Mr. Marshmallow |
09-03-2006 07:06 PM |
Originally Posted by Master Knight DH
(Post 4142)
Goo is more then likely something she prefers to call herself for one of 3 reasons:
1. It's a shorter or "funnier" version of her real name.
2. It's a nickname for something she did or happened to her in her life.
3. She's insane.
And I'm more inclined to go with 3 8D, don't take it personal "Goo fans", we all know she's a few chocolate chips short of a cookie. Frankie is obviously used because Francis sounds too formal, too stuffy, and downright too weird.
Ever see the show Angel? There's a girl in there named Fred which is short for Winifred. Mac though I don't know what that could be short for or unless it's a name in and of itself. I had a teacher once known as Mr. Mac in junior high.
Mac was short for "Macomber" which was his last name, he died sadly years ago. Anyway that's what I think in regards to Mac, Goo, and Frankie's namesakes.