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montitech 05-17-2007 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by some guy you dont know (Post 44140)
the outsiders

you know, based on the book? its ok, but like everything else, its not as good as the book. it seemed kinda short compared to the story if you ask me.

oh yeah, btw. why were there kids in the ABANDONED church anyway?

becaue thats the type of thing, Teenage/eary 20's boys do. or at least that what they did 15 years ago. you know abandoned buildings, contruction sites, remote hiking trails, ect....

Monty :-/

Finally I saw AVP, (Alien vrs preditor) last night on FX. it was not bad.

Also I finially say OPen Season last night and Barnyard today.
both of those were good, I liked them better than Cars.

Monty :-/

some guy you dont know 05-17-2007 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by montitech (Post 44150)
becaue thats the type of thing, Teenage/eary 20's boys do. or at least that what they did 15 years ago. you know abandoned buildings, contruction sites, remote hiking trails, ect....

Monty :-/

no, no, i meant the little five year olds during the fire

montitech 05-18-2007 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by some guy you dont know (Post 44158)
no, no, i meant the little five year olds during the fire

sorry, I must have flaked :wiltshock:


GrimTheLost 05-18-2007 11:24 AM

I watched the new TMNT movie again. Still good the second go around.

Medikor 05-18-2007 12:46 PM

I finally got myself to sit down and watch Pirates 2. Now I can't wait for Pirates 3!8D

Mr. Marshmallow 05-18-2007 04:29 PM

28 Weeks Later

A surprisingly excellent sequel, I'd heard about this movie for years but considering it was a different director, made so many years afterwards, I honestly didn't have any high expectations for this movie.

But I saw it and I loved it, much better then the first one which had some dry parts and a butt backwards weird second half with the military thing. This was much better executed, intense violence, amazing music, and a great film all in all.

Wendi 05-22-2007 02:06 PM

I saw Meet the Robinsons on Sunday! :0

Oh Snap. :o

Partymember 05-22-2007 04:38 PM

Death Hunt

Charles Bronson killing people in the Yukon. Gritty stuff.

jekylljuice 05-23-2007 03:51 AM

Charlotte?s Web (the new live action version)

E.B. White?s novel was always something very near and dear to my heart as a nipper, and all things considered I thought this was a pretty good adaptation. Let?s get one thing straight though ? Charlotte?s Web is no Babe, and I don?t think the mighty sheep-herder has anything to fear in regard to maintaining his position as the king of all talking pig movies. One of the things that made Babe so supreme was that, in addition to having lots of warmth and heart, it had a charmingly-observed sense of quirkiness, which was sorely lacking here. Plus, none of the human characters here were as awesome as Farmer Hoggett (who, in my eyes, remains one of the great cinematic figures of all time ;D ). But nonetheless, this film met most of my expectations.

I hadn?t been certain what to expect from Julia Roberts as the vocals of Charlotte the spider, but I think she worked out surprisingly well. I knew, of course, that Steve Buscemi would be great as Templeton the rat, and he certainly didn?t let me down. And, no matter how determined I may have been not to, I still wound up crying at that darned ending. That last line about being a true friend and a good writer?no matter which version I?m hearing it from - the book, the 70s animated film, and now this flick -it never fails to get my eyeballs watering. :'(

Mr. Marshmallow 05-23-2007 01:31 PM

Shadow of the Vampire

A magnificent film that very few people actually have heard of, much less seen. It always amazes me how distubringly original this movie is. Taking a real life situation and story about infamous director FW Murnau trying to make Nosferatu being denied Dracula, then exaggerating it with a REAL vampire. I always find myself loving this movie each time I watch it.

The acting is spectacular in this movie and the writing is even more brilliant. Special props and priase to mad man Willem Dafoe, who personally if you ask me, gives his greatest performance ever in this movie. Even better then his portrayal of Green Goblin in Spider-Man.

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