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Sparky 01-12-2009 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by HerrimanWasHere (Post 103466)
And a week ago I found all the episodes of Beetlejuice!

Where'd you find them? Do you mean AOL Online?

some guy you dont know 01-12-2009 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by some guy you dont know (Post 103452)
I found Metal Gear Solid 2 for six bucks today. I didn't get it, though, but with any luck I should get it tomorrow.

Gamestop is awesome. :D

Gamestop really is awesome.

I got it for only five bucks, actually. I also got zone of the enders (also five bucks) and, uhm, fantavision for four. actually that ones pretty fun.

Howard 01-12-2009 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 103461)
Thank you for sharing the pictures, Duck! I wish I could have heard you guys play, I bet it was amazing. It's always nice getting together with old friends.

As for what made my day, finding out that my sister didn't finish my Dr. Pepper on me last night afterall. And making (and eating) one of my favorite foods once I got home- burritos with all the fixings! :bloosmirk:

I'm stuffed now. But satisfied.

Hey Lynnie,

The music was just awful (we come from different bands, but played together many years ago), but it did not really matter because we wanted to hang with eachother. We still had fun; possibly might turn it into a music comedy act. There is money in that too ya know.:frankiesmile:

HerrimanWasHere 01-12-2009 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 103483)
Where'd you find them? Do you mean AOL Online?

I found them on youtube, want me to message you the link?

I got my PSAT scores today, and i'm very pleased. I got a 138 and was basically 50% higher than the most juniors on the tests. The only thing that sucked, is that I wasn't able to be part of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation programs because I'm not a full time student. (Another reason why it sucks to be disabled...) But still, at least I did well. :D

Sparky 01-12-2009 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by HerrimanWasHere (Post 103515)
I found them on youtube, want me to message you the link?

Oh no, everyone knows where youtube is. :terrsmile: If you had found a good site to download them or something I could have added it to my Beetlejuice site. :beetlejuice:

HerrimanWasHere 01-12-2009 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 103522)
Oh no, everyone knows where youtube is. :terrsmile: If you had found a good site to download them or something I could have added it to my Beetlejuice site. :beetlejuice:

You could always use the real player dowbloader thing. (that's what I do, so I have the episodes for keeps).

Sparky 01-12-2009 09:06 PM

Well I have all the episodes (in fact the eps on YT may have come from the set I've been distributing to fans for about a decade now). I meant if you had a super-exciting new link for downloading eps I would share it on my BJ site. That's all. :mfoster:

L.G. 01-16-2009 07:19 AM

I beat nature! :blooevil: Mwa ha ha ha ha! I finally got into my truck with the help of my suite mate. And after going forward and reverse a number of times, I was able to get over the snow drift without anyone pushing me out (because no one had time to help me then). I'm now parked at a spot where there's no snow drift.

pitbulllady 01-16-2009 02:27 PM

I got my W-2 tax form today, so I was able to file my income taxes and will hopefully have some money within a few days, although with Monday being a holiday, that could hold things up. Our school district normally waits until Jan. 31-the last day that they can legally hold onto our W-2's-before giving them to us, but I guess with the economy sucking so bad they figured they really better get folks those forms so people could get their refund money and put it back into the economy!


HerrimanWasHere 01-16-2009 02:41 PM

Today I did over half of my volunteer hours finished for this semester. Yay me!

Oh, and I watched Chowder today...that made me very happy.

Howard 01-17-2009 07:15 PM

We jammed again tonite. This is the second time we got together. I do not expect things to come from it. The music again sounded like doo-doo (except the some of the blues numbers I introduced), but it did not matter because again, these are friends I rarily get to hang around.:frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 01-20-2009 11:49 AM

As I noted elsewhere, I had an appointment with my accountant today. Three items of concern were on my agenda, specifically moving and replacing my furniture, acquiring a more powerful computer, and attending Comic-Con 2009. Happily, he told me that I can do all three. Kind of what I expected, really, but it's nice to have it confirmed. :)

Mr. Marshmallow 01-20-2009 02:06 PM

Barack Obama becoming president.

I know that probably sounds pretty lame and uninspiring since everyone else has put something more specific and personal. I'm not one for politics or anything political either but this to me was a truly special event that I am quite pleased to see everyone making a pretty damn big deal about it. I think this is an amazing step for American culture electing Barack to the white house.

