06-07-2007 11:51 AM

Funny. That's the same saying as the one that Cartoon Network's shop sells!

Sparky 06-07-2007 12:54 PM

The Berry shirt wasn't on the HT site yesterday. Hopefully the other new ones will be on there soon - as well as the XXL sizes.

Sparky 06-09-2007 06:39 PM

Went to HT today and brought my camera. :terrsmile: Some of these may be on the HT site but I took these pics so, here they are.

Tote bag and wallet

The pair costs about $50, so I gave them a miss. But they're cute.

Berry shirt front and back

Wilt shirt front and back

"Quiet Intensity" shirt front and back

All of these are babydoll tees.

I also picked up the "Deo" shirt, which turns out to be a women's tee - not a babydoll, but a "classic women's" fitted tee, which is a bit smaller than a men's tee but not so much as a babydoll, and is actually made from fabric thicker than tissue paper.

I also got two new stickers, one that says "I (heart) Bloo" and one of Ed cuddling the pink rabbit beanie; and a new Cheese patch. It's very much like the other Cheese patch except he looks totally insane. Like this face: :cheesegrin: only more extreme. I'm hoping there will be more patches of other characters down the line.

Pawbah 06-09-2007 08:09 PM

I love the "Quiet Intensity" shirt! I don't really like the baby doll thing, but this shirt is so great. I love the tote bag too. That's awesome. :bloogrin:

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