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Cassini90125 03-15-2009 10:59 PM

I think I'll be adding Zap2It to my Ignore list. Their track record is abysmal. :P

bloonuggets 03-18-2009 09:48 AM

Although it says this Saturday (3/21) "The Buck Swaps Here" and "Say It Isn't Sew" will air from 2 to 3 ET/PT...

EDIT: They do list the four episodes on though from noon to 2 PM US ET/PT.

bloonuggets 04-22-2009 08:30 AM

Not to do double posting (and I know Sparky might hate it), but we can now confirm the following for the last five episodes on May 3rd:
  • The Bloo Superdude and the Great creator of Everything's Awesome Party that he's Not Invited To, 4:30 PM ET/PT
  • Bad Dare Day, 5 PM ET/PT
  • Read 'Em and Weep, 5:30 PM ET/PT
  • Fools and Regulations, 6 PM ET/PT
  • Goodbye To Bloo (series finale), 6:30 PM ET/PT

Charlie Crocker 07-03-2009 10:10 AM

A beautiful news for the Fans of Foster's in Mexico!!!
So in a rapid and simple way:

Next July 7 from 19:00 transmit in Cartoon Network Mexico Foster's Home's last Episodes, beginning with "Jackie Khones and the Case of the Overdue Library".

So finally we will know the Episodes that you Friends of USA saw before.


taranchula 07-03-2009 10:20 AM

No need to panic everybody, I just took the liberty of moving the above post to a more suitable location. (And changed the thread to reflect the fact that some international markets still have the show in rotation so if anyone wants to mention that, they can.)

bloonuggets 08-08-2009 03:59 PM

Just a quick reminder, all three extended episodes - "House of Bloo's", "Good Wilt Hunting" and "Desination: Imagination" - all air next Saturday (8/15) from noon to 4 PM ET/PT in the USA.

Cassini90125 08-08-2009 04:23 PM

Now that's a marathon worth watching! ;D

About time they ran something like this. Indeed, as far as I know this is the first time they've run any Foster's episodes at all in three months. :P

Sparky 08-08-2009 04:24 PM

They ran A Lost Claus right after the Con. I got the feeling they were doing a Christmas In July kind of thing as I saw other Christmas specials scheduled.

iceberg210 08-08-2009 05:30 PM

Hold it August 15th? Like the fiftieth of August????????

How did cartoon network know to have Foster's marathon on my birthday! I don't know, I may never know but I love it!

Finally CN does something I"m happy about! Gives me one of the best birthday presents you could ever ask for...

Thanks CN and now just announce a new season of Capitol Critters on the 15th and it'll be a perfect birthday...8D

Howard 08-09-2009 12:21 AM

I got my munchies ready for that day!:frankiesmile:

Shelltoon 08-09-2009 11:42 PM

So CN is still showing Foster's every once in a while? That's nice of them. If only they'd axe the entire CN Real block and put up a CN Retro to show their GOOD original programming from their golden age.

bloonuggets 08-10-2009 05:58 AM

Well, Shelltoon, they already do something like that, that's the good news.

It's called "Boomerang", and the bad news is that Comcast does not carry the channel.

Bloo4Ever 08-10-2009 04:23 PM

I can't wait to watch Good Wilt Hunting again! I haven't actually seen it since the premier back in 06 :P

One Radical Dude 08-15-2009 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Shelltoon (Post 115157)
So CN is still showing Foster's every once in a while? That's nice of them. If only they'd axe the entire CN Real block and put up a CN Retro to show their GOOD original programming from their golden age.

They already have Boomerang (which is basically older programming from CN and Hanna-Barbera shows). The only way CN Real is going to get axed is if ratings are bad. The more people avoid watching CN Real, the more likely it will not last very long.

antgirl1 08-15-2009 01:17 PM

I lost belief on reality TV when I realized that Nanny 911 wasn't real. It's all smoke and mirrors, actors spouting out the lines and doing what's in the script.

Also, Johnny Test needs to die. All morals in there are just bad messages to kids. "You can get away with anything if your sisters are perfect twin geniuses". The poor children. :(

In fact, if I could be like the Angry Video Game Nerd, I'd review bad TV SHOWS. Johnny Test would be first to be done. :D

One Radical Dude 08-15-2009 01:41 PM

Johnny Test (though it's nowhere near being a favorite show of mine), I'm not really thinking about animated shows I don't care for on CN. I don't expect to like everything that airs there. I'm concerned more about seeing Cartoon Network to continue to offer programming that does not have anything to do with animation.

One Radical Dude 08-15-2009 04:05 PM

DI will air once again on Sunday, Aug. 23 at 9am Eastern/8am Central. In mid-September, we'll find out if the TV movie gets the win for the well-deserved Emmy.

Mr_Bloo_Veins 08-15-2009 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 115353)
I lost belief on reality TV when I realized that Nanny 911 wasn't real. It's all smoke and mirrors, actors spouting out the lines and doing what's in the script.