I think he seems like a genuine, honest, and extremely passionate man who can really do some good and I have never been so happy and so hopeful for the future of our country as I have right now with Obama as president.

koosie 01-20-2009 02:33 PM

Yes it was a happy day. We may be drinking in the last chance saloon but after today it seems easier to imagine that we really are all in this together and it'll all work out alright. Your man gave a good speech there which Churchill or Kennedy would have been proud of. He actually seems honest and sincere and has a nice family too.

Looking foward to meeting the Presidential Puppy. Does he/ she get a parade too?

Howard 01-20-2009 03:38 PM

I concur with the above post - Godspeed to our new President!:frankiesmile:

pitbulllady 01-20-2009 04:23 PM

We had a SNOW DAY! No school due to snow, yah! Gotta make it up later, NOT so "yah", though. But, it was pretty while it was coming down, and it gave me all day to set up my new computer and move files from my old one, which was on its last legs. I'll post some pics maybe later, although some of you might be sick of this stuff by now. It's the first measurable snowfall we've had in this part of SC, though, in ten years. We get ice, yeah, but not snow, not enough to actually see on the ground. Unfortunately, most of it's already melted, which is going to prove problematic tomorrow morning when I leave for work at 6 am, when the temps are supposed to be around 19 degrees F., and there's going to be a lot of "black ice" on the roads, especially out here in the country, where they don't bother with salting the highways.


Mac-a-lacka 01-20-2009 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 104047)
I'll post some pics maybe later, although some of you might be sick of this stuff by now.

Not me. :) :D

One Radical Dude 01-20-2009 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 104024)
Barack Obama becoming president.

I know that probably sounds pretty lame and uninspiring since everyone else has put something more specific and personal. I'm not one for politics or anything political either but this to me was a truly special event that I am quite pleased to see everyone making a pretty damn big deal about it. I think this is an amazing step for American culture electing Barack to the white house.

I think he seems like a genuine, honest, and extremely passionate man who can really do some good and I have never been so happy and so hopeful for the future of our country as I have right now with Obama as president.

I wish him well, too. I have to be truthful by saying that I'm not nearly as optimistic, though. I am an Independent, and it remains to be see what will happen. No doubt that 2008 was historical, and it's a big step for the country. Now, I want to see what can be done. I'm afraid I can't say much more, then I'd be causing some fireworks. It's not a subject that everyone's comfortable with.

Cass: Whooooo!! That's great news. :bloogrin:

Cassini90125 01-21-2009 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 104067)
Cass: Whooooo!! That's great news. :bloogrin:

I hate to tell you this but my Con plans are still on hold. Money isn't the problem. Sorry I wasn't clear about that. :P

One Radical Dude 01-21-2009 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 104071)
I hate to tell you this but my Con plans are still on hold. Money isn't the problem. Sorry I wasn't clear about that. :P

No problem. At least, you're a step closer...even if it's a small one.

pitbulllady 01-21-2009 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Mac-a-lacka (Post 104055)
Not me. :) :D's some of the pics I took yesterday of the snow. I just got this 20-inch HD monitor, and it's amazing what I've been missing in my own photographs!

The house is a 200+ year-old farm house on the property; I grew up there, but sadly now it's empty. My dad owns it, and he could care less what happens to it. The roof is starting to cave in on the front, and I can't afford to fix it up myself.


Mac-a-lacka 01-21-2009 05:06 PM

Pretty. ;D

Shame. Nice lookin' house. :P

HerrimanWasHere 01-21-2009 07:40 PM

I made a new friend on deviantART! They've been cracking me up on MSN, and we just seemed to naturally hit it off. That has made my day. ^_^

Lynnie 01-21-2009 07:55 PM

Lovely pics there, PBL. :) It is a shame that the house is being allowed to get run down. Such a beautiful piece of history being forgotten, is what it is. That makes me sad.

But since this is the What made your day thread, I'll share that I had a good day today. My foot doesn't itch, and I got two yummy burritos at the convenience store just outside my complex's gate. I feel quite content right now. :bloosmirk:

Sama-chan 01-22-2009 12:39 AM

What made my day.....
talking to people I care alot about. ^_^
that and singing on Rock Band (death metal!)

