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Partymember 09-28-2007 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Wendi (Post 57557)
Yes. :D


kageri 09-29-2007 09:15 AM

I thank people borderline-obsessively for compliments, even when it's on things like my name, which I had no part in picking out, but, well, what are you supposed to say in that case?

Howard 09-29-2007 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 57677)
I thank people borderline-obsessively for compliments, even when it's on things like my name, which I had no part in picking out, but, well, what are you supposed to say in that case?

Then are one of the few people that does understand. I am greatful to anyone who has positive feedback...:frankiesmile:

AerostarMonk 09-29-2007 01:19 PM

I'm just wondering, how can you tell when they're being sincere. I dunno maybe its an insecurity on my part, but like I said before I usually don't trust compliments. I guess it's hard to hard to explain. It always sounds like someone was forced to say them rather than actually meaning them. I'd much rather have an honest insult than a dishonest compliment. Maybe I'm too bitter and cynical. Sorry, I'm not trying to make a mess of things or something, just trying to share my view.

Cassini90125 09-29-2007 01:39 PM

You're not alone. Half the time when I get a compliment I feel like saying, "Thank you, what do you want?", and with good reason. I'm usually right, too. We have one jackass in this building who used to open the front door for me when I got back from wherever and act all friendly and happy to see me. A moment or two later would come the request to borrow a couple bucks. Not a chance, pal. The last time this happened I told him point-blank that I'm not loaning him or anyone else in the building any money under any circumstances, period, and he got all upset. "C'mon, man, I need to buy cigarettes!" he yelled. My response? "You want cigarettes? Then buy cigarettes! Stop wasting your money, and my time, on booze!" That was back in April. He hasn't opened the door for me since. I guess he's only friendly to people who give him stuff. The hell with him.

Partymember 09-29-2007 09:12 PM

hmm...i usually make a few bucks buying Camel Wides for my buddies

ahh...the perks of being 18 8-)

AerostarMonk 09-30-2007 02:18 PM

It's just no in my nature. I know how to be polite. I'm one of the last people I who still says excuse me at an expulsion of gas or "Bless you" when I sneeze. Something that I haven't seen from anyone else in a long time.

I actually do have a hard time telling the difference between insincere and sincere compliments. I honestly believe that few people have anything nice to say to me, so I instantly don't believe what they say. It just bothers me that they have to come up to my face and lie. It makes me livid in fact. I do not being lied too. Or made out to be a fool. I can't return the compliment without a twinge of malice. And it's my own doing. It wasn't the way I was brought up or raised it's how I grew up to see things. It's just my nature. And I wouldn't call it Imperialist American thought, met way too many internationals who act the same. But I'm sorry if I I've upset you in anyway. I do try my best to be polite in most situations. Just been complimented too many times as a joke or a way to shut me up that I don't trust any of them anymore and rather not put up a filter to weed out the good or bad. I actually am most sorry about this.

However, I do believe it's best we moved on. If you would like to continue this conversation we can do so in PM.

Something that really riles me up is when people give you dirty looks from afar. Even if they don't know you. It has to be one of the most uncomfortable thing I've ever experienced.

fosters home fan 09-30-2007 02:21 PM

This church down the street! UUUGH! :@

antgirl1 09-30-2007 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by fosters home fan (Post 57774)
This church down the street! UUUGH! :@

What's so bad about it?

x_dummkoff_x 09-30-2007 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 57776)
What's so bad about it?

>>; it's a CHURCH.

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