It isn't real, but it isn't fake either. A lot of it is just clever editing. Same goes for just about every so-called "reality" show.

Anyway, I hope they re-air the last episode. It was kind of a dumb move for CN to air the series finale ONCE. I feel sorry for the people who haven't seen it yet.

taranchula 08-15-2009 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 115353)
I lost belief on reality TV when I realized that Nanny 911 wasn't real. It's all smoke and mirrors, actors spouting out the lines and doing what's in the script.

Also, Johnny Test needs to die. All morals in there are just bad messages to kids. "You can get away with anything if your sisters are perfect twin geniuses". The poor children. :(

In fact, if I could be like the Angry Video Game Nerd, I'd review bad TV SHOWS. Johnny Test would be first to be done. :D

On behalf of the country of Canada I would like to apologize for foisting that cruddy show upon your network. (Heck it's even worse for me, it's on like twelve times a day up here.)

I mean come on it's just the freaking Fairly Odd Parents, only replace "Magic" with "Science"

antgirl1 08-16-2009 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 115397)
On behalf of the country of Canada I would like to apologize for foisting that cruddy show upon your network. (Heck it's even worse for me, it's on like twelve times a day up here.)

I mean come on it's just the freaking Fairly Odd Parents, only replace "Magic" with "Science"

Apology accepted, but it's not your fault. :D

Except that Fairly Odd Parents came first and was better than... *sigh* that OTHER show. 8D

bloonuggets 09-02-2009 06:41 AM

Just got off CN's website, and the show is now in the "pre-school" section (read: 9 am-2 pm) of the sked at 11:30 AM ET/PT. Here's the next two weeks from
  • 10/8: The Little Peas
  • 10/9: Let Your Hare Down
  • 10/13: House of Bloo's (9:00 AM); Mondo Coco (11:30 AM)
  • 10/14: Nightmare on Wilson Way (Halloween Special)
  • 10/15: Jackie Khones and the Case of the Overdue Library Book
  • 10/16: Bloo Tube
  • 10/29: Destination: Imagination (9 AM)

Lynnie 10-11-2009 08:56 PM

It appears BN's being real good at updating the schedule in his post. :)

But I just wanted to point out for those who care, that CN is still airing Foster's at 11:30 every week day (with the exception of tomorrow/Monday, being Columbus Day). And being October now, they're airing Nightmare on Wilson Way (2D) this Wednesday, Oct, 14th. So, yay! :bloogrin: This is according to Comcast's schedule. It's just, let's hope CN sticks to their schedule, because I know they're known for changing their mind after the schedule is set. :P

Shelltoon 10-12-2009 05:09 PM

No, I think the schedule is set in stone, thankfully. Unfortunately that's not enough for me, because it's just too darn early for some people. Why not put it in place with one of them silly reality shows that are tanking?

bloonuggets 10-13-2009 05:55 PM

Lynnie, the time makes the series aimed more toward the pre-school set against the likes of Nick's Dora the Explorer, Super Why! on PBS Kids and Disney's Handy Manny as an example.

Shelltoon 10-13-2009 06:08 PM

I think it's kind of ridiculous to air it at the same time as other preschool cartoons, because I don't recall Foster's being all that appropriate for preschoolers. If CN wants to compete with the likes of preschool programming, it needs to try harder than it did last time. We all remember how Tickle U turned out. If anything, Foster's should be on like... around when kids get out of school.

Lynnie 10-13-2009 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by bloonuggets (Post 117200)
And Lynnie, the time makes the series aimed more toward the pre-school set against the likes of Nick's Dora the Explorer, Super Why! on PBS Kids and Disney's Handy Manny as an example.

Uhm, I'm well aware of that. ;)

And Shell, I can't agree with you more, it doesn't make sense with CN airing it with the preschool shows, especially with it rated Y7. It just doesn't make sense. It just goes to show CN doesn't know what they're doing. :terrence: And if by chance they do, they clearly don't care about their audience as much as they pretend they do.

But yay, I'm going to enjoy tomorrow night! It'll be the first time seeing Nightmare since last Halloween! :clap:

bloonuggets 10-15-2009 09:30 AM

Now for an's bad news and good news.

Bad news: Friday (10/16) will be the last Foster's for a while. Good news: Destination: Imagination, the Emmy winner, will air at 9 AM 10/29. For the next two weeks, Casper's Scare School and What's New Scooby Doo repeats will fill the 11 AM-Noon slot; both are TV-Y7 like Foster's BTW.

UPDATE: Regular 11:30 AM ET/PT airings will resume November 2nd until Thanksgiving week (that'd be November 23rd for the record). Zap2It did not list titles, so be patient.

KazooBloo 12-04-2016 11:55 PM

Seeing this schedule reminds me I need to schedule an entire binge watch of Fosters with no sleep.

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