Cassini90125 01-25-2009 07:43 AM

One of my Powerball tickets turned out to be a $4.00 winner. Not much, but it's a nice way to start the day. :P

One Radical Dude 01-25-2009 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 104401)
One of my Powerball tickets turned out to be a $4.00 winner. Not much, but it's a nice way to start the day. :P

Definitely. Maybe, this will be the year Cass wins the jackpot. Hee hee hee. :bloogrin:

Cassini90125 01-25-2009 12:43 PM

I ended up spending it on a pack of hot dog rolls and a bottle of Pepsi Max. :cheesegrin:

Cassini90125 01-27-2009 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 102156)
This used to be a nice place to live but thanks to a lazy, useless maintainance guy and an uncaring management company, not to mention a number of brainless and inconsiderate residents, this building has become a sad joke. I think it's time for me to start hunting for a new place to live. I may not be much but I deserve better than this. Enough is enough.

And so it ends. I found a new place today; it's more expensive than where I'm at now but it's larger, seems quieter, and is in a good area. There's a Walgreens nearby, a 24-hour gas station/convenience store, and a decent market. A little further away, maybe a half-mile or so, is a collection of assorted shops and several restaurants, including a Japanese place with an extensive menu that I've been dying to try.

Time to pack. :frankiesmile: ;D

Mac-a-lacka 01-27-2009 12:50 PM

Congratulations Cass! :)

Hopefully the neighbors are better at your new home. :frankiesmile:

Lynnie 01-27-2009 01:50 PM

Congrats Cassi!! :yeah: Whoo hooo! I know how exciting and relieving that feeling is. That is so awesome! May you have the best of luck in the move, and may all your things make it to the new location safe and sound. Does the new place allow pets? :)

jekylljuice 01-27-2009 01:55 PM

Congratulations, Cass. I hope that you'll enjoy living there a whole lot more than your current abode. :)

Cassini90125 01-27-2009 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 104616)
Congrats Cassi!! :yeah: Whoo hooo! I know how exciting and relieving that feeling is. That is so awesome! May you have the best of luck in the move, and may all your things make it to the new location safe and sound. Does the new place allow pets? :)

I didn't ask but I doubt it. Very few places do. Not really an issue for me, fortunately.

koosie 01-27-2009 02:15 PM

Hey well done. That was quick. You don't hang around! Japanese restaurants can be very exciting places too.

Sparky 01-27-2009 02:50 PM

I'm really glad you're moving after all you've told us about your place. :P

One Radical Dude 01-27-2009 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 104595)
And so it ends. I found a new place today; it's more expensive than where I'm at now but it's larger, seems quieter, and is in a good area. There's a Walgreens nearby, a 24-hour gas station/convenience store, and a decent market. A little further away, maybe a half-mile or so, is a collection of assorted shops and several restaurants, including a Japanese place with an extensive menu that I've been dying to try.

Time to pack. :frankiesmile: ;D

Way to go! :)

Cassini90125 01-27-2009 06:16 PM

Aside from getting out of here I think the part I'm most looking forward to is exploring the neighborhood. I know the area on a basic level but that's it. New things to see, new places to shop and dine, new people to meet... moving day is a hassle, of course, but the promise of adventure afterward makes up for it. :frankiesmile:

Imaginary Light 01-28-2009 03:05 PM

Woo, congrats, Cass! That's gotta be exciting! Nice to get away from there after all those stories you've told us, eh?:P

Cassini90125 01-28-2009 03:18 PM

That it will. Today's horror story began at midnight or thereabouts, when an alarm clock/radio next door activated. Unfortunately there was no one home. I went to bed around 5:30 AM but naturally couldn't sleep. The police couldn't do anything, either. It took three calls to management, at 8:30, 9:30, and 1:30 PM, before maintenance did anything about it. After all that, they actually had the nerve to ask why I was leaving. ::) I slept for a few hours this afternoon and early this evening but I think I'll be turning in earlier than my usual 5:00 AM bedtime. :P

Sparky 01-28-2009 03:39 PM

Yeah I remember once during Thanksgiving break at school a neighbor's alarm clock went off SUPER LOUD really early in the morning (this was in a dorm of course, and I never went home for Thanksgiving/my birthday because it was too expensive). I had to have security come unplug the clock so it wouldn't do that every day that week. It took them hours to come out.

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